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The Effect of Bone Density Measured by Cone Beam Computed Tomography and Implant Dimensions on the Stability of Dental Implants

Abstract: The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of bone density value in Hounsfield unit derived from cone beam computed tomography (CBCT), and implant dimensions in relation to implant stability parameters namely the resonance frequency analysis and the insertion torque (IT) value. It included 24 patients who received 42 dental implants (DI). The bone density of the planned implant site was preoperatively measured using cone beam computed tomography. The implant stability was measured using Osstell implant stability quotient (ISQ). The ISQ values were recorded immediately postoperatively and after 16 weeks. The IT value was categorized as 35 N/cm or > 35 N/cm. The mean (standard deviation) primary stability was 79.58 (5.27) ISQ, which was significantly higher than the secondary stability 74.31 (6.34) ISQ (P < 0.0001). There was a significant moderate positive correlation of bone density with primary stability (r = 0.4, P = 0.0099) and no correlation with secondary stability (r = 0.003, P = 0.9867). The bone density of DI with 35 N/cm IT was significantly lower than with > 35 N/cm IT (P = 0.0390). Better stability was recorded with wider implants. Whereas the length of the DI showed a nonsignificant correlation with primary and secondary stability (P = 0.7633 and 0.4670, respectively). The DI dimensions showed a nonsignificant correlation with the IT. Cone beam computed tomography may be considered as a reliable method to assess bone density and predict the implant stability. The diameter of DI affected the implant stability favorably, whereas DI length showed no effect.

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Publication Date
Wed Dec 27 2017
Journal Name
Al-khwarizmi Engineering Journal
Stress Analysis of the Hip Bone

The bony pelvis has a major role in weight transmission to the lower limbs. The complexities of its geometric form, material properties, and loading conditions render it an open subject to biomechanical analysis.

 The present study deals with area measurement, and three-dimensional finite element analysis of the hip bone to investigate magnitudes, load direction, and stress distribution under physiological loading conditions.

 The surface areas of the auricular surface, lunate surface, and symphysis pubis were measured in (35) adult hip bones. A solid model was translated into ANSYS parametric design language to be analyzed by finite element analysis method under different loading conditions.

The surface

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Publication Date
Wed Sep 22 2021
Journal Name
International Journal Of Corrosion And Scale Inhibition
Role of vitamin C in the protection of the gum and implants in the human body: theoretical and experimental studies

The article describes a study on the role of vitamin C as a protective agent for the teeth, gum, and implants using quantum chemical calculations and polarization tests. The Density Functional Theory (DFT) at 6-311G (d, p) basis set is used to estimate the ability of vitamin C to inhibit the corrosion of the abovementioned parts. The experimental study was performed in a at human body media simulator (Hank’s balanced salt solution) at a temperature of 37°C. The compound was optimized for its ground state, physical properties, and corrosion parameters. Further, HOMO, LUMO, energy gap, dipole moment, and other parameters were used to predict the inhibitor’s efficiency. Gaussian 09, UCA-FUKUI, MGL tools, DSV, and LigPlus software was used

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Publication Date
Tue Sep 19 2017
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Aesthetic and dramatic dimensions of silence in the feature film

        Which was entitled : Aesthetic and dramatic dimensions of silence in the feature film , and the researcher clearly define after removing the confusion existing in some authorized sources , as for the concept of silence , adopted in this research is : the death of the audio stream , Hence the researcher shed a light on the aesthetic and the dramatic role of silence in the feature film , through the handing of the silent scenes ( absolute silence ) in the film research divided this research into four chapters . This first Chapter includes : methodological framework , which represents the research problem , which came with the following question : what is the mechanism of productive silence to the

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Publication Date
Sun Aug 30 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
The impact of public debt on financial stability in Iraq

