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Salinity of soil or irrigation water is one of the most important obstacle towards crop production and productivity, especially with the increasing scarcity of fresh water in Iraq and the Arab countries. The impact of salinity will be alleviated with the increasing temperature due to global warming. The objectives of this article was to shed some light on traits more related to salinity stress tolerance in oats, and to identify genetic variation of these traits. A split-plot arrangement experiment with RCBD was applied through 2011-2013 on the farm of Dept. of Field Crops/Coll. of Agric./Univ. of Baghdad. The oats cultivars; Hamel, Pimula and Genzania were set in sub-plots, whereas water quality was set in main-plots. Water quality had two treatments, fresh water (1.5 ds.m-1 ) and saline irrigation water (6.0 ds.m-1 ). The results revealed that Genzania cv. oat yielded the other two cultivars. This cultivar elapsed 121 d to flowering, 152 d to maturity, and gave 379 racemes.m-2 , 47 kernel. raceme-1 , 32.1% harvest index, 17740 kernel.m-2 and 5.3 t.ha-1 grain yield across both years. Salinity of irrigation water did not affect any of plant height, days to flowering and maturity, stems.m-2 , racemes.m-2 , dry matter yield, kernel filling period, kernel growth rate, or kernel weight. On contrary, water salinity reduced each of crop growth rate, fertility (kernel/raceme), kernel.m-2 , and grain yield. Each one ds.m-1 above 1.5 ds.m-1 reduced grain yield by 3.8%. Highest traits in genetic/environmental variance were kernel weight, and number of stems.m-2 . However, this ratio was similar in traits of harvest index, kernel filling period, and days to flowering and maturity. There was no absolute relationship between trait genetic variance and its response to salinity. Kernel weight and number of stems.m-2 were the best traits to select for salt tolerance in oats. It was recommended to study flowering syndrome including fertility under salinity stress. Crop growth rate should be determined for each of vegetative and reproductive phases of that crop.

Publication Date
Wed Jan 03 2024
Journal Name
Revista Brasileira De Engenharia Agrícola E Ambiental
Effect of cold plasma technique on the quality of stored fruits - A case study on apples
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The consumption of fresh fruits has increased nowadays due to the lifestyle of the consumers. Maintaining the quality and nutritional value of cut fruits during storage is difficult compared to whole fruits. Deterioration of internal and external quality usually occurs in freshly harvested fruits. It is necessary to use different techniques to maintain the quality and increase the shelf life of the freshly cut product. This research studied the effect of treating apple slices with cold plasma once and with filtered water again on quality characteristics (hardness, moisture content, sugar content, carbohydrate content, and color) after being stored for five days. The best treatment was determined using two different pressures of the plasma j

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Publication Date
Fri Dec 01 2023
Journal Name
Case Studies In Chemical And Environmental Engineering
Simultaneous electrodeposition of multicomponent of Mn–Co–Ni oxides electrodes for phenol removal by anodic oxidation
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Electrodeposition of metal oxides on graphite electrodes can improve their ability to remove organic substances. In this work, multicomponent oxides of Mn, Co, and Ni were electrochemically deposited on both the anode and cathode of graphite electrodes to enhance their performance in removing phenol. Formation of the deposit was achieved within 2 h in current densities of 20, 25, 30, and 35 mA/cm2 for better composite properties. The deposited layer was characterized by testing the surface structure, morphology, composition, and roughness. X-ray diffraction (XRD), scanning electron microscopy (SEM), energy dispersive X-ray (EDX), and Atomic force microscopy (AFM) techniques facilitated these tests. The composite electrodes have synthesized

