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Comparison study of classification methods of intramuscular electromyography data for non-human primate model of traumatic spinal cord injury
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Traumatic spinal cord injury is a serious neurological disorder. Patients experience a plethora of symptoms that can be attributed to the nerve fiber tracts that are compromised. This includes limb weakness, sensory impairment, and truncal instability, as well as a variety of autonomic abnormalities. This article will discuss how machine learning classification can be used to characterize the initial impairment and subsequent recovery of electromyography signals in an non-human primate model of traumatic spinal cord injury. The ultimate objective is to identify potential treatments for traumatic spinal cord injury. This work focuses specifically on finding a suitable classifier that differentiates between two distinct experimental stages (pre-and post-lesion) using electromyography signals. Eight time-domain features were extracted from the collected electromyography data. To overcome the imbalanced dataset issue, synthetic minority oversampling technique was applied. Different ML classification techniques were applied including multilayer perceptron, support vector machine, K-nearest neighbors, and radial basis function network; then their performances were compared. A confusion matrix and five other statistical metrics (sensitivity, specificity, precision, accuracy, and F-measure) were used to evaluate the performance of the generated classifiers. The results showed that the best classifier for the left- and right-side data is the multilayer perceptron with a total F-measure of 79.5% and 86.0% for the left and right sides, respectively. This work will help to build a reliable classifier that can differentiate between these two phases by utilizing some extracted time-domain electromyography features.

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Publication Date
Sat Dec 31 2016
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Chemical And Petroleum Engineering
Osmotic Membrane Bioreactor for Oily Wastewater Treatment using External & Internal Configurations
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The present work aims to study the treatment of oily wastewater by means of forward osmosis membrane bioreactor process. Side stream (external) configuration and submerged (internal) configuration of osmotic membrane bioreactor were performed and investigated. The experimental work for each configuration was carried out continuously over 21 days. The flux behavior of forward osmosis membrane in an osmotic membrane bioreactor (OMBR) was investigated, using NaCl as the draw solution and CTA as FO membrane. The effect of mixed liquor suspended solids (MLSS) concentration and TDS accumulation of bioreactor on water flux and membrane fouling behaviors was detected. The accumulation and rejection of nutrients in the bioreactor (Nitrate, COD,

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Publication Date
Tue Jul 01 2014
Journal Name
Computer Engineering And Intelligent Systems
Static Analysis Based Behavioral API for Malware Detection using Markov Chain
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Researchers employ behavior based malware detection models that depend on API tracking and analyzing features to identify suspected PE applications. Those malware behavior models become more efficient than the signature based malware detection systems for detecting unknown malwares. This is because a simple polymorphic or metamorphic malware can defeat signature based detection systems easily. The growing number of computer malwares and the detection of malware have been the concern for security researchers for a large period of time. The use of logic formulae to model the malware behaviors is one of the most encouraging recent developments in malware research, which provides alternatives to classic virus detection methods. To address the l

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Publication Date
Wed Dec 20 2017
Journal Name
New Visions In Plant Science
Improving Nitrogen and Phosphorus Efficiency for Optimal Plant Growth and Yield
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Nitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P) are the most important nutrients for crop production. The N contributes to the structural component, generic, and metabolic compounds in a plant cell. N is mainly an essential part of chlorophyll, the compound in the plants that is responsible for photosynthesis process. The plant can get its available nitrogen from the soil by mineralizing organic materials, fixed-N by bacteria, and nitrogen can be released from plant as residue decay. Soil minerals do not release an enough amount of nitrogen to support plant; therefore, fertilizing is necessary for high production. Phosphorous contributes in the complex of the nucleic acid structure of plants. The nucleic acid is essential in protein synthesis regulation; t

