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Factors Affecting Traffic Accidents Density on Selected Multilane Rural Highways
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Estimations of average crash density as a function of traffic elements and characteristics can be used for making good decisions relating to planning, designing, operating, and maintaining roadway networks. This study describes the relationships between total, collision, turnover, and runover accident densities with factors such as hourly traffic flow and average spot speed on multilane rural highways in Iraq. The study is based on data collected from two sources: police stations and traffic surveys. Three highways are selected in Wassit governorate as a case study to cover the studied locations of the accidents. Three highways are selected in Wassit governorate as a case study to cover the studied locations of the accidents. The selection includes Kut–Suwera, Kut–ShekhSaad, and Kut–Hay multilane divided highways located in the south of Iraq. The preliminary presentation of the studied highways was performed using Geographic Information System (GIS) software. Data collection was done to obtain crash numbers and types over five years with their locations, hourly traffic flow, and average spot speed and define roadway segments lengths of crash locations. The cumulative speed distribution curves introduce that the spot speed spectrum for each highway's whole traffic extends over a relatively wide range, indicating a maximum speed of 180 kph and a minimum speed of 30 kph. Multiple linear regression analysis is applied to the data using SPSS software to attain the relationships between the dependent variables and the independent variables to identify elements strongly correlated with crash densities. Four regression models are developed which verify good and strong statistical relationships between crash densities with the studied factors. The results show that traffic volume and driving speed have a significant impact on the crash densities. It means that there is a positive correlation between the single factors and crash occurrence. The higher volumes and the faster the driving speed, the more likely it is to crash. As the hourly traffic flow of automobile grows, the need for safe traffic facilities also extended. Doi: 10.28991/cej-2021-03091719 Full Text: PDF

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Publication Date
Mon Dec 05 2022
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Land use change in Baghdad City and assessment of the Jadriyah and Umm Al- Khanazeer Island Important Bird Area (IBA) from 1984 to 2020
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Land use change, particularly the expansion of urban areas and associated human activities at the expense of natural and semi-natural areas, is a major ecological issue in urban areas around the world. Climate change being a very strong additional driver for changing the temperature and habitat in the cities. This also applies to Baghdad, Iraq, where urbanisation and climate change exerts a major pressure on the natural habitats of the city, and thus may affect the ability of city planners to adapt to future climate change scenarios. Here we present evidence of substantial growth in urban areas, increases in temperature, and degradation of natural vegetation within Baghdad city by using Remote Sensing techniques and an assessment for the

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Publication Date
Tue Dec 01 2009
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Evaluation The Efficiency And Effectiveness of The Iraq stock Exchange -An Empirical Study From July 2004 to March 2008–
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 The aim of this study was to provide an overall assessment to the efficiency of the Iraq stocks exchanges (ISE) through specifying well –known models .First, Fama's efficient market hypothesis as a contrary concept to the random walk hypothesis, was performed and it has been found that ISE follows the random process, so the price of the shares can't be predicated on the basis of past information. Second,we use a multifactor model, which so named multiple regression, to explore the link between ISE  and the main economic indicators. our empirical analysis finds that every weak associations exists between major ISE measures and main economic indicators.

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Publication Date
Mon Oct 08 2018
Journal Name
Bulletin Of The Iraq Natural History Museum (p-issn: 1017-8678 , E-issn: 2311-9799)
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     The open hole well log data (Resistivity, Sonic, and Gamma Ray) of well X in Euphrates subzone within the Mesopotamian basin are applied to detect the total organic carbon (TOC) of Zubair Formation in the south part of Iraq. The mathematical interpretation of the logs parameters helped in detecting the TOC and source rock productivity. As well, the quantitative interpretation of the logs data leads to assigning to the organic content and source rock intervals identification. The reactions of logs in relation to the increasing of TOC can be detected through logs parameters. By this way, the TOC can be predicted with an increase in gamma-ray, sonic, neutron, and resistivity, as well as a decrease in the density log

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Publication Date
Sat Dec 11 2021
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Pharmaceutical Sciences ( P-issn 1683 - 3597 E-issn 2521 - 3512)
The Seroprevalence of CMV in Women with Bad Obstetric History in Babil/Iraq
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 Placental dysfunction and or fetal central nervous system infestation caused by Human cytomegalovirus (HCMV) is the leading cause of congenital non-genetic neuro-developmental problems of the newborn, worldwide. Although the highest rates of congenital infection and CMV seroprevalence occurs in developing countries like Iraq, there remains a paucity of data from that part of the world. This descriptive case control study was undertaken in Babylon/ Iraq to determine the local seroprevalence of CMV in women of child bearing age, and to identify the socio-demographic factors associated with it.  This study found a seropositivity peak amongst the 26-35 yr olds which declined in the 36 – 45 yr olds. However, the

