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Romanticism in Virtual World
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When Romanticism had passed since its appearance at the end of the eighteenth century, it seemed that this important intellectual and philosophical development had been absent but not really lost. Romanticism remained in the poems of poets, philosophers and writers even after they had escaped cultural life in general. If it is difficult to itemize all the principles of romance, the apparent is the assertion of individualism and the love of autism with nature and its potential with its mysteries as well as the glorification of emotion, compared to the mental orientation of the writers in the seventeenth century in their classical approach. The language is the most important to what the Romans have proven in their poetry and their artistic works, from Wordsworth to the great romantic philosophers, in addition to the philosophy of Jean-Jacques Rousseau, the philosophy of romance, a paradox that illustrates the dimensions of this great phenomenon in international thought. With the advent of new media, and the accelerating development of its technologies, romance is returning again, but with different visions imposed by the generation and its logic. If romance is the philosophy of personality and self-love, social media sites have touched this and come close to it. Actually, if the romantic writers sanctify nature with its trees, mountains and plains, they stand in front of small screens where nature does not appear and it is silent with no trees and sounds, and harmony. However, the features of romanticism were found in new media and according to a vision that says: "The curriculum renews itself, and the ideas can come back, but the romanticism today has more than meaning and reference, and its investigation in media research can be a reason to renew our knowledge and criticism

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Publication Date
Thu Jun 30 2011
Journal Name
Al-khwarizmi Engineering Journal
Comparative Study of the Mechanical Properties of (FS) and MIG Welded Joint in (AA7020-T6) Aluminum Alloy
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A comprehensive practical study of typical mechanical properties of welded Aluminum alloy AA7020-T6 (Al-Mg-Zn), adopting friction stir welding (FSW) technique and conventional metal inert gas (MIG) technique, is well achieved in this work for real comparison purposes. The essences of present output findings were concentrated upon the FSW samples in respect to that MIG ones which can be summarized in the increase of the ultimate tensile strength for FSW was 340 MPa while it was 232 MPa for MIG welding, where it was for base metal 400 MPa. The minimum microhardness value for FSW was recorded at HAZ and it was 133 HV0.05 while it was 70 HV0.05 for MIG weld at the welding metal. The FSW produce 2470 N higher than MIG welding in the bending t

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Publication Date
Sat Jul 08 2017
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Pharmaceutical Sciences ( P-issn 1683 - 3597 E-issn 2521 - 3512)
Estimation of Superoxide Dismutase, Matrix-metalloprotinase-9, and Interleukin -18 in Patients with Type Two Diabetes Mellitus
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Antioxidant status imbalance and inflammatory process are cooperative events involved in type 2 diabetes mellitus. This study aimed to investigate     superoxide dismutase as a potential biomarkers of antioxidant imbalance, matrix-metaloprotinase-9,   and interleukin -18  as biomarkers of inflammation in serum and to estimate  the effects of other confounding factors  gender, age and finally measuring the relation among the interested biomarkers.

This case - control study included 50 patients,   and   45 of  healthy subjects matched age –gender were also enrolled  in this study as a control group.    The   focused &nbsp

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Publication Date
Fri Sep 30 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
'The Role of Ambidextrous Leadership' Behaviors in Enhancing Organizational Energy': An Analytical Research General AL-Faris Company
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             The current research aims to identify the impact of ambidextrous leadership behaviors on organizational energy in Al-Faris Company. The descriptive analytical method was used as a research approach. Adept leadership includes two dimensions (open leadership behaviors and closed leadership behaviors), and organizational energy includes three dimensions (emotional energy, physical energy, and cognitive energy ). The research sample included all the administrative leaders (General Manager, Associate General manager, Department Manager, Division Official  ) in AL-Faris Company / the Iraqi Ministry of Industry. The researcher distributed (74) valid questionna

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Publication Date
Mon Feb 19 2018
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The problem of overlapping concepts in the interpretive practices of literary text (The texts of Shakespeare model)
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The scientific studies that deal with Herminutia (interpretation) as the art of reading the interpretation practiced by the recipient after his understanding of the literary texts and works of art that he sees or read them so that these readings to make the act of reading and allow him the opportunity to mature and rational reflection of each text or artistic work.

Based on this, the researchers considered the establishment of the problem of their research through the search for the problematic overlap of concepts in the interpretive practices of the literary text?

