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Comparative Study between a Combination of Plants Extracts and Drugs on Thyroid Hormones and Lipid Profile in Experimental Animals
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The thyroid gland is a vital part of the overall endocrine system, which is regulated some of body function as oxygen use, basal metabolic rate, growth, cellular metabolism and development This study shed light on a number of extracts that have been shown to have beneficial effects on the thyroid and its function, as well as the various factors linked to thyroid dysfunction. The experiment was conducted to determine the effect of a mixture of two extracts of "Fucus vesiculosus (150 mg/ kg) with Coleus forskohlii (1000 mg/ kg) and Rosmarinus officinalis (220 mg/ kg) with Camellia sinensis (1.25 mg/ kg)" on thyroid hormones as well as lipids profile and tested the effectiveness of two drugs one of them stimulates the hormones of the thyroid (Levothyroxine) and the other is an inhibitor (Carbimazole). Nine female albino rats, aged 8-10 weeks and weighing 60-120g, and nine albino female mice, aged 8-10 weeks and weighing 23-25 g, were divided into 3 groups, each with 3 animals, and were given three different doses orally, with the exception of the control group, which received only normal saline. The result showed that the combination of F. vesiculosus with C. forskohlii was better than Levothyroxine against hypothyroidism, while the combination of R. officinalis with C. sinensis was better than Carbimazole against hyperthyroidism. The results of this study found that the extracts may have the ability to regulate hormone levels of thyroid gland in humans.

Publication Date
Wed May 24 2023
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
Proof and its inferences in the Qur'an
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And after:

There are many aspects of inference in the Holy Qur’an, whether it is evidence, evidence, argument, authority, or proof.
These expressions or expressions are close in meaning to each other in appearance, but the Qur’an used them all in their exact place, so every word in the Qur’an has its own use that was set for it, and no other word can replace it even if it is close in meaning to it. And these aspects that the Qur’an mentioned as evidence for the aspects of inference in it may come to be mental, textual, or tactile evidence.
The Qur’an exalted the importance of evidence and proof in its religion, and entrusted it with confirming and rejecting the plaintiff’s claim, regardless of its subject matter

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Publication Date
Fri Jun 01 2007
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Languages (jcl)
Fuzzy Logic and its Application in Linguistics
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The purpose of this paper is to shed light on the concept of fuzzy logic ,its application in linguistics ,especially in language teaching and the fuzziness of some lexical items in English.
Fuzziness means that the semantic boundaries of some lexical items are indefinite and ideterminate.Fuzzy logic provides a very precise approach for dealing with this indeterminacy and uncertainty which grows (among other reasons) out of human behavior and the effect of society.
The concept of fuzzy logic has emerged in the development of the theory of fuzzy set by Lotfi Zadeh(a professor of computer science at the university of California) in 1965.It can be thought of as the application side of the fuzzy set theory. In linguistics, few scholars

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Publication Date
Sat Oct 17 2015
Journal Name
Monthly Notices Of The Royal Astronomical Society
Line and continuum variability in active galaxies
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Publication Date
Thu Jan 30 2014
Journal Name
Al-kindy College Medical Journal
Adenoid Hypertrophy in Adults and Nasal Obstruction
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Background .To know the incidence of adenoid hypertrophy in adults causing nasal obstruction and other nasal complains.
Methods.Prospective studyof(140 ) adult patientstheir main chief complaint were nasal obstruction , presented to Otolaryngology department at Aljumhory Teaching Hospital in Mosul , from the period (september 2010 to september 2011) ,their age ranged from (21 to 53) years . They were investigated clinically, radiologicaly ,and nasal endoscopic examination was carried out (rigid and fibro-optic ) . Adenoidectomy was performed for those with adenoid hypertrophy and sent for histopathological study .
Results:. we found adenoid enlargement in(24) patients (17.14%),in addition to nasalobstruction they were also complain

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Publication Date
Sun Apr 01 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
Discipline in the classroom (problems and solutions)
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Research Summary

First: the problem of research and its importance

      The teacher's success in facilitating the students' learning and growth according to the educational and educational goals set out, he must identify the problems of discipline of students in the classroom in terms of sources and reasons and types and methods of prevention and treatment and the teacher to remember that success in his teaching and instruction is not completed more fully once he has the information And knowledge of the subject of the lesson, but must understand the dynamics of the group (class group) and master the skills of classroom management, su

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Publication Date
Wed Mar 15 2023
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Becoming and integrative film in postmodern cinema
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The subject of the tagged research (becoming and integration of the film in postmodern cinema) is summarized by studying the transformations and complementarity of the film in light of the emergence of the concern of postmodernism. Then the need for it, as well as the objectives of the research and clarify its limits, as well as its importance. Then the transition to the theoretical framework, which included two sections, the first topic was entitled: Postmodern Cinema Formation and Completion, while the second topic was entitled: Paradox in Postmodern Film.

After completing the theoretical aspect, the research concluded with a number of theoretical framework indicators that were adopted as a tool for analyzing the sample, then th

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Publication Date
Wed May 24 2023
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
The wife's alimony in Sharia and law
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Praise be to God, we praise Him, we seek His help, we seek His forgiveness, and we seek refuge in God from the evils of ourselves and our bad deeds. . The marriage contract, like other contracts, gives rise to reciprocal rights and duties that bind both the husband and the wife, pursuant to the principle of balance, equivalence, and the equality of the parties to the contract on which every contract is based. . That is, women have rights over men similar to what men have over women, or that the basis for estimating these rights and duties is custom based on the nature of both men and women. The Iraqi Personal Status Law stipulates all the financial rights that the wife is entitled to from her husband: namely, the dowry and alimony. As fo

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Publication Date
Mon Dec 30 2019
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
Extremism in religion Causes, effects and treatment
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Praise be to God, Lord of the worlds, and prayers and peace be upon His messenger, the mercy of the worlds.
As for after ....
It is clear from the legal texts in the Noble Qur’an and the Sunnah of the Prophet, that Islam is a method that interferes in everything in beliefs, worship, behavior and transactions, and it forbids excess and extremism and mistrust of people and looking at them through a black lens, self-conceit and contempt of others.
In our research, we will try, God willing, to study the phenomenon of religious extremism with its comprehensive dimensions, the position of Islam on it through the verses and hadiths discussed by it, and the diagnosis of the reasons for its emergence and emergence, because if we learn

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Publication Date
Tue Oct 31 2023
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
Crimes against offspring In Sharia and law
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Crimes are prohibited by law and God Almighty has forbidden them with punishment or punishment.
The punishment is the prescribed punishments that the law has determined in its place and stipulated in the Book of God or the Sunnah of His Prophet, may God bless him and grant him peace.
Ta’zir: These are the punishments that are left to the ruler to assess according to what he sees as preventing corruption on earth and preventing evil. Extrapolation has proven that all the provisions of Islamic Sharia include the interests of the people, and they are based on five matters: what is in it is preserving the religion, what is in it is preserving the soul, and what is in it is preserving the soul. It involves preserving the mind, preserv

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Publication Date
Mon Feb 19 2018
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Domination and motivation in Mona Saudi sculptures
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This research is the subject of "Domination and Motivation in the Sculptures of Mona the Saudi" to the study of an accomplished Arab sculptor with its varied sculptural activity between the works of the exhibition and the works of the squares, as well as its distinguished place among the contemporary Arab sculptors. This research is divided into four chapters:

     The first chapter deals with the general methodological framework of the research in terms of the research problem which is focused on the question: What is the hegemony and motivation in the sculptures of Mona Saudi? The importance of research and the need for it, including the technical scientific material concerned with the sculptural achievement of t

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