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Dificultades de traducción en los textos teatrales
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Publication Date
Wed Jan 01 2014
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Languages (jcl)
DISPONIBILIDAD LÉXICA Y El análisis del manual (español en directo A1, A2)
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En el contexto de la disponibilidad léxica, Esta investigación surge de la necesidad de enseñar, a los estudiantes extranjeros de comunicación que cursan sus estudios en nuestra universidad, el español especializado que realmente necesitan. La metodología disponibilidad léxica ofrece una oportunidad en cuanto a la elaboración de los manuales.


This article presents the lexical availability as a practical tool, this research can be exploited didactically in the teaching of vocabulary as a foreign languages LE.

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Publication Date
Sun Jan 01 2006
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Languages (jcl)
El realismo del personaje de Lazarillo de Tormes por el tratado primero "cuenta Lazaro su vida y cuyo hijo fue"
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El Lázarillo señala a fines del reinado del emperador, el comienzo de un
nuevo género en la literatura castellana. A través de sus páginas nos adentró en un
mundo de pobreza, de
hambre secular, de hipocresía, y rodeado de problemas.
Lázaro cuenta en primera persona sus aventuras comenzando por su nacimiento, en
una aceña de las riberas del río Tormes. Condenando su padre como ladrón y, su
madre se entrega al mas vil morisco - cuya conducta deja también que desea –
haber pasado hambre y le entrega, siendo todavía un niño, a un ciego de alma ruin
para que, acompañándole, se gana la vida. Para aplacar el hambre, pues el ciego le
daba poco de comer, el muchacho le hace objeto, de repetidas tretas.

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Publication Date
Wed Aug 01 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
The Exchange Rate of Iraqi Dinar between De facto Regime and De jure Regime in the Iraq during (2004-2012)
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         The understanding exchange rate policy is fundamental in order to identify the mechanism by which works out macroeconomic, And the vital for macroeconomic analysis and empirical work to differentiate between the de facto regimes and de jure regimes, Where the proved surveys and studies issued by the international monetary fund that there is divergence between the de facto regime (Regime of exchange applied by the country actually) and between the de jure regime (Regime de jure through the documents and formal writings of officials of the central bank), And launched studies on the de facto regime (Being a the basis of evaluating monetary policy) Stabilized (peg-like)arrangements or

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Crossref (2)
Publication Date
Wed Jan 02 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Languages (jcl)
Political Text and Its Translation into Arabic: El texto político y su traducción del español al árabe
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      Field of translation is sampled with many types of translation, such as the literary, scientific, medical, etc. The translation of grammatical aspects has always been with difficulties.

Political translation is the focus here. There are many general problems faced by translators when translating political texts from Arabic into Spanish. The aim here is to clarify the definition of functions or terms within the text, and to arrive at the correct from of translation of such texts from Spanish into Arabic.  It is worth mentioning that the paper is of two parts: the first exemplifies what is meant by translation, the prerequisites of a translator, along with mentioning the methods followed&nbs

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Publication Date
Sat Mar 01 2014
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Languages (jcl)
L'obsession de la mort chez le petit Poulou
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Writing his own biography is like making his confession in front of the altar of the truth. In The words,Sartre writes his own child life from the view of a philosopher-thinker. He presents his days spent justlike a series of images carrying advices and experiencesto whole the world. The words shows the life of a small orphan who met early with death when he lost his father. Then death becomes as his shadow that goes with him on day and night until the end. The mother of the little Poulou seems like the mirror that reflects the sadness and the melancholy of the dark and gloomy days. The small Poulou becomes his only consolation in misery. The little Jean -Paul lives completely in a literary atmosphere . Because his grandfather Karl Schwe

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Publication Date
Wed Jan 01 2014
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Languages (jcl)
Sólo/Solo y la alternancia de sólo/solamente
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El español es una lengua hablada por una ingente comunidad que abarca varios cientos de millones de personas. Son muchas las palabras con distintos significados que se escriben de similar manera. Hablamos, por ejemplo, de dos de ellas: el adjetivo solo y el adverbio sólo.

En este trabajo se plantea un estudio del adverbio sólo, palabra invariable cuya función consiste en (complementar la significación del verbo) y solo es un adjetivo (califica a un sustantivo).¿Cómo diferenciarlas para evitar errores ortográficos? Así, en estos casos (solo/ sólo), la distinción la da la tilde en la primera vocal. Ésta es la

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Publication Date
Mon Jan 01 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Languages (jcl)
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En este artículo se indaga sobre fenómenos como la metáfora, la metonimia, la polisemia, y la homonimia en las lenguas árabe y española, según la teoría cognitiva, basada en el pensamiento y la práctica lingüística. Esta teoría intenta investigar la relación entre el lenguaje humano, la mente y la experiencia. En realidad, los fenómenos que estudiaremos crean ambigüedad léxica y sintáctica tanto en árabe como en español. Además, dichos conceptos tienen sus propias características, especificaciones y formas en cada lengua.

This article studies phenomena such as metaphor, metonymy, polysemy, homonymy in Arabic and Spanish, according to cognitive theory, based on linguistic thought a

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Publication Date
Sat Jun 01 2013
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Languages (jcl)
La influencia del artículo inglés a los iraquíes que estudian el español ( un estudio analítico , estadístico )
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     Each language in the world has its special methods in using articles that connected with nouns. There are languages do not have articles and others their articles from one class, that is to say it do not have masculine and feminine such as our Arabic language. Also in some languages the nouns come after article.

The main aim in our research is to analyze the usage of these articles and its presence or not in the structure of sentence for the learners of Spanish language as a foreign language.

    The usage of these articles in Spanish language forms one of the problems that face students in the grammar of Spanish language, at the same time it stands as a problem in translation becau

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Publication Date
Thu Oct 01 2009
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Languages (jcl)
L’Unité descriptive dans le roman Une Vie de Maupassant
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La description, est une mode discursive et une forme d’écriture, consiste à rendre un objet en quelque sorte visible par l’exposition vive et animé des propriétés et des circonstances les plus intéressantes.

Elle occupe au XIXe ([1]) siècle une place centrale dans les œuvres littéraires. Cette technique a une place privilégiée chez les écrivains qui veulent représenter la vie telle quelle est.

Ce type de la représentation littéraire apparaît avec l’avènement du roman réaliste où se trouve de longs passages descriptifs dans les œuvres littéraires « Tout récit comporte…, quoique intimement mêlées et en proportions très vari

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Publication Date
Fri Jul 19 2019
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Efficient Iterative Method for Solving Korteweg-de Vries Equations
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The Korteweg-de Vries equation plays an important role in fluid physics and applied mathematics. This equation is a fundamental within study of shallow water waves. Since these equations arise in many applications and physical phenomena, it is officially showed that this equation has solitary waves as solutions, The Korteweg-de Vries equation is utilized to characterize a long waves travelling in channels. The goal of this paper is to construct the new effective frequent relation to resolve these problems where the semi analytic iterative technique presents new enforcement to solve Korteweg-de Vries equations. The distinctive feature of this method is, it can be utilized to get approximate solutions for travelling waves of 

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