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High Speed Shock Peening by Fiber Laser for Al Alloy 6061-T6 Thin Sheets

Under cyclic loading, aluminum alloys exhibit less fatigue life than steel alloys of similar strength and this is considered as Achilles's heel of such alloys. A nanosecond fiber laser was used to apply high speed laser shock peening process on thin aluminum plates in order to enhance the fatigue life by introducing compressive residual stresses. The effect of three working parameters namely the pulse repetition rate (PRR), spot size (ω) and scanning speed (v) on limiting the fatigue failure was investigated. The optimum results, represented by the longer fatigue life, were at PRR of 22.5 kHz, ω of 0.04 mm and at both v's of 200 and 500 mm/sec. The research yielded significant results represented by a maximum percentage increase in the fatigue life of 505.25% accompanied by the least deformation for the processed surfaces. SEM images for the specimens processed by the optimum process conditions imply no ablation has occurred at the surface, and the process is completely cold. X-ray diffraction analysis indicates a reduction in grains size, an increase of 28.56% in the lengths of dislocations and formation of effective compressive residual stress at the surface and beneath reaches to 700 μm.

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Publication Date
Thu Feb 01 2024
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Predict the Laser Power and Recovery Period in Treatment by Endovenous Laser Ablation (EVLA)

            Eight patients (3 male and 5 female) were treated in this study by Endovenous Laser Ablation (EVLA); Mathematical models are proposed to estimate the applied laser power and to assess the recovery period. The estimations of the applied laser power and recovery period in these models will be depended mainly on the diameter of the incompetent vein.  In addition, Excel Program was utilized to find the proposed models.  A 1470 nm diode laser up to 15W continuous power (CW) was used in the treatment of venous ulcers by EVLA procedure. Following up by duplex ultrasound was started in the 1st week after the first session until the vein is completely closed. The present study concluded that the relationship both between

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Publication Date
Fri Jan 01 2021
Journal Name
Aip Conf. Proc.
Preparation of nanostructured MnO2/carbon fiber composite electrode for removal of Cu2+ ions from aqueous solution by electrosorption process

The nanostructured Manganese dioxide/Carbon fiber (CF) composite electrode was prepared galvanostatically using a facile method of anodic electrodeposition by varying the reaction time and MnSO4 concentration of the electrochemical solution. The effects of these parameters on the structures and properties of the prepared electrode were evaluated. For determining the crystal characteristics, morphologies, and topographies of the deposited MnO2 films onto the surfaces of carbon fibers, the X-ray diffraction (XRD), field emission scanning electron microscopy (FESEM), and atomic force microscopy (AFM) techniques were used, respectively. It found that the carbon fibers were coated with γ-MnO2 with a density that increased with increasing the de

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Scopus Crossref
Publication Date
Thu Dec 01 2011
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Physics
Surface Modification of Ti-6Al-4V Alloy by Glow Discharge-Plasma Nitriding

Titanium alloy (Ti-6Al-4V) samples were nitrided in low pressure (1.3, 3 mbar) dc-glow discharge plasmas of nitrogen. The treating time was 5, 10 and 15 hour and the temperatures range of the samples during the nitriding process was close to 800oC. The obtained microstructures of the nitride layers were studied by x-ray diffraction and optical microscopy. The ε –Ti2N, ζ-Ti3N3-x and η-Ti3N2-x.phases were formed and addition to the solid solution of nitrogen in titanium, α (Ti,N). Micro hardness measurements exhibit an increment for the Ti-alloy specimens which nitrided at 800oC for 10 and 15h.Corrosion measurements were obtained for the Ti-6Al-4V alloy in Ringer solution after plasma nitriding. The clear improving in the corrosion r

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Publication Date
Fri Jan 25 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Al-qadisiyah For Computer Science And Mathematics Vol
Predicate the Ability of Extracorporeal Shock Wave Lithotripsy (ESWL) to treat the Kidney Stones by used Combined Classifier

Extracorporeal Shock Wave Lithotripsy (ESWL) is the most commonplace remedy for kidney stone. Shock waves from outside the body frame are centered at a kidney stone inflicting the stone to fragment. The success of the (ESWL) treatment is based on some variables such as age, sex, stone quantity stone period and so on. Thus, the prediction the success of remedy by this method is so important for professionals to make a decision to continue using (ESWL) or tousing another remedy technique. In this study, a prediction system for (ESWL) treatment by used three techniques of mixing classifiers, which is Product Rule (PR), Neural Network (NN) and the proposed classifier called Nested Combined Classi

