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High Speed Shock Peening by Fiber Laser for Al Alloy 6061-T6 Thin Sheets

Under cyclic loading, aluminum alloys exhibit less fatigue life than steel alloys of similar strength and this is considered as Achilles's heel of such alloys. A nanosecond fiber laser was used to apply high speed laser shock peening process on thin aluminum plates in order to enhance the fatigue life by introducing compressive residual stresses. The effect of three working parameters namely the pulse repetition rate (PRR), spot size (ω) and scanning speed (v) on limiting the fatigue failure was investigated. The optimum results, represented by the longer fatigue life, were at PRR of 22.5 kHz, ω of 0.04 mm and at both v's of 200 and 500 mm/sec. The research yielded significant results represented by a maximum percentage increase in the fatigue life of 505.25% accompanied by the least deformation for the processed surfaces. SEM images for the specimens processed by the optimum process conditions imply no ablation has occurred at the surface, and the process is completely cold. X-ray diffraction analysis indicates a reduction in grains size, an increase of 28.56% in the lengths of dislocations and formation of effective compressive residual stress at the surface and beneath reaches to 700 μm.

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Publication Date
Wed Jan 15 2020
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Laser
Hole Drilling of High Density Polyethylene using Nd:YAG Pulsed Laser

This paper presents the theoretical and experimental results of drilling high density
polyethylene sheet with thickness of 1 mm using millisecond Nd:YAG pulsed laser. Effects of laser
parameters including laser energy, pulse duration and peak power were investigated. To describe and
understand the mechanism of the drilling process Comsol multiphysics package version 4.3b was used to
simulate the process. Both of the computational and experimental results indicated that the drilling
process has been carried out successfully and there are two phases introduced in the drilling process,
vaporization and melting. Each portion of these phases depend on the laser parameters used in the
drilling process

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Publication Date
Mon Mar 30 2020
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Structural and Optical Analysis of Rhodamine 6G Thin Films Prepared by Q-switched Nd: YAG Pulsed Laser Deposition

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Publication Date
Fri Jan 11 2019
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Physics
Effect of thickness on the optical properties of ZnO thin films prepared by pulsed laser deposition technique (PLD)

Zinc Oxide (ZnO) thin films of different thickness were prepared
on ultrasonically cleaned corning glass substrate, by pulsed laser
deposition technique (PLD) at room temperature. Since most
application of ZnO thin film are certainly related to its optical
properties, so the optical properties of ZnO thin film in the
wavelength range (300-1100) nm were studied, it was observed that
all ZnO films have high transmittance (˃ 80 %) in the wavelength
region (400-1100) nm and it increase as the film thickness increase,
using the optical transmittance to calculate optical energy gap (Eg
show that (Eg
opt) of a direct allowed transition and its value nearly
constant (~ 3.2 eV) for all film thickness (150

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Crossref (3)
Publication Date
Mon Feb 04 2019
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Physics
Estimation of electron temperature for SiO2 plasma induced by laser

In this work; Silicon dioxide (SiO2) were fabricated by pulsed
laser ablation (PLA). The electron temperature was calculated by
reading the data of I-V curve of Langmuir probe which was
employed as a diagnostic technique for measuring plasma properties.
Pulsed Nd:YA Glaser was used for measuring the electron
temperature of SiO2 plasma plume under vacuum environment with
varying both pressure and axial distance from the target surface. The
electron temperature has been measured experimentally and the
effects of each of pressure and Langmuir probe distance from the
target were studied. An inverse relationship between electron
temperature and both pressure and axial distance was observed.

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Publication Date
Mon Sep 13 2021
Journal Name
Al-khwarizmi Engineering Journal
Optimization of Cutting Parameters for Milling Process of (4032) Al-Alloy using Taguchi-Based Grey Relational Analysis

The objective of this work is to study the influence of end milling cutting process parameters, tool material and geometry on multi-response outputs for 4032 Al-alloy. This can be done by proposing an approach that combines Taguchi method with grey relational analysis. Three cutting parameters have been selected (spindle speed, feed rate and cut depth) with three levels for each parameter. Three tools with different materials and geometry have been also used to design the experimental tests and runs based on matrix L9. The end milling process with several output characteristics is solved using a grey relational analysis. The results of analysis of variance (ANOVA) showed that the major influencing parameters on multi-objective response w