Countries have faced the challenges of high levels of public debt and seek to define the optimum limits to reduce risks to which the financial system can be exposed and its impact on the economy as a whole. Hence the importance of research in studying the impact of internal and external public debt components on indicators of stability of the financial system for the period 2005-2017 for the purpose of knowing the extent of the financial stability indicators response to the high level of the public debt from its optimum ratio, as the aim of the research is to estimate and analyze the dynamic relationship of short and long term between the components of public debt and indicators of financial stability using the (ARDL) model that

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Publication Date
Wed Dec 30 2015
Journal Name
Mathematical Theory And Modeling
On the stability of an SIS epidemic model involving treatment

The objective of this paper is to study the stability of SIS epidemic model involving treatment. Two types of such eco-epidemiological models are introduced and analyzed. Boundedness of the system is established. The local and global dynamical behaviors are performed. The conditions of persistence of the models are derived.

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Publication Date
Wed Dec 13 2017
Journal Name
Al-khwarizmi Engineering Journal
Enhancing the Compressive Strength and Density of Cement Mortar by the Addition of Different Alignments of Glass Fibers and Styrene Butadiene Rubber


In the field of construction materials the glass reinforced mortar and Styrene Butadiene mortar are modern composite materials. This study experimentally investigated the effect of addition of randomly dispersed glass fibers and layered glass fibers on density and compressive strength of mortar with and without the presence of Styrene Butadiene Rubber (SBR). Mixtures of 1:2 cement/sand ratio and 0.5 water/cement ratio were prepared for making mortar. The glass fibers were added by two manners, layers and random with weight percentages of (0.54, 0.76, 1.1 and 1.42). The specimens were divided into two series: glass-fiber reinforced mortar without SBR and glass-fiber reinforced mortar with 7% SBR of mixture water. All s

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Publication Date
Sat Apr 01 2023
Journal Name
International Journal Of Electrical And Computer Engineering (ijece)
Image encryption algorithm based on the density and 6D logistic map

One of the most difficult issues in the history of communication technology is the transmission of secure images. On the internet, photos are used and shared by millions of individuals for both private and business reasons. Utilizing encryption methods to change the original image into an unintelligible or scrambled version is one way to achieve safe image transfer over the network. Cryptographic approaches based on chaotic logistic theory provide several new and promising options for developing secure Image encryption methods. The main aim of this paper is to build a secure system for encrypting gray and color images. The proposed system consists of two stages, the first stage is the encryption process, in which the keys are genera

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Publication Date
Thu Dec 31 2020
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Market Research And Consumer Protection

This study aimed to improve the microencapsulation technique using a type coating the encapsulation Layer by Layer, which provide the best protection for life Lactobacillus casei in the extrusion method and use the microencapsulation of materials of the protein concentrated by protein 80% and the coating with alginate and chitosan have the results showed the variation in the difference of the binding process encapsulation yield among the types of coating through. by studying of these the effect o stability of the bio probiotic free cell and the three types coated towards three different concentrations from bile salts 0, 0.3, 0.5 and 0.7% when the periods of time different of zero and two and three hours at incubation the recorded

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Publication Date
Wed Apr 07 2021
Journal Name
Indian Journal Of Forensic Medicine & Toxicology,
The Clinical Effect of Super Oxidized Water Mouthwash on The Periodontal Parameters (Plaque Index, Gingival Index And Bleeding on Probing) for Patients with Dental Biofilm Induced Gingivitis

Publication Date
Tue Dec 15 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of Baghdad College Of Dentistry
Coated stainless steel archwires' discoloration measured by computerized system (An in-vitro study)

Background: Aesthetic archwires are used to overcome the aesthetic problems of stainless steel wires but the color of the coating layer can be changed with time when exposed to oral environments. The aim of this study was to evaluate the degree of color change of different aesthetic archwires from different companies under different coloring solutions. Materials and Methods: One hundred fifty samples of coated archwires from three companies (Highland, G&H and Dany) were immersed in 5 solutions (artificial saliva, turmeric, tea, coffee and Miranda) to evaluate the degree of color changes after 7, 14 and 21 days using visible spectrophotometer. Data were collected and analyzed using one way ANOVA and post hoc Tukey’s tests. Resu

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