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Therapeutic Effects of Allicin against the Diabetes Mellitus Induced by Streptozotocin in Male Rats
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This study aimed to see how allicin (45mg/kg BW) affected diabetic Mellitus in male rats (DM). Forty male rats were utilized, and they were split into four groups at random for 42 days. T2 was treated with 45 mg/kg B.W of allicin dissolved in 1 ml of D.W daily and injected with a single dose of sodium citrate buffer (0.5ml Intra-Peritoneal IP), DM was induced in T1 and T2 by injection of a single dose of streptozotocin 50 mg/kg B.W IP, T1 was assigned as a positive control, T3 received 45 mg/kg B.W. of allicin dissolved in 1 ml D.W. every day, and a single dose of sodium citrate buffer was injected (0.5ml IP). When diabetic rats treated with allicin in T2 were compared to diabetic rats in T1, the findings indicated a significant increase (P0.05) in body weight growth, insulin, total protein, and albumin, better lipid profile, and reduced glucose concentration. Histological investigations revealed that the island of Langerhans had atrophy and necrosis in the exocrine tissue in the T1 group, whereas the T2 group had a large island of Langerhans. The findings in the T3 group marked hyperplasia of the island of Langerhans. The 45mg/kg, B.W. of allicin, has a hypoglycemic effect and elevates the expression level of insulin and pancreas tissue protection effect when used orally in adult rats at the given dose for forty-two days.

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Publication Date
Sat Sep 30 2023
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Chemical And Petroleum Engineering
Accurate Petrophysical Interpretation of Carbonate using the Elemental Capture Spectroscopy (ECS)
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Elemental capture spectroscopy (ECS) is an important tool in the petroleum industry for determining the composition and properties of rock formations in a reservoir. Knowledge of the types and abundance of different minerals in the reservoir is crucial for accurate petrophysical interpretation, reservoir engineering practices, and stratigraphic correlation. ECS measures the elemental content of the rock, which directly impacts several physical properties that are essential for reservoir characterization, such as porosity, fluid saturation, permeability, and matrix density. The ability to accurately determine these properties leads to better reservoir mapping, improved production, and more effective resource management. Accurately de

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Crossref (2)
Publication Date
Sat Sep 30 2023
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Chemical And Petroleum Engineering
Accurate Petrophysical Interpretation of Carbonate using the Elemental Capture Spectroscopy (ECS)
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Elemental capture spectroscopy (ECS) is an important tool in the petroleum industry for determining the composition and properties of rock formations in a reservoir. Knowledge of the types and abundance of different minerals in the reservoir is crucial for accurate petrophysical interpretation, reservoir engineering practices, and stratigraphic correlation. ECS measures the elemental content of the rock, which directly impacts several physical properties that are essential for reservoir characterization, such as porosity, fluid saturation, permeability, and matrix density. The ability to accurately determine these properties leads to better reservoir mapping, improved production, and more effective resource management. Accurately determi

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Publication Date
Thu Mar 28 2024
Journal Name
Journal Of Physical Education
The use of an innovative device to improve the efficiency of the posterior quadriceps muscle of the man after the anterior cruciate ligament injury of advanced soccer players
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Objective of the research This study aimed to manufacture an innovative device that enables the player to walk after the operation and improves functional efficiency through improvement in the range of motion as well as improvement in the size of the muscles working on the knee joint Imposing research There are statistically significant differences between the pre and posttests of the experimental and control groups, there are Statistically significant differences between the post-tests between the experimental group and the control group in favor of the experimental group of the research sample. The researchers used the experimental approach by designing the control and experimental groups with a test (pre-post) for the suitabili

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Publication Date
Wed Jun 01 2022
Journal Name
Res Militaris
The impact of the Corona pandemic on the financial performance of companies listed on the Iraqi Stock Exchange
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This research aims to demonstrate the nature and concept of the Corona pandemic, its implications for the global economy, and the management and performance of companies in particular. Additionally, the research intends to measure the impact of the Corona pandemic on companies' financial performance. Listed on the Iraqi Stock Exchange, which has finished compiling its year-end financial statements for 2019-2020. The investigation arrived at several findings, the most significant of which was that most businesses were not prepared for such a crisis technologically or to develop human resources to deal with this pandemic. In addition, most companies experienced a decrease in their financial performance as a direct result of the Corona pandemi