The second chapter dealt with the definition of the term interpretation as well as interpretation as a theory and concept, and then the indicators reached by t

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Publication Date
Tue Feb 05 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
Use of chickpea soaking water in dough fermentation and its effect on quality properties of loaf bread
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This study was carried out to investigate the possibility of chickpea soaked water as a substitute for yeast in dough fermentation and its effects on sensory properties of the laboratory loaf bread. Chickpea was soaked for 24,48 and 72 hours at room temperature and used in proportion with or without yeast in dough fermentation . The results revealed that , as the percentage of soaked chickpea water substitution increased, the volume of the produced loaf bread decreased as compared with the control treatment (only yeast ).Best results were obtained by using soaked chickpea water for 24 hours in proportion of 1:1 soaked chickpea water : yeast regarding the sensory properties ,volume and leavening of the loaf bread.
Keywords: chickpea so

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Publication Date
Mon Jul 01 2024
Journal Name
Civil Engineering Journal
The Effect of Oil Contaminated on Collapse Pattern in Gypseous Soil Using Particle Image Velocimetry and Simulation
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Gypseous soil covers approximately 30% of Iraqi lands and is widely used in geotechnical and construction engineering as it is. The demand for residential complexes has increased, so one of the significant challenges in studying gypsum soil due to its unique behavior is understanding its interaction with foundations, such as strip and square footing. This is because there is a lack of experiments that provide total displacement diagrams or failure envelopes, which are well-considered for non-problematic soil. The aim is to address a comprehensive understanding of the micromechanical properties of dry, saturated, and treated gypseous sandy soils and to analyze the interaction of strip base with this type of soil using particle image

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Scopus Clarivate Crossref
Publication Date
Thu Mar 22 2018
Journal Name
Environmental Toxicology And Chemistry
Fate, uptake, and distribution of nanoencapsulated pesticides in soil–earthworm systems and implications for environmental risk assessment
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Abstract<sec><label></label><p>Nanopesticides are novel plant protection products offering numerous benefits. Because nanoparticles behave differently from dissolved chemicals, the environmental risks of these materials could differ from conventional pesticides. We used soil–earthworm systems to compare the fate and uptake of analytical‐grade bifenthrin to that of bifenthrin in traditional and nanoencapsulated formulations. Apparent sorption coefficients for bifenthrin were up to 3.8 times lower in the nano treatments than in the non‐nano treatments, whereas dissipation half‐lives of the nano treatments were up to 2 times longer. Earthworms in the nano treatments accumulated approximately 50% more b</p></sec> ... Show More
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Publication Date
Sat Apr 01 2023
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Spectrophotometric Analysis of Vancomycin Hydrochloride in Pure and Pharmaceutical Injections via Batch and Cloud Point Extraction Techniques
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Development of a precise and delicate reaction has been acquired for the determination of vancomycin hydrochloride using batch and cloud point extraction (CPE) methods. The first method is based on the formation of azo dye as a result of diazotized dapsone coupled with vancomycin HCl (VAN) in a basic medium. The sensitivity of this reaction was enhanced by utilizing a nonionic surfactant (Triton X-114) and the cloud point extraction technique (second method). The azo dye formed was extracted into the surfactant-rich phase, dissolved in ethanol and detected at λmax 440 nm spectrophotometrically. The reaction was investigated using both batch and CPE methods (with and without extraction), and a simple comparison between the two

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Scopus Crossref
Publication Date
Tue Jan 17 2023
Journal Name
Mesopotamian Journal Of Cyber Security
The Purpose of Cybersecurity Governance in the Digital Transformation of Public Services and Protecting the Digital Environment
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The process of digital transformation is considered one of the most influential matters in circulation at the present time, as it seeks to integrate computer-based technologies into the public services provided by companies or institutions. To achieve digital transformation, basics and points must be established, while relying on a set of employee skills and involving customers in developing this process. Today, all governments are seeking electronic transformation by converting all public services into digital, where changes in cybersecurity must be taken into account, which constitutes a large part of the priorities of nations and companies. The vulnerability to cyberspace, the development of technologies and devices, and the use

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Publication Date
Thu Jun 02 2022
Journal Name
International Journal Of Early Childhood Special Education
The effect of special exercises in the rehabilitation of the shoulder muscle for the youth wrestling category
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shoulder joint by preparing special exercises for the youth-category wrestling, and through the researchers' follow-up to the wrestling game and their work in the field of rehabilitation and physical therapy, noticing that most of the wrestling players suffer from the shoulder joint pain despite their visit to the specialist doctor and take Treatment, so the researchers saw to study this problem and restore the recovery of the injured through special exercises and a suitable qualification program for the shoulder joint muscles, the goal of research in preparing special exercises and knowing its effect on the rehabilitation of the background muscle of the shoulder for the youth wrestling category. The researchers assumed that there are stati

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