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Comparison study of classification methods of intramuscular electromyography data for non-human primate model of traumatic spinal cord injury
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Traumatic spinal cord injury is a serious neurological disorder. Patients experience a plethora of symptoms that can be attributed to the nerve fiber tracts that are compromised. This includes limb weakness, sensory impairment, and truncal instability, as well as a variety of autonomic abnormalities. This article will discuss how machine learning classification can be used to characterize the initial impairment and subsequent recovery of electromyography signals in an non-human primate model of traumatic spinal cord injury. The ultimate objective is to identify potential treatments for traumatic spinal cord injury. This work focuses specifically on finding a suitable classifier that differentiates between two distinct experimental stages (pre-and post-lesion) using electromyography signals. Eight time-domain features were extracted from the collected electromyography data. To overcome the imbalanced dataset issue, synthetic minority oversampling technique was applied. Different ML classification techniques were applied including multilayer perceptron, support vector machine, K-nearest neighbors, and radial basis function network; then their performances were compared. A confusion matrix and five other statistical metrics (sensitivity, specificity, precision, accuracy, and F-measure) were used to evaluate the performance of the generated classifiers. The results showed that the best classifier for the left- and right-side data is the multilayer perceptron with a total F-measure of 79.5% and 86.0% for the left and right sides, respectively. This work will help to build a reliable classifier that can differentiate between these two phases by utilizing some extracted time-domain electromyography features.

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Publication Date
Wed Feb 06 2013
Journal Name
Eng. & Tech. Journal
A proposal to detect computer worms (malicious codes) using data mining classification algorithms
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Malicious software (malware) performs a malicious function that compromising a computer system’s security. Many methods have been developed to improve the security of the computer system resources, among them the use of firewall, encryption, and Intrusion Detection System (IDS). IDS can detect newly unrecognized attack attempt and raising an early alarm to inform the system about this suspicious intrusion attempt. This paper proposed a hybrid IDS for detection intrusion, especially malware, with considering network packet and host features. The hybrid IDS designed using Data Mining (DM) classification methods that for its ability to detect new, previously unseen intrusions accurately and automatically. It uses both anomaly and misuse dete

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Publication Date
Tue Sep 08 2020
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
A comparison among Different Methods for Estimating Regression Parameters with Autocorrelation Problem under Exponentially Distributed Error
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Multiple linear regressions are concerned with studying and analyzing the relationship between the dependent variable and a set of explanatory variables. From this relationship the values of variables are predicted. In this paper the multiple linear regression model and three covariates were studied in the presence of the problem of auto-correlation of errors when the random error distributed the distribution of exponential. Three methods were compared (general least squares, M robust, and Laplace robust method). We have employed the simulation studies and calculated the statistical standard mean squares error with sample sizes (15, 30, 60, 100). Further we applied the best method on the real experiment data representing the varieties of

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Publication Date
Sat Jul 06 2024
Journal Name
Multimedia Tools And Applications
Text classification based on optimization feature selection methods: a review and future directions
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A substantial portion of today’s multimedia data exists in the form of unstructured text. However, the unstructured nature of text poses a significant task in meeting users’ information requirements. Text classification (TC) has been extensively employed in text mining to facilitate multimedia data processing. However, accurately categorizing texts becomes challenging due to the increasing presence of non-informative features within the corpus. Several reviews on TC, encompassing various feature selection (FS) approaches to eliminate non-informative features, have been previously published. However, these reviews do not adequately cover the recently explored approaches to TC problem-solving utilizing FS, such as optimization techniques.

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Publication Date
Fri Dec 30 2011
Journal Name
Al-kindy College Medical Journal
Primaryb realignment of Traumatic posterior urethral rupture.
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Background: Posterior urethral rupture remains
one of the most difficult and controversial injuries
to treat and its management still controversial.
Aim: To assess the effect of primary
realignment of posterior urethral rupture.
Methods: in this study, 20 patients (mean age
24.7 years, range 12 to 39 years) were admitted to
al-kindey teaching hospital, Baghdad, Iraq, with
complete posterior urethral rupture associated with
fractured pelvis following trauma (3 cases of fall
from high, 17 cases of road traffic accidents). All
the patients were operated upon at the day of
accident to establish the alignment of the posterior
urethra on a Foley's catheter with bladder drainage
by suprapubic catheter.

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Publication Date
Mon Apr 01 2024
Journal Name
Latin American Journal Of Pharmacy
The protective effect of iraqi Juniperus oxycedrus plant on acute kidney injury induced by lipopolysaccharide in mice model
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Inflammatory control is essential to diminish injury and make renal injury treatment simpler. Proposed therapeutics have primarily targeted pro-inflammatory variables. Juniperus oxycedrus was frequently used to treat a variety of infectious disorders, hyperglycemia, obesity, TB, bronchitis, inflammation, and pneumonia. Juniperus oxycedrus twigs and leaves were defatted with n-hexane using Soxhlet apparatus then the residue of plant material dried and re-extracted sequentially by two different solvents Ethylacetate and methanol. The pro-inflammatory markers IL-1 and iNOS, as well as the potential kidney biomarker KIM-1, TNF-α, and transcription factor NF-KB were measured using the RealTime Quantitative qPCR method. The results showed that J

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Publication Date
Sat Jul 01 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Medicine And Life
Nephroprotective effect of vitamin D Against Levofloxacin-induced renal injury: an observational study
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Publication Date
Wed Oct 26 2022
Journal Name
Petroleum Science And Technology
Building 3D geological model using non-uniform gridding for Mishrif reservoir in Garraf oilfield
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Publication Date
Thu Jun 01 2017
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
A Comparison Between Maximum Likelihood Method And Bayesian Method For Estimating Some Non-Homogeneous Poisson Processes Models
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The Non - Homogeneous Poisson  process is considered  as one of the statistical subjects which had an importance in other sciences and a large application in different areas as waiting raws and rectifiable systems method , computer and communication systems and the theory of reliability and many other, also it used in modeling the phenomenon that occurred by unfixed way over time (all events that changed by time).

This research deals with some of the basic concepts that are related to the Non - Homogeneous Poisson process , This research carried out two models of the Non - Homogeneous Poisson process which are the power law model , and Musa –okumto ,   to estimate th

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Publication Date
Wed Jan 01 2020
Journal Name
Periodicals Of Engineering And Natural Sciences
Comparison between the estimated of nonparametric methods by using the methodology of quantile regression models
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This paper study two stratified quantile regression models of the marginal and the conditional varieties. We estimate the quantile functions of these models by using two nonparametric methods of smoothing spline (B-spline) and kernel regression (Nadaraya-Watson). The estimates can be obtained by solve nonparametric quantile regression problem which means minimizing the quantile regression objective functions and using the approach of varying coefficient models. The main goal is discussing the comparison between the estimators of the two nonparametric methods and adopting the best one between them

Publication Date
Thu May 23 2019
Journal Name
The International Journal Of Artificial Organs
Real-time classification of shoulder girdle motions for multifunctional prosthetic hand control: A preliminary study
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In every country in the world, there are a number of amputees who have been exposed to some accidents that led to the loss of their upper limbs. The aim of this study is to suggest a system for real-time classification of five classes of shoulder girdle motions for high-level upper limb amputees using a pattern recognition system. In the suggested system, the wavelet transform was utilized for feature extraction, and the extreme learning machine was used as a classifier. The system was tested on four intact-limbed subjects and one amputee, with eight channels involving five electromyography channels and three-axis accelerometer sensor. The study shows that the suggested pattern recognition system has the ability to classify the sho

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