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Romanticism in Virtual World
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When Romanticism had passed since its appearance at the end of the eighteenth century, it seemed that this important intellectual and philosophical development had been absent but not really lost. Romanticism remained in the poems of poets, philosophers and writers even after they had escaped cultural life in general. If it is difficult to itemize all the principles of romance, the apparent is the assertion of individualism and the love of autism with nature and its potential with its mysteries as well as the glorification of emotion, compared to the mental orientation of the writers in the seventeenth century in their classical approach. The language is the most important to what the Romans have proven in their poetry and their artistic works, from Wordsworth to the great romantic philosophers, in addition to the philosophy of Jean-Jacques Rousseau, the philosophy of romance, a paradox that illustrates the dimensions of this great phenomenon in international thought. With the advent of new media, and the accelerating development of its technologies, romance is returning again, but with different visions imposed by the generation and its logic. If romance is the philosophy of personality and self-love, social media sites have touched this and come close to it. Actually, if the romantic writers sanctify nature with its trees, mountains and plains, they stand in front of small screens where nature does not appear and it is silent with no trees and sounds, and harmony. However, the features of romanticism were found in new media and according to a vision that says: "The curriculum renews itself, and the ideas can come back, but the romanticism today has more than meaning and reference, and its investigation in media research can be a reason to renew our knowledge and criticism

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Publication Date
Mon Feb 12 2024
Journal Name
Mustansiriyah Journal Of Sports Science
The effect of special exercises in restoring lost physical fitness after childbirth at ages (25-30) years
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The importance of the study, which is how to use these exercises with the device in rehabilitating the flabby muscles after childbirth, which is a problem found in our society and in need of high education on it because the form of exercises does not need places designated for training such as halls or fitness halls, especially since the social woman has limited movement in which we see the responses Physiology in different ways, the woman’s body is not only subject to the day’s need for work or the need to complete hours of physical training, but she has feminist components that she must overcome, whether it is physiological or otherwise.The research sample was determined by the intentional method available from women whose age

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Publication Date
Sun Jun 07 2009
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Compatibility between Pseudomonas fluorescens and Trichoderma harzianum in disease control of Fusarium tomato wilt under greenhouse condition .
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This study was conducted to evaluate the efficacy of 6 isolates of Pseudomonas fluorescens and Trichoderma harzianum and there combination against Fusarium tomato wilt disease caused by Fusarium oxysporum F.sp. Lycopersisi under green house condition .The isolates of bacteria (B3) and Trichoderma (T1) were found to be highly effective in reducing the disease incidence to 13.3% , 21% respectively , compared to control treatment (40%).Furthermore, disease severity was reduced to 28 and 30% respectively in comparison to control (90%) .Colonization of the roots (cfu /g fresh root weight )by the two isolates whether alon or together was extremely high . The combination treatment had a high ability in reducing disease incidenece and sev

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Publication Date
Sun Sep 22 2019
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
A Molecular and Biochemical Study for Cholesteryl Ester Transfer Protein (CETP) Taq1B in Iraqi Patients with Hyperlipidemia
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Cholesteryl ester transfer protein gene contains some single nucleotide polymorphisms, which have been associated with serum high-density lipoprotein concentration and other lipoproteins. This study is done for determining of cholesteryl ester transfer protein polymorphism and evaluate its effect on serum lipid profile concentrations in some hyperlipidemic patients compared with healthy subjects in Salah Al-din governorate-Iraq. Blood samples were taken from (90) patients suffering from hyperlipidemia, and (70) samples that were apparently healthy controls.  Serum lipid concentrations were measured by enzymatic assays. The polymorphism was genotyped using polymerase chain reaction restriction fragment length polymorphism analysis.&n

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Scopus (1)
Scopus Clarivate Crossref
Publication Date
Tue Sep 28 2021
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
The Role of Binary Settings in John Updike’s Short Stories: A Structuralist Approach: مؤيد انوية ججو الجماني
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John Updike’s use of setting in his fiction has elicited different and even conflicting reactions from critics, varying from symbolic interpretations of setting to a sense of confusion at his use of time and place in his stories.  The present study is an attempt at examining John Updike’s treatment of binary settings in Pigeon Feathers and Other Stories (1962) to reveal theme, characters’ motives and conflicts.  Analyzing Updike’s stories from a structuralist’s perspective reveals his employment of two different places and times in the individual stories as a means of reflecting the psychological state of the characters, as in “The Persistence of Desire”, or expressing conflicting views on social and political is

