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Thematic Maps for the Variation of Bearing Capacity of Soil Using SPTs and MATLAB
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The current study involves placing 135 boreholes drilled to a depth of 10 m below the existing ground level. Three standard penetration tests (SPT) are performed at depths of 1.5, 6, and 9.5 m for each borehole. To produce thematic maps with coordinates and depths for the bearing capacity variation of the soil, a numerical analysis was conducted using MATLAB software. Despite several-order interpolation polynomials being used to estimate the bearing capacity of soil, the first-order polynomial was the best among the other trials due to its simplicity and fast calculations. Additionally, the root mean squared error (RMSE) was almost the same for the all of the tried models. The results of the study can be summarized by the production of thematic maps showing the variation of the bearing capacity of the soil over the whole area of Al-Basrah city correlated with several depths. The bearing capacity of soil obtained from the suggested first-order polynomial matches well with those calculated from the results of SPTs with a deviation of ±30% at a 95% confidence interval.

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Publication Date
Wed Jan 10 2018
Journal Name
Al–bahith Al–a'alami
Using of digital media and its effect on constructing the value system of Iraqi society (Field study on a sample of the audience for the city of Baghdad model)
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With the great development in the field of the Internet, the talk about the new media and its implications began, And its interactive services have made the future of media material sometimes participating in it and manufacturing it at other times,
the public is seeking information and choosing the appropriate ones, as well as exchanging messages with the sender after what the role of the receiver is just receiving information only.
This study aims to demonstrate the effects of using digital media in various forms and types to construct the value system of Iraqi society through the identification of the following aims:
Identify the most popular digital media for the Iraqi public in their daily lives on the Internet.

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Publication Date
Mon Dec 31 2018
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Market Research And Consumer Protection
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This study includes applying chemical tests on cow, sheep and chicken bones including both hallow and flat. The results of chemical tests on bones mentioned the moisture percentage which was between 4.95-7.32 %, and it was noticed the difference in protein percentage among different kinds of bones, The highest protien percentage was 39.62 % in hallow chicken bones and the lowest was in hallow sheep bones 20.31%, at the same time, the highest Ash percentage was in hallow sheep bones48.11% , whereas the highest percentage of fat was in hallow cow bones 30%. The chemical and physical tests were conducted for extracted fat from hallow and flat bones for cows, sheeps and chicken. It was found that peroxide values (PV), and free fatty acids (F

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Publication Date
Thu Dec 29 2016
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Effect of Soil Polluted with Crude Oil on Some Wood Properties of Casuarina equisetifolia
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    The current experiment was conducted to explore the effect of soil crude oil ( crude oil ) pollution on some wood properties of   Casuarina equisetifolia.      Four levels of pollution were applied on 40 (one-year) old seedlings . Measurements were taken by cutting the trees after two growth seasons from date of pollution .The studied Properties were fiber length, diameter, wall thickness, and specific gravity of external and internal wood.  Results showed an adverse effect of pollution on fiber diameter more than on fiber length. While wall thickness did not affect.  Fiber dimensions of external wood showed higher values  than that of internal one, especially for fiber

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Publication Date
Mon Dec 30 2019
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Chemical And Petroleum Engineering
Synthesis and Characterization of Nano Y Zeolite Using MWCNT as Media for Crystal Growth
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   The present research was conducted to synthesis Y-Zeolite by sol-gel technique using MWCNT (multiwalled carbon nanotubes) as crystallization medium to get a narrow range of particle size distribution with small average size compared with ordinary methods. The phase pattern, chemical structure, particle size, and surface area were detected by XRD, FTIR, BET and AFM, respectively. Results shown that the average size of Zeolite with and without using MWCNT were (92.39) nm and (55.17) nm respectively .Particle size range reduced from (150-55) nm to (130-30) nm. The surface area enhanced to be (558) m2/g with slightly large pore volume (0.231) km3/g was obtained. Meanwhile, degree of crystallization decrease