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Publication Date
Sun Oct 01 2023
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
The Influence of Ablation Speed on the Synthesis of Carbon Nanostructures Via Pulsed Laser Ablation of Asphalt in Ethanol

Pulsed liquid laser ablation is considered a green method for the synthesis of nanostructures because there are no byproducts formed after the ablation. In this paper, a fiber laser of wavelength 1.064 µm, peak power of 1 mJ, pulse duration of 120 ns, and repetition rate of 20 kHz, was used to produce carbon nanostructures including carbon nanospheres and carbon nanorods from the ablation of asphalt in ethanol at ablation speeds of (100, 75, 50, 10 mm/s).  The morphology, composition and optical properties of the synthesized samples were studied experimentally using FESEM, HRTEM, EDS, and UV-vis spectrophotometer. Results showed that the band gap energy decreased with decreasing the ablation speed (increasing the ablation time), the mi

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Scopus Crossref
Publication Date
Sun Dec 01 2002
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Physics
Preparation of thin films of SiCN from gas-phase reaction induced by TEA-CO2 laser and study of their optical properties

In this paper, silicon carbonitried thin films were prepared by the method of photolysis of the silane (SiH4) and ethylene (C2H4) gases, with and without ammonia gas (NH3), which is represented by the ratio between the (PNH3) and (PSiH4 + PC2H4 + PNH3), (which assign by the letter X), X has the values (0, 0.13, 0.33). This method carried out by using TEA-CO2 laser, on glass substrate at (375 oC), deposition rate (0.416-0.833) nm/pulse thin film thickness of (500-1000) nm. The optical properties of the films were studied by using Absorbance and Transmittance spectrums in wavelength range of (400-1100) nm, the results showed that the electronic transitions is indirect and the energy gap for the SiCN films increase with increasing of nitrog

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Publication Date
Fri Aug 31 2012
Journal Name
Al-khwarizmi Engineering Journal
Study of Mechanical Properties of (Al-Cu-Mg) Alloy Matrix Composite

The present research had dealt with preparing  bars  with the length of about  (13 cm) and  adiametar  of  (1.5 cm) of composite materials with metal  matrix  represented by (Al-Cu-Mg) alloy cast enforced by (ZrO2) particles with chosen weight  percentages (1.5, 2.5 ,3.5, 5.5 %). The base  cast and the composite  materials were prepared by casting method by uses vortex  Technique inorder to  fix up (ZrO2) particles in homogeneous way on  the  base cast. In addition to  that, two main groups of composite materials were prepared depending on the particles size of (ZrO2) , respectively.       &n

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Publication Date
Tue May 01 2012
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Physics
Controlling the wavelength of a high power diode laser using thermoelectric cooler

The present work includes a design and characteristics study of a controlling the wavelength of high power diode laser by thermoelectric cooler [TEC] . The work includes the operation of the [TEC] to control the temperature of the diode laser between ( 0- +30) °C by changing the resistance of thermistor. We can control a limited temperature of a diode laser by changing the phase cooling between hot and cold faces of the diode, this process can be attempted by comparator type [LM –311] .The theoretical results give a model for controlling the temperature with, the suitable wavelength.

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Publication Date
Fri Mar 31 2017
Journal Name
Al-khwarizmi Engineering Journal
Corrosion Behavior of Nanocomposite Al-9 wt% Si Alloy Reinforced with Carbon Nanotubes

An effort is made to study the effect of composite nanocoating using aluminum-9%wt silicon alloys reinforced with different percentage (0.5,1,2,4)wt.% of carbon nanotubes (CNTs) using  plasma spraying. The effect of this composite on corrosion behavior for AA6061-T6 by extrapolation Tafel test in sea water 3.5wt% NaCl was invested. Many specimens where prepared from AA6061-T6 by the dimension (15x15x3)mm as this first set up and other steps include coating process, X-ray diffraction and SEM examination .The results show the CNTs increase the corrosion rate of the nanocomposite coatings with increasing the weight percentage of CNTs within the Al-Si matrix. Al-9wt%Si coating layer itself has less corrosion rate if compared with both n

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