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Salinity of soil or irrigation water is one of the most important obstacle towards crop production and productivity, especially with the increasing scarcity of fresh water in Iraq and the Arab countries. The impact of salinity will be alleviated with the increasing temperature due to global warming. The objectives of this article was to shed some light on traits more related to salinity stress tolerance in oats, and to identify genetic variation of these traits. A split-plot arrangement experiment with RCBD was applied through 2011-2013 on the farm of Dept. of Field Crops/Coll. of Agric./Univ. of Baghdad. The oats cultivars; Hamel, Pimula and Genzania were set in sub-plots, whereas water quality was set in main-plots. Water quality had two treatments, fresh water (1.5 ds.m-1 ) and saline irrigation water (6.0 ds.m-1 ). The results revealed that Genzania cv. oat yielded the other two cultivars. This cultivar elapsed 121 d to flowering, 152 d to maturity, and gave 379 racemes.m-2 , 47 kernel. raceme-1 , 32.1% harvest index, 17740 kernel.m-2 and 5.3 t.ha-1 grain yield across both years. Salinity of irrigation water did not affect any of plant height, days to flowering and maturity, stems.m-2 , racemes.m-2 , dry matter yield, kernel filling period, kernel growth rate, or kernel weight. On contrary, water salinity reduced each of crop growth rate, fertility (kernel/raceme), kernel.m-2 , and grain yield. Each one ds.m-1 above 1.5 ds.m-1 reduced grain yield by 3.8%. Highest traits in genetic/environmental variance were kernel weight, and number of stems.m-2 . However, this ratio was similar in traits of harvest index, kernel filling period, and days to flowering and maturity. There was no absolute relationship between trait genetic variance and its response to salinity. Kernel weight and number of stems.m-2 were the best traits to select for salt tolerance in oats. It was recommended to study flowering syndrome including fertility under salinity stress. Crop growth rate should be determined for each of vegetative and reproductive phases of that crop.

Publication Date
Thu Feb 01 2024
Journal Name
Journal Of Photochemistry And Photobiology A: Chemistry
Construction of co-zeolitic imidazolate framework/Bi2WO6 heterojunction photocatalyst with improved adsorption and photodegradation of ciprofloxacin
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Publication Date
Wed Aug 09 2023
Journal Name
Applied Sciences
Effect of Crude Oil on the Geotechnical Properties of Various Soils and the Developed Remediation Methods
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Crude oil still affects many countries because it is one of the essential fuel sources. It makes life more manageable in modern communities and cannot be overstated because it is easy to use and find. However, the pollution caused by its use in industries such as mining, transportation, and the oil and gas business, especially soil pollution, cannot be ignored. Soil pollution is an issue in most communities because it influences people and ecology. Accidental infusions and spills of ore oils are prevalent occurrences leading to the entire or fractional exchange of the soil pore fluid by oil-contaminated soils that have affected the geotechnical engineering properties. The liquid limitations for polluted soil grades silty loam and sa

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Publication Date
Wed Aug 09 2023
Journal Name
Applied Sciences
Effect of Crude Oil on the Geotechnical Properties of Various Soils and the Developed Remediation Methods
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Crude oil still affects many countries because it is one of the essential fuel sources. It makes life more manageable in modern communities and cannot be overstated because it is easy to use and find. However, the pollution caused by its use in industries such as mining, transportation, and the oil and gas business, especially soil pollution, cannot be ignored. Soil pollution is an issue in most communities because it influences people and ecology. Accidental infusions and spills of ore oils are prevalent occurrences leading to the entire or fractional exchange of the soil pore fluid by oil-contaminated soils that have affected the geotechnical engineering properties. The liquid limitations for polluted soil grades silty loam and sa