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Publication Date
Thu Mar 31 2022
Journal Name
Association Of Arab Universities Journal Of Engineering Sciences
Geological Modeling and Resource Estimation for Mishrif Formation in Nasiriyah Oilfield
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Resource estimation is an essential part of reservoir evaluation and development planning which highly affects the decision-making process. The available conventional logs for 30 wells in Nasiriyah oilfield were used in this study to model the petrophysical properties of the reservoir and produce a 3D static geological reservoir model that mimics petrophysical properties distribution to estimate the stock tank oil originally in place (STOOIP) for Mishrif reservoir by volumetric method. Computer processed porosity and water saturation and a structural 2D map were utilized to construct the model which was discretized by 537840 grid blocks. These properties were distributed in 3D Space using sequential Gaussian simulation and the variation in

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Publication Date
Fri Nov 30 2018
Journal Name
Iop Conference Series: Materials Science And Engineering
Damage pattern scope prediction for well point dewatering on building foundations
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Publication Date
Sun Jul 01 2018
Journal Name
2018 2nd International Conference On Imaging, Signal Processing And Communication (icispc)
Analogy-based Common-Sense Knowledge for Opinion-Target Identification and Aggregation
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The development of Web 2.0 has improved people's ability to share their opinions. These opinions serve as an important piece of knowledge for other reviewers. To figure out what the opinions is all about, an automatic system of analysis is needed. Aspect-based sentiment analysis is the most important research topic conducted to extract reviewers-opinions about certain attribute, for instance opinion-target (aspect). In aspect-based tasks, the identification of the implicit aspect such as aspects implicitly implied in a review, is the most challenging task to accomplish. However, this paper strives to identify the implicit aspects based on hierarchical algorithm incorporated with common-sense knowledge by means of dimensionality reduction.

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Scopus Crossref
Publication Date
Tue Jan 01 2019
Journal Name
Proceedings Of The 17th Laccei International Multi-conference For Engineering, Education, And Technology: “industry, Innovation, And Infrastructure For Sustainable Cities And Communities”
Type Curve Techniques for Hydraulically Fractured Wells in Tight Gas Reservoir
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Publication Date
Mon May 15 2017
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Developing a Real Time Method for the Arabic Heterogonous DBMS Transformation
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   A common problem facing many Application models is to extract and combine information from multiple, heterogeneous sources and to derive information of a new quality or abstraction level. New approaches for managing consistency, uncertainty or quality of Arabic data and enabling e-client analysis of distributed, heterogeneous sources are still required. This paper presents a new method by combining two algorithms (the partitioning and Grouping) that will be used to transform information in a real time heterogeneous Arabic database environment

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Publication Date
Thu Nov 30 2023
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A treatment strategy for recurrent (ankle injuries) in Muay Thai athletes
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Objective: An efficient solution for stabilization is the mobilization of the joints for the arthrokinematics affected by the positional defect of the CAI (i.e. chronic ankle instability). This study put to comparison the impacts of ankle dorsi flexion range of motion (DFROM) as well as dynamic balance ability (DBA) in the patients who have CAI using PJM (i.e. passive joint mobilization), a technique typically been used in previous works, and active joint mobilization (AJM), a technique which could have a greater impact on cortical excitability with the spontaneous movement. Design: rehabilitation program to treat recurrent ankle. Methods: A total of 10 players from the Iraqi clubs Muay Thai team were registered, 5 from each of

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Publication Date
Sat Jun 24 2017
Journal Name
Fac Med Baghdad
Crude Anthrax Protective Antigen Enhances Immunity For Salmonella Typhimurium in Mice
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Background: Non-host-adapted Salmonella serovar Typhimurium is a facultative intracellular bacterium, which invades and multiplies within mononuclear phagocytes in liver, spleen, lymph nodes and Peyer’s plaques. Salmonella infection is a crucial medical and veterinary problem globally. S. Typhimurium causes various clinical symptoms, from asymptomatic infection to typhoid-like syndromes in infants or highly susceptible animals, for instance mice. Objective: The present study was carried out to investigate the efficacy of anthrax protective antigen (PA)as a potent adjuvant mixed with killed Salmonella Typhimurium (S.T.) to enhance the immunization capacity of the last. Materials and Methods: Two groups of mice were immunized with either th

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