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Salinity of soil or irrigation water is one of the most important obstacle towards crop production and productivity, especially with the increasing scarcity of fresh water in Iraq and the Arab countries. The impact of salinity will be alleviated with the increasing temperature due to global warming. The objectives of this article was to shed some light on traits more related to salinity stress tolerance in oats, and to identify genetic variation of these traits. A split-plot arrangement experiment with RCBD was applied through 2011-2013 on the farm of Dept. of Field Crops/Coll. of Agric./Univ. of Baghdad. The oats cultivars; Hamel, Pimula and Genzania were set in sub-plots, whereas water quality was set in main-plots. Water quality had two treatments, fresh water (1.5 ds.m-1 ) and saline irrigation water (6.0 ds.m-1 ). The results revealed that Genzania cv. oat yielded the other two cultivars. This cultivar elapsed 121 d to flowering, 152 d to maturity, and gave 379 racemes.m-2 , 47 kernel. raceme-1 , 32.1% harvest index, 17740 kernel.m-2 and 5.3 t.ha-1 grain yield across both years. Salinity of irrigation water did not affect any of plant height, days to flowering and maturity, stems.m-2 , racemes.m-2 , dry matter yield, kernel filling period, kernel growth rate, or kernel weight. On contrary, water salinity reduced each of crop growth rate, fertility (kernel/raceme), kernel.m-2 , and grain yield. Each one ds.m-1 above 1.5 ds.m-1 reduced grain yield by 3.8%. Highest traits in genetic/environmental variance were kernel weight, and number of stems.m-2 . However, this ratio was similar in traits of harvest index, kernel filling period, and days to flowering and maturity. There was no absolute relationship between trait genetic variance and its response to salinity. Kernel weight and number of stems.m-2 were the best traits to select for salt tolerance in oats. It was recommended to study flowering syndrome including fertility under salinity stress. Crop growth rate should be determined for each of vegetative and reproductive phases of that crop.

Publication Date
Mon Mar 06 2023
Journal Name
Solving chemical problems among students of the College of Education for Pure Sciences, Ibn al-Haytham
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Publication Date
Tue Jan 08 2019
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Physics
Study of structural, optical and electrical properties of thin Ag2Cu2O4 films prepared by pulsed laser deposition
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The influence of sintering and annealing temperatures on the structural, surface morphology, and optical properties of Ag2Cu2O4 thin films which deposited on glass substrates by pulsed laser deposition method have been studied. Ag2Cu2O4 powders have polycrystalline structure, and the Ag2Cu2O4 phase was appear as low intensity peak at 35.57o which correspond the reflection from (110) plane. Scan electron microscopy images of Ag2Cu2O4 powder has been showed agglomerate of oxide particles with platelets shape. The structure of thin films has been improved with annealing temperature. Atomic Force micrographs of Ag2Cu2O4 films showed uniform, homogenous films and the shape of grains was almost spherical and larger grain size of 97.85 nm has o

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Publication Date
Tue Jun 13 2023
Journal Name
International Journal Of Engineering Business Management
The role of environmental management accounting information in the design process of environmental and sustainable products
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The aim of this study is to investigate the effect of environmental management accounting information (EMAI) on the design process of environmental and sustainable products of Iraqi industrial companies. This process has five different sub-processes: research process, analysis process, conceptual design process, detailed design process and design production process. The study uses the quantitative approach as the questionnaire was designed and distributed to 87 quality managers, production managers, design managers and financial managers. The MANOVA analysis shows that EMAI has a positive and significant effect on three of these processes, namely research process, analysis process and detailed design process, while EMAI has an insi

