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High Speed Shock Peening by Fiber Laser for Al Alloy 6061-T6 Thin Sheets
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Under cyclic loading, aluminum alloys exhibit less fatigue life than steel alloys of similar strength and this is considered as Achilles's heel of such alloys. A nanosecond fiber laser was used to apply high speed laser shock peening process on thin aluminum plates in order to enhance the fatigue life by introducing compressive residual stresses. The effect of three working parameters namely the pulse repetition rate (PRR), spot size (ω) and scanning speed (v) on limiting the fatigue failure was investigated. The optimum results, represented by the longer fatigue life, were at PRR of 22.5 kHz, ω of 0.04 mm and at both v's of 200 and 500 mm/sec. The research yielded significant results represented by a maximum percentage increase in the fatigue life of 505.25% accompanied by the least deformation for the processed surfaces. SEM images for the specimens processed by the optimum process conditions imply no ablation has occurred at the surface, and the process is completely cold. X-ray diffraction analysis indicates a reduction in grains size, an increase of 28.56% in the lengths of dislocations and formation of effective compressive residual stress at the surface and beneath reaches to 700 μm.

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Publication Date
Sun Feb 01 2015
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Use of model sales man fuzzy multi-objective linear for speed up and rationing in the transport mechanism used in the General Company for grain Processing
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     Applications of quantitative methods, which had been explicit attention during previous period (the last two centuries) is the method of application sales man or traveling salesman method. According to this interest by the actual need for a lot of the production sectors and companies that distribute their products, whether locally made or the imported for customers or other industry sectors where most of the productive sectors and companies distributed always aspired to (increase profits, imports, the production quantity, quantity of exports. etc. ...) this is the part of the other hand, want to behave during the process of distribution routes that achieve the best or the least or most appropriate.

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Publication Date
Wed Mar 19 2025
Journal Name
Journal Of Physical Education
Exercises With Different Ranges Of Motion With Significance Of Electrical Activity for Muscle in Strength With Speed Of Lower Limbs For Weight Lifters Of Physical Strength
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Publication Date
Sun Dec 05 2004
Journal Name
Journal Of Physical Education
The evaluate of usage educational method for jump shooting and it effect on speed strength in basketball for specialized students in College Sport of Dayla University
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The research aim to the usage educational method for jump shooting and it effect on speed strength in basketball for the specialist students in College Sport of Dayla University, which used the following statistic treatment (The T.test for compatible specimens), so after statistic treatment which appears theres a tow moral differences in speed strength and jump shooting tests results to (legs & arms) for the before and after tests, and after that the conclusions we positive and the second the special drills effect immaterial speed strength to legs and arms, so the tow researches recommended to looking after the best for educational methods that used in our sport colleges in Iraq.

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Publication Date
Sun Jan 01 2017
Journal Name
Journal Of Global Pharma Technology
New Record for Science Salvia margasurica Al-Musawi & Al- Hussaini, (Labiatae) in Iraq
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Background The study covered thirty-three species which grown wildly in Iraq and a comparative study for all kinds of morphological characters were done. Principal Findings The most stable and important taxonomic characters were pointed out, diagrams, illustrations, scheduals, micrographs were also documented. Stamens, nutlets, basal leaves, bracts, bracteoles, calyces, corollas and their trichomes were very important taxanomic characters. The trichomes were variable in variable species therefore used as a diagnostic characters for the species. Conclusions New species Salvia margasurica Al-Musawi & Al-Hussaini was suggested to be new record for science. Keywords: Salvia, Morphology, Spec. Nov.