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Publication Date
Thu Dec 23 2021
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Pharmaceutical Sciences ( P-issn 1683 - 3597 E-issn 2521 - 3512)
The Students Experience of Hybrid- Education Model at The University of Baghdad College of Pharmacy
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The impact of COVID-19 pandemic on education models was mainly through the expansion of technology use in the different educational programs. Earlier impact of COVID-19 was manifested in the complete and sudden transition to distance education regardless of institution preparedness status. Gradually, many institutions are moving back to on-campus face-to-face education. However, others including all higher education institutions in Iraq are adopting the hybrid education model. This report presents part of the end of semester evaluation survey conducted at the University of Baghdad College of Pharmacy for the Spring 2021 semester. The survey aims to address points of strength and weakness associated with the hybrid education model and spe

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Publication Date
Mon Mar 28 2022
Journal Name
Politeia-journal Of Political Theory Political Philosophy And Sociology Of Politics
State-building and Ethnic Pluralism in Iraq after 2003
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The research article deals with the process of building or rebuilding the state in Iraq after 2003 in its various dimensions, in light of the vision and foundational procedures that were developed and supervised by the United States in cooperation with the new leaders of Iraq based on the mechanism of sectarianethnic representation, and diagnosing the imbalances that arose out of that vision and the accompanying procedures, which led to the emergence of new variables in the political process, especially in the post-ISIS* phase, which produced important challenges to the political system and the Iraqi state. The political dynamics and balances emerging after ISIS* represented at the same time opportunities and risks in the process of

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Publication Date
Sun Sep 01 2019
Journal Name
Al-dhad Book Store
Multivariate Analysis - First Edition
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This Book is intended to be textbook studied for undergraduate course in multivariate analysis. This book is designed to be used in semester system. In order to achieve the goals of the book, it is divided into the following chapters. Chapter One introduces matrix algebra. Chapter Two devotes to Linear Equation System Solution with quadratic forms, Characteristic roots & vectors. Chapter Three discusses Partitioned Matrices and how to get Inverse, Jacobi and Hessian matrices. Chapter Four deals with Multivariate Normal Distribution (MVN). Chapter Five concern with Joint, Marginal and Conditional Normal Distribution, independency and correlations. Many solved examples are intended in this book, in addition to a variety of unsolved relied pro

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Publication Date
Fri Feb 01 2019
Journal Name
Al-dhad - Book Store And Publishing
Multivariate Analysis (First Edition)
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This Book is intended to be textbook studied for undergraduate course in multivariate analysis. This book is designed to be used in semester system. In order to achieve the goals of the book, it is divided into the following chapters. Chapter One introduces matrix algebra. Chapter Two devotes to Linear Equation System Solution with quadratic forms, Characteristic roots & vectors. Chapter Three discusses Partitioned Matrices and how to get Inverse, Jacobi and Hessian matrices. Chapter Four deals with Multivariate Normal Distribution (MVN). Chapter Five concern with Joint, Marginal and Conditional Normal Distribution, independency and correlations. Many solved examples are intended in this book, in addition to a variety of unsolved relied pro

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Publication Date
Mon Jan 20 2020
Journal Name
Kuwait Journal Of Science
Three iterative methods for solving Jeffery-Hamel flow problem
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In this article, the nonlinear problem of Jeffery-Hamel flow has been solved analytically and numerically by using reliable iterative and numerical methods. The approximate solutions obtained by using the Daftardar-Jafari method namely (DJM), Temimi-Ansari method namely (TAM) and Banach contraction method namely (BCM). The obtained solutions are discussed numerically, in comparison with other numerical solutions obtained from the fourth order Runge-Kutta (RK4), Euler and previous analytic methods available in literature. In addition, the convergence of the proposed methods is given based on the Banach fixed point theorem. The results reveal that the presented methods are reliable, effective and applicable to solve other nonlinear problems.

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Publication Date
Thu Mar 30 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
An Artificial Intelligence Algorithm to Optimize the Classification of the Hepatitis Type
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Hepatitis is one of the diseases that has become more developed in recent years in terms of the high number of infections. Hepatitis causes inflammation that destroys liver cells, and it occurs as a result of viruses, bacteria, blood transfusions, and others. There are five types of hepatitis viruses, which are (A, B, C, D, E) according to their severity. The disease varies by type. Accurate and early diagnosis is the best way to prevent disease, as it allows infected people to take preventive steps so that they do not transmit the difference to other people, and diagnosis using artificial intelligence gives an accurate and rapid diagnostic result. Where the analytical method of the data relied on the radial basis network to diagnose the

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