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Scopus Clarivate Crossref
Publication Date
Sat Jul 01 2023
Journal Name
Iop Conference Series: Earth And Environmental Science
Evaluation of Sticky Traps and Baits in Control of Melon Fly, Dacus frontalis Becker on Melon
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Abstract<p>The <italic>Dacus frontalis</italic> Becker is known species, being an agricultural pest. It has been attacked <italic>Cucumis melo</italic> L. Sticky traps and baits have been used as one of effective integrated control methods to monitor different types of insects. It is way to know population density of insects. For sticky traps, the average number of adults of insects caught in yellow, Transparent, blue and red traps was 15.72, 9.50, 4.67, 3.17 adults\ trap\ six weeks respectively. However, for baits, results have been recorded that average numbers of adults caught in traps were 13.67, 10.00, 9.17, 7.75, 50.6, 2.50 adult/trap. The results have been recorded tha</p> ... Show More
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Scopus Crossref
Publication Date
Tue Jan 01 2019
Journal Name
Advances In Animal And Veterinary Sciences
Community Composition of Parasitic Nematodes of Cyprinion Macrostomum from North and Mid West Regions In Iraq
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Scopus Crossref
Publication Date
Fri Sep 30 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
The impact of digital leadership in the effectiveness of organizational crisis management by mediating strategic vigilance
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The current research aims to verify the impact of digital leadership as an independent variable, in the effectiveness of crisis management as a response  variable through centralizing strategic vigilance in the faculties of the University of Baghdad and its departments, and to investigate the level of interest of its leaders and subordinates in research variables, as well as coming up with recommendations that contribute to strengthening the practices of the three variables. In the university under study, and based on the researcher’s  interest  to diagnose the influence relationship between the variables, because of their importance in the university’s headquarters and its members on the one hand, and its refl

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Publication Date
Sun Dec 07 2014
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Calculation of Radial Density Distribution Function for main orbital of Carbon atom and Carbon like ions
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Radial density distribution function of one particle D(r1) was calculated for main orbital of carbon atom and carbon like ions (N+ and B- ) by using the Partitioning technique .The results presented for K and L shells for the Carbon atom and negative ion of Boron and positive ion for nitrogen ion . We observed that as atomic number increases the probability of existence of electrons near the nucleus increases and the maximum of the location r1 decreases. In this research the Hartree-fock wavefunctions have been computed using Mathcad computer software .

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Publication Date
Sat Jun 01 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
"Analyzing of the economic relationship between Dutch disease and the disruption of the Iraq economic structure "
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The status of the semi total stoppage and non-use and waste of economic made studying and analyzing Dutch disease of high importance because it is a major cause in aggravation of this status which happened to the Iraqi economy in almost complete way and the relative big importance that oil source has and its domination on the largest percentage in the gross domestic product and exports that Iraqi economy is relying largely in funding the national budget made the concentration of the study on this subject an important and necessary within the important economic events that Iraqi economy witnessed after 2003 till 2016 to give a clear and an overall picture of the reality of the unilateral Iraqi economy under the status of semi tota

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Publication Date
Wed Jan 20 2021
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Study the Effect of Annealing on the Structural Properties of Zinc Oxide Films by Electrolysis Technique
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     Zinc oxide films (ZnO) are prepared by an electrolysis technique and without vacuum and then annealed atvarious temperatures (300,400,500)OC for an hour. The structural analysis performed by X-Ray diffraction (XRD) shows,dominant orientation of this films is plane (101), has a hexagonal structure and  polycrystalline pattern and it was is found that the crystal size increases(24,29) nm at annealing temperatures (300, 400)° C, but the crystal size decreases to (20 nm) at annealing temperature (500 ° C). As the results of a surface nature study of these films showed by examining the atomic force microscope (AFM), the grain  size increases from (60.79 to 88.11) nm, and the surface roughnes

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Publication Date
Sun May 07 2017
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
The Effect of Silica Sio2 on the Dielectric and Physical Properties of Mn –Ni Ferrite
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The effect of SiO 2 ) Silica) on the dielectric and physical properties of Mnx-Ni1 -xFe2O4 ،، X=0.5 is studies. The samples are prepared by the conventional manufacturing
method. We found that the physical and dielectric properties of Mn-Ni ferrite change
considerably with the substituent samples .the variation of dielectric constant as a function of
frequency of ferrite system decrease with frequency increases and increase with the increase
the concentration of SiO 2 . It was found that the increase of SiO 2 concentration of all our
samples produce an increase in mass density and decrease with porosities

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