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Publication Date
Sat Jan 01 2022
Journal Name
Results In Chemistry
Effect of Polyeugenol coating on surface treatment of grade 23 titanium alloy by micro arc technique for dental application

Titanium alloy (Ti-6Al-4V or Gr.23) was widely used as a dental alloy. In the current study, polymerization of eugenol (PE) on Gr.23 titanium alloys was conducted by an electrochemical process before and after being treated by Micro Arc Oxidation (MAO). The formed films were characterized by scanning electron microscopy (SEM), energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDS), and X-ray diffraction (XRD). The corrosion behavior of Gr.23 alloy in an artificial saliva environment at a temperature range of 293–323 K has been studied and assessed by means of electrochemical polarization and impedance spectroscopy techniques. Three cases are taken into consideration; bare Gr.23, Gr.23 coated by PE, and Gr.23 coated by PE after MAO treatment. The maxi

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Scopus Clarivate Crossref
Publication Date
Sun Sep 07 2014
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Heat Shock Protein70 as Biomarker in Bladder Cancer

The present study aimed to shed light on the urine HSP70 concentration of patients with urinary bladder carcinoma UBC and control subjects as new urinary biomarker. The second aim was to associate this protein concentration with UBC stage and grade in patients with UBC. A direct ELISA was used to quantify urine HSP concentrations in 58 patients with urinary bladder carcinoma UBC with different grades (G) and stages (T) all malignant of them was transitional cell carcinoma (TCC) type , 15 from patients with urinary Bladder disorders other than cancer UBD and 15 healthy subjects(control) . Urine concentrations of HSP70 were elevated in patients with UBC compared to those without UBC (healthy and UBD, P< 0.5). There was a high signifi

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Publication Date
Wed Dec 30 2009
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Chemical And Petroleum Engineering
Corrosion Inhibition of Aluminum Alloy 5083

The corrosion inhibition of aluminum alloy 5083 by an environment friendly compound called (8- Hydroxyquinoline) in
acidic and alkaline solutions of pH (2 and 12) respectively were studied using weight loss and polarization techniques.
Also to examine the main and combined effects of the inhibitor concentration, pH, and contact time using factorial
experimental design. Results show that corrosion rate decreased with increasing both inhibitor concentration and
contact time and increased with increasing pH value. The polarization curves show that 8-hydroxyquinoline is a
cathodic inhibitor

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Publication Date
Tue Dec 01 2020
Journal Name
Minar International Journal Of Applied Sciences And Technology
Electron density spectroscopic measurement in Al laser induced plasma

Plasma generated by a 1064 nm pulsed Nd: YAG laser with pulse duration of 10 ns concentrated onto an Al solid target under vacuum pressure was examined spectroscopically. The temperature and electron density specifying the plasma were measured by time-resolved spectroscopy of neutral atom and ion line emissions in the time period range of 300–2000 ns. An echelle spectrograph is utilized to appear the plasma emission lines. The temperature was obtained using the spectral line comparison method and the electron density was calculated using the Stark Broadening (SB) method. The electron density was characterized as a function of laser pulse energy. The time range where the plasma is optically thin and is also in local thermodynamic equilibri

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Publication Date
Thu Dec 31 2015
Journal Name
Al-khwarizmi Engineering Journal
Experimental Study and Numerical Simulation of Sheet Hydroforming Process for Aluminum Alloy AA5652


Lightweight materials is used in the sheet metal hydroforming process,  because it can be adapted to the manufacturing of complex structural components into a single body with high structural stiffness. Sheet hydroforming has been successfully developed in industry such as in the manufacturing of the components of automotive.The aim of this study is to simulate the experimental results ( such as the amount of pressure required to hydroforming process, stresses, and strains distribution)  with results  of finite element analyses (FEA)  (ANSYS 11)  for aluminum alloy (AA5652) sheets with  thickness (1.2mm) before heat treatm

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Publication Date
Fri Feb 08 2019
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Laser
Fusion Splicing for a Large Mode Area Photonic Crystal Fiber with Conventional Single Mode Fiber

In this paper the experimentally obtained conditions for the fusion splicing with photonic crystal fibers (PCF) having large mode areas were reported. The physical mechanism of the splice loss and the microhole collapse property of photonic crystal fiber (PCF) were studied. By controlling the arc-power and the arc-time of a conventional electric arc fusion splicer (FSM-60S), the minimum loss of splicing for fusion two conventional single mode fibers (SMF-28) was (0.00dB), which has similar mode field diameter. For splicing PCF (LMA-10) with a conventional single mode fiber (SMF-28), the loss was increased due to the mode field mismatch.

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