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Publication Date
Wed Jan 01 2020
Journal Name
Plant Archives
Bacteriological assessment for cleaning and sanitizing of domestic milking equipment by using ozonated water
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A total of 20 raw milk samples were used as the fouling agent for evaluating the bacteriological effectiveness of cleaning and sanitizing of domestic milking equipment by using ozonated water at 0.5 ppm comparing to the warm water at 55! for 5 minutes respectively. The mean values of total aerobic bacteria, Coliform and E.coli that present on the plastic and stainless-steel containers after using the raw milk as fouling agent were 3.4×10-6 , 6.7x10-5 and 5.8×10-3 cfu/cm2 respectively , after cleaning the stainless steel containers by the ozonated water the mean values of total aerobic bacterial counts, Coliforms and E.coli bacteria were reduced to 1.2×10-6, 4.7×10-5 and 3.3×10-3 CFU/cm2 respectively. while after cleaning by the warm wa

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Scopus (1)
Publication Date
Wed Apr 20 2022
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Developing and Organizing an Easy Work Environment for Users of Computers Using Information Technology
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The study aims to implement a serial security technology system to organize a comfortable work environment for users of computers in the General Directorate of Education in Baghdad Karkh3. The most important findings of the study are the application of a serial technology system. It is connected with scientific goals that show the scientific structure of computer learning and its applications.  It considers global learning systems and take into account the ease and scientific flow of the class of elderly employees. In addition, employees of other categories, are the outputs of the sequential technological system. The aim is to create a purposeful technological system and keep pace with global developments, to gain experience, skills and

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Publication Date
Fri Jan 01 2021
Journal Name
Aip Conference Proceedings
Eco friendly synthesis of AgNPs using Green apple and pepper extracts for antibacterial application
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Scopus Crossref
Publication Date
Mon Jun 20 2022
Journal Name
International Journal Of Early Childhood Special Education
The Impact of the Visual Teaching Strategy by using Infographic in mathematics achievement for intrmediate grade students
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The research aims to identify the impact of the visual teaching strategy by using infographics mathematics achievement for intermediate grade students. The experimental research method was adopted, as the experimental design of two independent and equal groups with a post test was used, whereas the experiment was applied on a sample consisting of (52) male students from first- intermediate grade students in (Al-Haq Al-Mubin intermediate school for Boys) of the General Directorate in Anbar Governorate - Department Education in Fallujah for the academic year (2021-2022), and the research sample was distributed equally on the two research groups, and Division (B) was chosen randomly to be the experimental group, while Division (A) was the cont

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Publication Date
Sun Apr 06 2014
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Modeling Absolute Deviations Method by using Numerical Methods to measure the dispersion of the proposal for error
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Is in this research review of the way minimum absolute deviations values ​​based on linear programming method to estimate the parameters of simple linear regression model and give an overview of this model. We were modeling method deviations of the absolute values ​​proposed using a scale of dispersion and composition of a simple linear regression model based on the proposed measure. Object of the work is to find the capabilities of not affected by abnormal values by using numerical method and at the lowest possible recurrence.


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Publication Date
Wed Feb 20 2019
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Physics
The measurements of neutron Fermi Age for selected Nuclear Reactor shielding materials using the Indium foil technique
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The Neutron Fermi Age, t, and the neutron slowing down density,   q (r, t) , have been measured for some materials such as Graphite and Iron by using gamma spectrometry system UCS-30 with NaI (Tl) detector. This technique was applied for Graphite and Iron materials by using Indium foils covered by Cadmium and the measurements done at the Indium resonance of 1.46 eV. These materials are exposed to a plane 241Am/Be neutron source with recent activity 38 mCi. The measurements of the Fermi Age were found to be t = 297 ± 21 cm2 for Graphite, t = 400 ± 28 cm2 for Iron. Neutron slowing down density was also calculated depending on the recent experimental t value and distance.

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