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Publication Date
Fri Jun 01 2012
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Theoretical and Experimental Investigation of Transient Temperature Distribution in Friction Stir Welding of AA 7020-T53
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Finite element modeling of transient temperature distribution is used to understand physical phenomena occurring during the dwell (penetration) phase and moving of welding tool in friction stir welding (FSW) of 5mm plate made of 7020-T53 aluminum alloy at 1400rpm and 40mm/min.
Thermocouples are used in locations near to the pin and under shoulder surface to study the welding tool penetration in the workpiece in advance and retreate sides along welding line in three positions (penetrate (start welding) , mid, pullout (end welding)).
Numerical results of ANSYS 12.0 package are compared to experimental data including axial load measurements at different tool rotational speeds (710rpm.900rpm.1120rpm and 1400rpm) Based on the experiment

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Publication Date
Fri Jul 26 2013
Journal Name
Environmental Geochemistry And Health
Assessment of sulfurous springs in the west of Iraq for balneotherapy, drinking, irrigation and aquaculture purposes
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Publication Date
Sun Mar 07 2010
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Study of the properties of Ru-isotopes using the proton-neutron interacting boson model (IBM-2)
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The proton-neutron interacting boson model (IBM-2) has been used to make a schematic study of the Ruthenium ( ) isotopes of mass region around with and . For each isotope of the values of the IBM-2 Hamiltonian parameters, which yield an acceptable results for excitation energies in comparison with those of experimental data, have been determined. Fixed values of the effective charges ( ) and of the proton and neutron g factors ( and ) have been chosen for all isotopes under study. The calculated electric quadrupole moments of state, transitions, the magnetic dipole moments transitions and mixing ratios are in reasonable agreement with the experimental data.

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Publication Date
Mon Mar 08 2021
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
The effect of phenolic compound from Albizzia Seed on Biology of lesser grainborrer RhiZopertha dominica (coleoptera:Bostrichidae)
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The lesser grain boner Rhizopertha dominica is an important insect on grain in Iraq . in this study phenol and coumarin were isolated from Albizzia lebbek . the addition of there compounds to artificial diet at concentration of 3.4,5% couse high effects on the development of the studed insect larva.the larva were unable to complete its development to adult stage. More over, using 5% coumarin larva were died.Seed germination was not affected when seed were sprayed with concentration of 3,4,5% of coumarin and phenol.

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Publication Date
Wed Aug 30 2023
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Comparative Analysis of MFO, GWO and GSO for Classification of Covid-19 Chest X-Ray Images
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Medical images play a crucial role in the classification of various diseases and conditions. One of the imaging modalities is X-rays which provide valuable visual information that helps in the identification and characterization of various medical conditions. Chest radiograph (CXR) images have long been used to examine and monitor numerous lung disorders, such as tuberculosis, pneumonia, atelectasis, and hernia. COVID-19 detection can be accomplished using CXR images as well. COVID-19, a virus that causes infections in the lungs and the airways of the upper respiratory tract, was first discovered in 2019 in Wuhan Province, China, and has since been thought to cause substantial airway damage, badly impacting the lungs of affected persons.

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Publication Date
Thu Apr 25 2019
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Market Research And Consumer Protection
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That the building of the national economy depends on the extent of the possibility of transition from the rent economy seeking to increase GDP (GDP1), and the tendency to manage projects with external sources of funding, or allow projects with foreign capital is a necessity. The strategic challenges faced by the economy in countries that have experience in investment projects have faced several factors internal and external for a period of time and not a few and the pressures and difficulties and failures have affected in one way or another on the development work in that country. On this basis, the stakeholders have a role to pay attention to the issue of the feasibility of the pattern of foreign investment in the investment environment

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Publication Date
Wed Mar 16 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
Designs of Children's Bedroom Furniture and the Percentage of Its Use in Developing their Aesthetic Sense
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The research aims to identify the bedroom furniture designs for children who are in ages range between (4-6) years and the rate of employing them in developing their aesthetic sense. To achieve this objective, the researchers developed the two research tools represented by a analysis-description form of bedroom furniture designs included a number of domains that were represented in the shapes, colors, and sizes of the furniture, as well as the availability of the safety factor, ease of use, cleaning and movement. As for the aesthetic sense scale included (30) paragraphs and alternatives (always, sometimes, never), they were distributed among a representative sample of (170) mothers of children were chosen randomly from (17) kindergartens

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