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Publication Date
Sat Mar 01 2008
Journal Name
Al-khwarizmi Engineering Journal
The Effects of Vortex Generator Types on Heat Transfer and Flow Structure in a Rectangular Duct Flows
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    In this numerical study a detailed evaluation of the heat transfer characteristics and flow structure in a laminar and turbulent flow through a rectangular channel containing built-in of different type vortex generator has been a accomplished in a range of Reynolds number between 500 and 100,000.A modified version of ESCEAT code has been used to solve Navier-Stokes and energy equations. The purpose of this paper is to present numerical comparisons in terms of temperature, Nusselt number and flow patterns on several configurations of longitudinal vortex generator including new five cases. The structures of heat and flow were studied, using iso-contours of velocity components, vortices, temperature and Nusselt n

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Publication Date
Wed Feb 05 2020
Journal Name
Political Sciences Journal
Neutrality in Swedish foreign policy , an analytical study of adaption from traditional neutrality to military non-alignment
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Abstract Sweden is today one of the most active European countries in the regional and international environment despite the adoption of neutrality as a guiding principle in its foreign policy. For more than two centuries, the length of time for Swedish neutrality has made it a global standard, an agreed foreign policy at home and a political culture rooted in institutions and society. Swedish. Although discussions are still underway on Swedish security and foreign policies after the end of the Cold War, especially cooperation with NATO through the Partnership for Peaceprogram, EU accession and its impact on the principle of neutrality in foreign policy. Sweden, however, insists that it still maintains neutrality, but more adequately, in

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Publication Date
Wed Sep 29 2021
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
The provisions of the epidemic in jurisprudence and its principles The (Covid-19) epidemic is a model
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Epidemics that afflict humankind are descending renewed, plaguing them in the place and time they spread.

- The epidemic affects individuals and the movement of societies, and its treatment requires dealing with it according to Sharia, taking into account the current data and developments.

- Integrative jurisprudence: it is intended to know the practical legal rulings deduced from the combination of evidence of two or more sciences related to one topic related to it, and among these calamities is the Corona Covid-19 pandemic.

 - It is permissible to use sterile materials that contain a percentage of alcohol in sterilizing hands and fogging places, including mosques.


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Publication Date
Mon Sep 01 2014
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
Analysis of the relationship between inflation and the tax revenue in Iraq for the period 1990-2010
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The Iraqi economy has suffered for a long period of inflation because of the Iraq war and the resolutions and the sanctions that were imposed on Iraq, this phenomenon overshadowed at various aspects of the economy including the tax revenue that the State seeks to optimize the total income for the budget, the research covers the years 1990-2010, these years have been divided according to the country's economic variables.

The research  adopted on econometrics analysis that is based on the information and data available on topics and has been using statistical methods to test functions are formulated.

Research concluded that rates of inflation and GDP impact is limited to direct taxation and indirect in current prices a

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Publication Date
Sun Jun 27 2021
Journal Name
Iraqi National Journal Of Nursing Specialties
Effectiveness of an Educational Program on Knowledge of High School Students about Substance Abuse in Kirkuk City
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Objective(s): This study aims at determining the effectiveness of an educational program on knowledge of high school students' knowledge about substance abuse and its health consequences, and to find out the association between students’ knowledge about substance abuse and its health consequences and their demographic data of age, socioeconomic status, and educational level of parents.
Methodology: A quasi-experimental study is conducted for the period of October 28th, 2019 to March 30th, 2020. The study sample included a nonprobability “purposive” sample of (124) male students (62) students for the control group and (62) students for the study group, aged (14-19) years who are selected from Al-Hikma High School for Boys in Kirk

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Publication Date
Fri Sep 15 2023
Journal Name
The social imagination and its representations in the paintings of students of the Department of Art Education
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The aim of this research is to identify how to employ the social imagination and its representations in the paintings of the students of the Department of Art Education. Students of the Department of Art Education in the light of this tool, and the researcher reached a number of results, the most important of which are:
1. The indicator of the social imagination in the excitement of the artist and the recipient, because the representations are embodied in forms within the painting and close to reality.
2. An artistic sample of the representational imagination and the creative imagination was found to be more than the imaginary imagination.
3. Individual symptoms related to the term.
4. The representations of the socia

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