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The Effect of Exercises with a Proposed Device to Improving Some Bio-Kinematic Variables and the Performance of the Arab Round off Skill on Floor Movement Mat Device of the Artistic Gymnastics for Women
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The importance of the research lies in preparing exercises using a proposed device to learn the skill of thehuman wheel on a machine rug of ground movements of the artistic gymnastics. As for the research problem:Through the presence of the two researchers as teachers and observers of this sport in the gymnastics hall,they noticed that there is difficulty in the students’ performance of the skill of the round off on the machineof the mat of ground movements, according to the researchers’ opinion, the reason for this is that skillsare taught with the limited availability of assistive devices, as well as the lack of use of these devices inexercises according to biomechanical variables, although they facilitate the learning process for these skillsand work to shorten the time and effort in the learning process and enable the removal of the difficultiesencountered before. As for the objectives of the research : Design and manufacture of a device that teachesthe skill of the round off and helps in overcoming the difficulty of performing that skill for female studentsand preparing exercises with a proposed device to learn the skill of the human wheel on the machine of theground movements mat in the artistic gymnastics of the students.

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Publication Date
Mon Apr 04 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
The Effectiveness of a Proposed Study Unit Based on the Funds of Knowledge Theory in Developing the Attitudes Towards Cultural Identity and the Proposed Study Unit among Students of Basic Education in the Sultanate of Oman
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The present study aims to explore the effectiveness of a proposed study unit based on the funds of knowledge theory in developing the attitudes towards cultural identity and the proposed study unit. In order to achieve the goal of the study, the two researchers followed the quasi-experimental approach, where the study sample consisted of (28) female students of the fifth-grade at Al-Jeelah Basic Education School, Al-Dakhiliyah Governorate in the Sultanate of Oman. The data were collected by two scales: the first is a scale of attitudes towards cultural identity consisting of (26) items. The second was a scale of attitudes towards the proposed study unit, which consisted of (24) items. The results of the study revealed that the effect of

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Publication Date
Thu Oct 01 2020
Journal Name
Biochemical And Cellular Archives
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The current paper was designed to find the possible synergic effect of EBV infection with the HPV-16 in Iraqi women suffering from cervical carcinoma. This retrospective study involved paraffinized blocks of two groups. The research included 30 carcinomatous cervical tissues and 15 samples from normal cervical biopsies. After sectioning using positively charged slides, immunohistochemistry (IHC) was performed to detect anti-Epstein Barr Virus LMP1 and Human papillomavirus type 16 primary antibodies. Sixty-three percentage (19 out of 30) of the studies group showed positive overexpression as shown in with a significant association of the expression with cervical cancer with a significant association (p = 0). The co-infection of the EBV and H

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Scopus (3)
Publication Date
Tue Jan 01 2019
Journal Name
Mustansiriyah Journal Of Sports Science
The use of training methods in accordance with special exercises to develop flexibility and perform the skills of shooting from above the chest (abduction) to wrestlers ages (14-15)"
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Evolution has become a feature of this era because of the speed that makes it open multiple horizons and many to identify everything that is new in different areas and also characterized by the competitive position of emotional attitudes changing depending on the positions of winning and defeat, and the use of training methods are the most important pillars of the game of wrestling, The methods contribute to raising the level of the wrestler and refining his physical and skill potential. The problem of the research is that the shooting exercises from above the chest are very important in Roman wrestling and can be terminated by the player. Through very personal interviews for coaches and concluded that there is a weakness in the level of fl

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Publication Date
Tue Nov 03 2020
Journal Name
Modern Sport
Effect of using flat hierarchical method on some aspects of muscular strength and straight serve skill for nascent tennis players
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The researcher focused on the importance of the physical abilities of the tennis game, as this game is one of the games that are characterized by its specificity in performance as this game is characterized by continuous movement and dealing with different elements, so this game requires the development of muscle strength, which plays an important role in Performance skills in the game of tennis. There are several methods to develop strength, including flat hierarchical technique, which is one of the most common forms of training in the development of muscle strength.     As for the research problem, the researcher found a method that has an effect on the development of force. Therefore, the researcher tried to diversify a

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Crossref (1)
Publication Date
Tue Nov 03 2020
Journal Name
Modern Sport
Effect of using flat hierarchical method on some aspects of muscular strength and straight serve skill for nascent tennis players
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The researcher focused on the importance of the physical abilities of the tennis game, as this game is one of the games that are characterized by its specificity in performance as this game is characterized by continuous movement and dealing with different elements, so this game requires the development of muscle strength, which plays an important role in Performance skills in the game of tennis. There are several methods to develop strength, including flat hierarchical technique, which is one of the most common forms of training in the development of muscle strength.     As for the research problem, the researcher found a method that has an effect on the development of force. Therefore, the researcher tried to diversify a

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Crossref (1)
Publication Date
Sun May 01 2022
Journal Name
International Journal Of Early Childhood Special Education (int-jecs)
Study of some visual functions and functional variables of the respiratory and nervous systems and their relationship to the level of achievement of air rifle shooting
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The purpose of this paper is to identifying the relationship between some visual functions and the level of achievement of air rifle shooting among young Iraqi female, and identifying the relationship between some functional variables of the respiratory and nervous systems at the level of achievement of air rifle shooting among young Iraqi female. The researchers used the descriptive approach in the correlative relationships style for its suitability and the research problem. The researchers determined the research community by the intentional method represented by (10) young female shooters who represent the national team with air rifle shooting effectiveness, and who represent (100%) of the research community. One of the most important re

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Publication Date
Mon Mar 10 2025
Journal Name
Journal Of Physical Education
The Effect of Using Especial Exercises Suggested for Developing of Accuracy Direction by Fencing in Foil for the Players of the National Team of the Young who Handicap
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Publication Date
Sat Jul 01 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
Auditing the performance of the structural capital according to standards of e-learning and its reflection on the performance of universities: applied research
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The developments and transformations taking place in the era and the growth of knowledge economies and communication technology led this development to compel higher education institutions in Iraq to reconsider their objectives to keep pace with development. And one of the most important tools of development was the application of e-learning standards and its long-term impact on the performance of the educational institution. Performance auditing plays an important role in verifying the extent to which these institutions have implemented their activities and programs that auditing performance by adopting e-learning standards helps the institutions’ management by providing appropriate information on the extent to which they achieve thei

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Publication Date
Mon Mar 10 2025
Journal Name
Modern Sport
relationship between explosive power and length accurately by the performance of weavy sending skill in volleyball
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Publication Date
Mon May 01 2017
Journal Name
Ieee International Electrical Machines & Drives Conference Ieee (iemdc2017), Miami, Usa
The effect of power converter on the design of a Linear Alternator for use with a Joule Cycle-Free Piston Engine
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