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The Effect of Exercises with a Proposed Device to Improving Some Bio-Kinematic Variables and the Performance of the Arab Round off Skill on Floor Movement Mat Device of the Artistic Gymnastics for Women
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The importance of the research lies in preparing exercises using a proposed device to learn the skill of thehuman wheel on a machine rug of ground movements of the artistic gymnastics. As for the research problem:Through the presence of the two researchers as teachers and observers of this sport in the gymnastics hall,they noticed that there is difficulty in the students’ performance of the skill of the round off on the machineof the mat of ground movements, according to the researchers’ opinion, the reason for this is that skillsare taught with the limited availability of assistive devices, as well as the lack of use of these devices inexercises according to biomechanical variables, although they facilitate the learning process for these skillsand work to shorten the time and effort in the learning process and enable the removal of the difficultiesencountered before. As for the objectives of the research : Design and manufacture of a device that teachesthe skill of the round off and helps in overcoming the difficulty of performing that skill for female studentsand preparing exercises with a proposed device to learn the skill of the human wheel on the machine of theground movements mat in the artistic gymnastics of the students.

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Publication Date
Mon Feb 01 2016
Journal Name
Swarm And Evolutionary Computation
Improving the performance of evolutionary multi-objective co-clustering models for community detection in complex social networks
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Publication Date
Thu Feb 24 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
The Academic Problems of Family Counseling Diploma Students At Saudi Universities based on some Variables
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The research aims to identify the academic problems of family counseling diploma students at Saudi Universities. In addition, to identify the differences in these problems according to gender, marital status, place of study, academic specialization, and GPA. The sample consisted of (491) students. The researcher has used one questionnaire for academic problems prepared by the researcher.  The research revealed the following results: There were academic problems among family counseling diploma students at Saudi Universities, the most problems were related to the systems and administrations of the university, then the field training, the buildings, classrooms and campus facilities, then the academic courses, after that the exams, then

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Publication Date
Sat Aug 01 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
The Effect of Staggered porous fins on the performance of Photovoltaic panel in Baghdad
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The performance of photovoltaic (PV) panel having staggered metal foam fins was examined experimentally in Baghdad, Iraq. Three staggered metal foam fin configurations attached to the backside of the PV panel were studied. The measured parameters were front and back surfaces temperature, open voltage and current circuits, maximum power, and PV efficiency. It was noted that the maximum electrical efficiency enhancement was 4.7% for staggered metal foam fins (case III) than the reference PV panel. The operating temperature of the cell was increased when the value of solar intensity was high. Thereby, the electrical efficiency was decreased. It was found that the metal foam fins decreased the PV temperature by 2-3 o

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Publication Date
Wed Mar 10 2021
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Analysis of the performance of a fiber optic sensor used to measure the intensity of the electric field
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In this research was conducted to provide a product to analyze the performance sensor fiber optic used to measure and feel the intensity of the electric field results showed obtained that use sensor long gives reactive high electric field strength and a high value for allergic sensor, but that is at the expense of reducing the intensity of the electric field that is detected

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Publication Date
Sun Feb 24 2019
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Physics
The effect of triggering on the output performance of diode direct face pumping for disc laser in pulse mode
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The triggering effect for the face pumping of Nd:YVO4 disc medium of 4×5×0.5 mm was investigated using bulk diode laser at different resonator cavity length in pulse mode and at repetition rate of 1.3kHz. The maximum emitted peak power was found to be 100, 82, and 66 mW for resonator lengths of 10, 13.5, and 17.5 cm respectively, while the threshold pumping power was found to be 41mW. The maximum emitted peak power obtained was 300 mW when using external triggering and 10cm length, with repetition of 3Hz.

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Publication Date
Mon Mar 10 2025
Journal Name
Al-fatih Journal
The impact of the use of mirrors in the level of performance of some skills epeeEmpirical researchStudents on the third stage in the Faculty of Physical Education for Girls
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يهدف البحث الى أعداد بعض تمرينات الاساسية لسلاح الشيش بأستخدام المرايا في تطوير قدرة مستوى تعلم الطالبات في المبارزة ومعرفة الفروق بين المجموعتين التجريبي والضابطة بتأثير استخدام المرايا في مستوى اداء بعض مهارات سلاح الشيش لطالبات المرحلة الثالثة , وقد أستخدمت الباحثتان المنهج التجريبي على عينة من طالبات المرحلة الثالثة , وقد بلغ عددهم (45) طالبة , وقد خرجت الباحثتين بعدة أستنتاجات وهي:- - أن المنهاج التعليمي

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Publication Date
Sun Feb 10 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
The Effect of Using Reciprocal Teaching on Improving College Students' Achievement in Reading Comprehension
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Reciprocal Teaching is an interactive method that is used to improve reading comprehension. Using this teaching strategy, teachers and students take turns leading discussions regarding sections of text using the four strategies: predicting, questioning, clarifying and summarizing. This study is an attempt to investigate the effect of using reciprocal teaching on improving female college students' achievement in reading comprehension. To fulfill the aim of the study, the researcher has adopted two null hypotheses: first, there is no significant difference between the achievement of students' who practice the reciprocal teaching technique and that of students who do not practice it. Second, there is no statistically significant difference

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Publication Date
Mon May 31 2021
Journal Name
Iraqi Geological Journal
Effect of Shatt Al-Arab Salinity on the Groundwater of Al-Fao and Al-Siba in Southern Iraq
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This study was conducted to estimate the extent of damage to the population in Basra, southern Iraq, specifically the areas adjacent to the Shatt al-Arab and the Arabian Gulf, which are the Al-Fao district and the Al-Siba region. They are affected by the progression of saline water resulting from the lack of water imports and the Karun River interruption, which led to high concentrations of salts in the Shatt Al-Arabs. Consequently, its effect on lands and all life types in these areas requires correcting a map of the study area to drop the groundwater sites as well as calculate the total dissolved salts, electrical conductivity and pH. This study concluded that the groundwater contains very high percentages of total dissolved solid

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Publication Date
Fri Mar 01 2013
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Integration The Cost Techniques with Balanced Scorecard for The Purposes of Measuring and Evaluating Performance
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The effective application of the method of measuring and evaluating performance according to the Balanced  Scorecard the need for an information system a comprehensive and integrated for internal and external environment, Which requires the need to develop accounting information system in general and cost management information systems to suit the particular requirements of the environment in terms of the development of modern methods of measurement to include the use of some methods that have proven effective in measuring and evaluating performance.

The research problem in need of management to develop methods of measuring and evaluating performance through the use of both financial measures and non

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Publication Date
Wed Jul 24 2024
Journal Name
An International Journal Of Optimization And Control: Theories & Applications (ijocta)
The effect of a psychological scare on the dynamics of the tumor-immune interaction with optimal control strategy
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Contracting cancer typically induces a state of terror among the individuals who are affected. Exploring how chemotherapy and anxiety work together to affect the speed at which cancer cells multiply and the immune system’s response model is necessary to come up with ways to stop the spread of cancer. This paper proposes a mathematical model to investigate the impact of psychological scare and chemotherapy on the interaction of cancer and immunity. The proposed model is accurately described. The focus of the model’s dynamic analysis is to identify the potential equilibrium locations. According to the analysis, it is possible to establish three equilibrium positions. The stability analysis reveals that all equilibrium points consi

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