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Scopus (4)
Publication Date
Fri Jul 01 2016
Journal Name
Al–bahith Al–a'alami
Manufacturing the Functions and Responsibilities of the Press Photo: The Photo of the Child Elian as a Model
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The theory of the psychologist’s Piaget states that man passes through four stages; other says that mankind passes through five. At each stage, human learn new characteristics, values, skills, and cultures from different environment that differ from one society to another. Therefore, the cultures of societies vary according to the diversity of the environments. These environments also vary depending on the circumstances surrounding them, e.g., in war environment, the individual learns what he does not learn from living in safe environment. As the environment changes, the communicative message also changes. This message is subject to person, groups, organizations and parties and directed to a diverse audience in its orientations and bel

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Publication Date
Fri Jan 01 2021
Journal Name
International Journal Of Innovation, Creativity And Change
The importance of using the World Wide Web (the Internet) for professors of Arabic Language Department at the University of Baghdad‏
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Publication Date
Mon Mar 30 2020
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
 The structure of the phoneme composition of the verses describing the servants of Rahman (verse 63-77) from Surat Al-Furqan
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This study sheds light on the structure of the phoneme composition of the verses describing the servants of the Most Merciful in Surat Al-Furqan, and on how its silences, voices, and syllables are distributed, questioning and talking to them about their condition, their aesthetics, and the accuracy of Quranic employment for them, stemming from the presence of a strong, inseparable bond, and a close relationship between the voice and meaning As (i.e. the voice) is the nerve of speech, forming the basic building blocks of speech through synergy of syllables and syllables with each other, creating an audio context with a rhythm that is parallel, expressive, and in harmony with the content, as the vocal context and the fabric based on it are

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Publication Date
Mon Dec 23 2019
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The Effect Of Employing The Strategy Of The TalkativeGroups On The Achievement And Attitudes Of ChemistryFor Fifth Grade Students Applied Scienc
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The study aimed to reveal the impact of employing the strategy of the talk-ative groups on the achievement and academic tendencies of chemistry forstudents of the fifth grade of applied science for the academic year (2018 -2019), and to achieve this goal the researcher used the experimental methodon the sample of the study consisting of (50) students, prepared achievementtest falls Under (60) paragraphs, and the scale of tendencies for chemistryfalls under (30) paragraphs, and after the researcher completed the researchexperiment according to what was planned:The superiority of the experimental group studied according to the strate-gy of the talkative groups was found in the post-application of the test ofachievement and attitudes of chemis

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Publication Date
Fri Mar 02 2018
Journal Name
Alustath Journal For Human And Social Sciences
The Relationship Between Spatial Ability And The Physical Structure of concepts to The Students of The College of Education for Pure
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          The research aims to identify the relationship between spatial ability  and the physical structure of concepts to the students of the Faculty of Education for Pure Sciences / Ibn al-Haitham، research involved students from the third class / morning study for the year 2011/2012  totaling (98) male and female students ،distributed into three groups which were selected randomly . The number of students (26 males and females)  represented research sample after excluding repeaters and absentees، the research included two tests ; one test of spatial ability، which included (20) items and other test the physical structure of concepts، which included (12) items distributed into four domains ، the first (linking b

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Publication Date
Sun Jan 01 2012
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
The Psychological status of and the feeling of loneliness of the trainees (newly released Detainees) participating the training and rehabilitation courses
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The research aims to understand the psychological status of and the feeling of loneliness of the trainees (recently released detainees) participating in the training and rehabilitation courses held in the Technical College - Baghdad. The study was conducted on a specimen of (23) trainees. An open questionnaire was adopted which included one question that was ( What was your feeling psychologically and socially before taking part in the training course?) , also the feeling of  loneliness Scale , designed by ( Russel,Peplau, Cutrona /University of California Los Angeles ) was implemented after the courses .



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