Publication Date
Sat Aug 01 2015
Journal Name
2015 37th Annual International Conference Of The Ieee Engineering In Medicine And Biology Society (embc)
Wave speed and reflections proximal to aneurism and stenosis of flexible tubes
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Arterial aneurism and stenosis are disorders that lead to circulation malfunction. Stenosis often leads to hypoxia of the organ depending on the affected artery, whilst aneurism can lead to dissection with known lethal consequences. On both cases, the pulse wave produced by the contracting heart is reflected at these discontinuities, and estimating the size of these reflected waves using wave intensity analysis (WIA) is the main aim of this work. We also aim to measure wave speed, or pulse wave velocity (PWV) as more commonly known within the discontinuities. We manufactured 4 stenosis and 4 aneurism silicon sections, connected one at a time to a mother tube, and tested in vitro. Pressure and flow were measured proximal to the discontinuity

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Publication Date
Sun Jul 09 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Testing and Commissioning of a Low-Speed Wind Tunnel (LSWT) Test Section
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The calibration of a low-speed wind tunnel (LSWT) test section had been made in the present work. The tunnel was designed and constructed at the Aerodynamics Lab. in the Mechanical Engineering Department/University of Baghdad. The test section design speed is 70 m/s. Frictional loses and uniformity of the flow inside the test section had been tested and calibrated based on the British standards for flow inside ducts and conduits. Pitot-static tube, boundary layer Pitot tube were the main instruments which were used in the present work to measure the flow characteristics with emphasize on the velocity uniformity and boundary layer growth along the walls of the test section. It is found that the maximum calibrated velocity for empty test s

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Publication Date
Sat Dec 30 2023
Journal Name
Modern Sport
The effect of interactive speed exercises on developing some skills Women's futsal
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The speed of skills has become linked to modern methods of individual and group play, and each of them has begun to serve the other tactically. Through the follow-up of the researchers, they noticed that there is a significant weakness in the speed of performance and slowness in mental preparation, which plays a major role in understanding mental readiness, which is linked to the speed of making decisions during the game, as well as the weakness of the physical speed of the female players, which in turn has an impact on the skill performance of the players of the Iraqi clubs, which are the main supporter of the national team. The study aimed to identify the effect of interactive speed training on the performance of some skills among

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Publication Date
Wed Mar 19 2025
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Testing and Commissioning of a Low-Speed Wind Tunnel (LSWT) Test Section
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The calibration of a low-speed wind tunnel (LSWT) test section had been made in the present work. The tunnel was designed and constructed at the Aerodynamics Lab. in the Mechanical Engineering Department/University of Baghdad. The test section design speed is 70 m/s. Frictional loses and uniformity of the flow inside the test section had been tested and calibrated based on the British standards for flow inside ducts and conduits. Pitot-static tube, boundary layer Pitot tube were the main instruments which were used in the present work to measure the flow characteristics with emphasize on the velocity uniformity and boundary layer growth along the walls of the test section. It is found that the maximum calibrated velocity for empty test sect

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Publication Date
Fri Jul 21 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
The Effect of Laminated Layers on the Flutter Speed of Composite Wing
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The paper presents an investigation to the flutter speed of composite wing for different ply orientation. Structurally the composite wing was idealized as a composite beam load carrying structure. Theodorsen’s expression was used to get the 2- dimension unsteady lifting force and pitching moment in the limit of incompressible flow and subsonic speed which were integrated over the wing span. A free vibration analysis was first carried out to get the natural frequencies and mode shapes .The velocity-damping (V-g) method was used to calculate the flutter speed and the flutter frequency. A wing of unmanned aerial vehicle was manufactured from woven glass and polyester resin where the flutter speed was calculated experimentally by the wind

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Publication Date
Mon Dec 31 2012
Journal Name
Al-khwarizmi Engineering Journal
Senserless Speed and Position of Direct Field Orientation Control Induction Motor Drive
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Direct field-orientation Control (DFOC) of induction motor drives without mechanical speed sensors at the motor shaft has the attractions of low cost and high reliability. To replace the sensor, information on the rotor speed and position are extracted from measured stator currents and from voltages at motor terminals. In this paper presents direct field-orientation control (DFOC) with two type of kalman filter (complete order and reduced order extended kalman filter) to estimate flux, speed, torque and position. Simulated results show how good performance for reduced order extended kalman filter over that of complete  order extended kalman filter in tracking performance and reduced time of state estimation.

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