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Therapeutic Effects of Allicin against the Diabetes Mellitus Induced by Streptozotocin in Male Rats
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This study aimed to see how allicin (45mg/kg BW) affected diabetic Mellitus in male rats (DM). Forty male rats were utilized, and they were split into four groups at random for 42 days. T2 was treated with 45 mg/kg B.W of allicin dissolved in 1 ml of D.W daily and injected with a single dose of sodium citrate buffer (0.5ml Intra-Peritoneal IP), DM was induced in T1 and T2 by injection of a single dose of streptozotocin 50 mg/kg B.W IP, T1 was assigned as a positive control, T3 received 45 mg/kg B.W. of allicin dissolved in 1 ml D.W. every day, and a single dose of sodium citrate buffer was injected (0.5ml IP). When diabetic rats treated with allicin in T2 were compared to diabetic rats in T1, the findings indicated a significant increase (P0.05) in body weight growth, insulin, total protein, and albumin, better lipid profile, and reduced glucose concentration. Histological investigations revealed that the island of Langerhans had atrophy and necrosis in the exocrine tissue in the T1 group, whereas the T2 group had a large island of Langerhans. The findings in the T3 group marked hyperplasia of the island of Langerhans. The 45mg/kg, B.W. of allicin, has a hypoglycemic effect and elevates the expression level of insulin and pancreas tissue protection effect when used orally in adult rats at the given dose for forty-two days.

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Publication Date
Tue Aug 15 2023
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The architectural design of the holy shrines
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As an architectural philosophical concept, Islamic architecture cannot be considered arches, doors, domes and lighthouses, since Islamic architecture is based on a structural system of religious, mental, philosophical and logical origins and beliefs shared by the arts, technology and the requirements of the surrounding environment. Rather, the architectural designer's distance from it becomes as if it is for people not from this world, and Islamic architecture is not abbreviated on the heritage side as much as it is a renewed "modern" state, dealing with the concepts of Islam that are valid for every time and place. This can be seen through the mechanisms that produced heritage architecture and what was built on it, which is not a simula

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Publication Date
Sun Apr 03 2016
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
The Advancement of the Educational Process Requirements
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Education represents a different their areas, especially after the educational cornerstone of Staff of the community in which young person’s that can stand up and shared the overall development process.

            In order for education to be effective in the community, there is a need to develop to cope with the process development of civilization and modern technology. And for that to be achieved the goal of current research to stand on the advancement of the educational process through Knowledge of educational strategies that had previously requirements put forward for the development of educational process as well as through Knowledge of the mo

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Publication Date
Tue Jan 01 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Craniofacial Surgery
The Fate of the Mandibular Reconstruction Plate
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Publication Date
Thu Jun 29 2017
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
The verbal opinions of the Najjar band
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This research is a study in which the researcher follows the al-Najjariya sect, which is attributed to Abi Abdullah al-Hussain bin Muhammad bin Abdullah al-Najjar, who died around (220 AH) and aims to:

1- Finding out the time of the emergence of this sect, and removing the confusion as to whether it was from the origins of the sects, or just an independent sect, or affiliated with one of the famous sects.

2- Standing on the most prominent theological opinions adopted by this sect, and in which of them did the Mu'tazila sect agree, and in which of them did the Sunnis and the community agree.

3- Statement of the most prominent sects that branched out from this sect.

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Publication Date
Sat Mar 18 2017
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
The Effect of The Electromagnetic Field Intensity and Duration of Time on Some of The Morphological Characteristics of The Plant Safflower Carthamus tinctorius L.
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 The experiment was carried out in the field of botanical garden belonging to the Department of Biology Sciences, College of Education for Pure Science -Ibn AL-Haitham ,Baghdad University. for the growing season. 2014 -2013 to study the effect of the electromagnetic field which included five different intensities (0,5,10,15,20) MT and three periods of time, namely, (1,2,3) an hour and their interaction on  some of the morphological characteristics of the safflower plant . designed experiment by Randomized Complete Block Design (RCBD) and three replicates per treatment, compared to the average using  less significant difference at the level of probability (0.05) , the results showed the following:- 1-Exposing seeds to diffe

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Publication Date
Sun Jun 04 2017
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Hematological Study of Infants Amoebiasis in Duhok City
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Out of 180 children, 60 (33.3%) have Amoebiasis infection as diagnosed by direct wet smear and Saturated Salt Solution (SSS). SSS method is more significant (P=0.001) in diagnosis of the disease. Number of children infected with Amoebiasis infection is higher in infants aged 1-6 months, but without any significant difference to ages 6-12 or 12-18 months. In contrast, infants aged 18-24 months are significantly differant (P=0.01) as the infection rate is 16.6%. Gender also is seen to be reduced in significance (P= 0.001) for females aged 18-24 months. Blood profile of the involved infants has shown a significant variation (P=0. 01) for all blood profile parameters (RBC (P=0.05), WBC (P=0.001), Lymphocytes (P=0.05), Granulated WBC (P=0.05),

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Publication Date
Thu Feb 01 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
role of tools promotional mix in sales growth
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    The mix promotion important to any organization in general, has been selected promotional mix tools in this research to identify the role in maximizing the Organization of sales growth business, which included the research problem several fundamental questions about the role of each promotional tool of advertising, public relations and personal selling and sales promotion direct marketing within the promotional mix in the promotion of business sales organization. The research aims to provide theoretical and field organizations surveyed about the role played by the mix promo in sales growth, and  importance of research on the identification of more than promotional tools impact on sales gr

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Publication Date
Tue Dec 15 2020
Journal Name
Aip Conference Proceedings
Land cover change for Baghdad City in the period 1986 to 2019
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Earth cover of the city of Baghdad was studied exclusively within its administrative border during the period 1986-2019 using satellite scenes every five years, as Landsat TM5 and OLI8 satellite images were used. The land has been classified into ten subclasses according to the characteristics of the land cover and was classified using the Maximum Likelihood classifier. A study of the changing urban reality of the city of Baghdad during that period and the change of vegetation due to environmental factors, human influences and some human phenomena that affected the accuracy of the classification for some areas east of the city of Baghdad is presented. The year 2019 has been highlighted because of its privacy in changing the land cover of th

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Publication Date
Wed Apr 21 2021
Journal Name
Turkish Journal Of Computer And Mathematics Education
Algebraic thinking skills included in the mathematics textbook for middle third grade
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The aim of the current research is to find out the extent to which algebraic thinking skills are included in the mathematics textbook for the third intermediate grade for the academic year (2020-2021) by answering the main research question:What algebraic thinking skills are included in the mathematics textbook for middle third grade?The descriptive and analytical approach was used, and to achieve the goal of the research, a list of the main algebraic thinking skills and the sub-skills were prepared, and after analyzing the content of the mathematics textbook, the stability of the analysis was verified through the analysis over time and across individuals using the Holsti equation, and

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Publication Date
Sat Oct 29 2022
Journal Name
Current Trends In Geotechnical Engineering And Construction
Calculating the Real Need for Fire Brigade Stations in Al-Samawah City
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The location of fire brigade stations and equipment has a significant impact on the efficacy and efficiency of fire brigade department services. The challenge addressed by this study was that the fire brigade department required a consistent and repeatable technique to assess the response capabilities and safeguarding levels offered as the city of Samawah/Iraq grew and changed. Evaluating the locations of the current fire brigade stations in the city of Samawah is the aspect addressed by the research to determine the accuracy and validity of the locations of these stations by the competent authorities and their suitability to the area of the city’s neighborhoods and its residents. The Iraqi Ministry of Housing, Construction, Municipalitie

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