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Publication Date
Tue Apr 02 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Environmental Health Science And Engineering
Adsorptive performance of a mixture of three nonliving algae classes for nickel remediation in synthesized wastewater
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Publication Date
Fri Jan 01 2021
Journal Name
Desalination And Water Treatment
Green synthesis of graphene-coated glass as novel reactive material for remediation of fluoride-contaminated groundwater
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Publication Date
Tue Sep 13 2022
Journal Name
Water Supply
Stable isotope composition in precipitation and groundwater of Shwan Sub-Basin, Kirkuk governorate, northeast of Iraq
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Abstract<p>Stable isotope composition of δ2H and δ18O was investigated in the water resources of the Shwan sub-Basin northeast of Iraq. The study objects conceived the possible factors that affect the stable isotopes’ composition in precipitation additionally to achieve information concerning recharge processes and estimate the groundwater recharge sources. In this study, four precipitation samples were collected at the study area for the 2020–2021 hydrological year. Thirty-two groundwater samples and one surface water sample from Lesser Zab River (LZR) were collected during the same period for two sampling seasons. The results of observed meteorological data show a very small amount of pr</p> ... Show More
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Publication Date
Mon Mar 07 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of Inorganic And Organometallic Polymers And Materials
Mechanical Characteristics and Thermal Stability of Hybrid Epoxy and Acrylic Polymer Coating/Nanoclay of Various Thicknesses
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Publication Date
Tue May 01 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of Physics: Conference Series
Heavy metals characteristics of settled particles of streets dust from Diwaniyah City- Qadisiyah Governorate - Southern Iraq
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Publication Date
Tue Jun 30 2015
Journal Name
Al-kindy College Medical Journal
Effects of local Infiltration of Bupivacaine in total hip and knee replacement for post - operative analgesia
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Background: Pain is one of the most postoperative complications of surgical wound especially within first 24 hrs. leading to delay hospital discharge, stress gastritis and increasing blood pressure. As wound infiltration with long acting local anesthetic (bupivacaine) has been proved to be effective after orthopedic surgeries especially total hip and knee replacements.Objective: our study was designed to determine theeffectiveness of local infiltration of 0.5% of bupivacainebefore closure of surgical wounds in controllingpostoperative pain and improve patient’s outcome after totalhip and knee replacement surgeries in first 24hrspostoperative period.Methods: Twenty patients from class I (healthy patients) and class II (patients mild sys

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Publication Date
Thu Apr 18 2019
Journal Name
Al-kindy College Medical Journal
Clinical and Refractive Outcomes of Toric Phakic Implantable Collamer lens Implantat for correction of myopic astigmatism
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Background: Currently there are four general approaches to correct refractive errors: refractive corneal surgery, crystalline lens surgery and implantation of an intraocular lens in anterior or posterior chamber.

Objective: To evaluate the predictability, safety and stability of toric phakic implantable collamer lens implantation to correct moderate to high myopic astigmatism. in  Eye Specialty Private Hospital, Baghdad, Iraq.

Type of the Study: a prospective non randomize intervention study.

Methods: 60 eyes of 40 patients underwent implantation of a toric implantable collamer lens (V4c design).Mean spherical refraction was ₋11.32 diopter

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Publication Date
Wed Aug 17 2022
Journal Name
Technologies And Materials For Renewable Energy, Environment And Sustainability: Tmrees21gr
Study the effective addition of coumarin dye on the optical properties of poly (methyl meth acrylate)
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The effect of adding different volume of coumarin dye (5, 15, 25 and 35) ml on optical properties of Poly (Methyl Meth Acrylate) was studied. Films of pure PMMA and PMMA with different volume of coumarin dye (5, 15, 25 and 35) ml were prepared using the casting technique. Transmission and absorption of the films were measured by using UV-VIS spectrometer technique type (100 Conc), in order to assess the type of transmission which was found an indirect transition. An optical energy gap of pure PMMA is (4.95e v) and after adding coumarin with volume (25, 35) ml, the energy gap for PMMA decrease by (0.05) compere to pure PMMA films and addition energy gap appear equal to (4.1 e v). It was found that the absorption coefficient, extinction coeff

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