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Traffic management inside software-defined data centre networking
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In recent years, data centre (DC) networks have improved their rapid exchanging abilities. Software-defined networking (SDN) is presented to alternate the impression of conventional networks by segregating the control plane from the SDN data plane. The SDN presented overcomes the limitations of traditional DC networks caused by the rapidly incrementing amounts of apps, websites, data storage needs, etc. Software-defined networking data centres (SDN-DC), based on the open-flow (OF) protocol, are used to achieve superior behaviour for executing traffic load-balancing (LB) jobs. The LB function divides the traffic-flow demands between the end devices to avoid links congestion. In short, SDN is proposed to manage more operative configurations, efficient enhancements and further elasticity to handle massive network schemes. In this paper the opendaylight controller (ODL-CO) with new version OF 1.4 protocol and the ant colony optimization algorithm is proposed to test the performance of the LB function using IPv6 in a SDN-DC network by studying the throughput, data transfer, bandwidth and average delay performance of the networking parameters before and after use of the LB algorithm. As a result, after applying the LB, the throughput, data transfer and bandwidth performance increased, while the average delay decreased.

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Publication Date
Sat Apr 01 2023
Journal Name
International Journal Of Electrical And Computer Engineering (ijece)
Flexible handover solution for vehicular ad-hoc networks based on software defined networking and fog computing
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<p>Vehicular ad-hoc networks (VANET) suffer from dynamic network environment and topological instability that caused by high mobility feature and varying vehicles density. Emerging 5G mobile technologies offer new opportunities to design improved VANET architecture for future intelligent transportation system. However, current software defined networking (SDN) based handover schemes face poor handover performance in VANET environment with notable issues in connection establishment and ongoing communication sessions. These poor connectivity and inflexibility challenges appear at high vehicles speed and high data rate services. Therefore, this paper proposes a flexible handover solution for VANET networks by integrating SDN and

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Publication Date
Tue Aug 31 2021
Journal Name
International Journal Of Intelligent Engineering And Systems
FDPHI: Fast Deep Packet Header Inspection for Data Traffic Classification and Management
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Traffic classification is referred to as the task of categorizing traffic flows into application-aware classes such as chats, streaming, VoIP, etc. Most systems of network traffic identification are based on features. These features may be static signatures, port numbers, statistical characteristics, and so on. Current methods of data flow classification are effective, they still lack new inventive approaches to meet the needs of vital points such as real-time traffic classification, low power consumption, ), Central Processing Unit (CPU) utilization, etc. Our novel Fast Deep Packet Header Inspection (FDPHI) traffic classification proposal employs 1 Dimension Convolution Neural Network (1D-CNN) to automatically learn more representational c

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Publication Date
Tue Jun 01 2021
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Designing a Secure Software-Defined Radio Transceiver using the Logistic Map
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The need to exchange large amounts of real-time data is constantly increasing in wireless communication. While traditional radio transceivers are not cost-effective and their components should be integrated, software-defined radio (SDR) ones have opened up a new class of wireless technologies with high security.  This study aims to design an  SDR  transceiver was built using one type of modulation, which is 16 QAM, and adding a  security subsystem using one type of chaos map, which is a  logistic map, because it is a very simple nonlinear dynamical equations that generate a random key and  EXCLUSIVE  OR with the originally transmitted data to protect data through the transmission. At th

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Publication Date
Wed Mar 18 2020
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
A Software Defined Network of Video Surveillance System Based on Enhanced Routing Algorithms
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Software Defined Network (SDN) is a new technology that separate the ‎control plane from the data plane. SDN provides a choice in automation and ‎programmability faster than traditional network. It supports the ‎Quality of Service (QoS) for video surveillance application. One of most ‎significant issues in video surveillance is how to find the best path for routing the packets ‎between the source (IP cameras) and destination (monitoring center). The ‎video surveillance system requires fast transmission and reliable delivery ‎and high QoS. To improve the QoS and to achieve the optimal path, the ‎SDN architecture is used in this paper. In addition, different routing algorithms are ‎used with different steps. First, we eva

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Publication Date
Wed Mar 10 2021
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Smart Flow Steering Agent for End-to-End Delay Improvement in Software-Defined Networks
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To ensure fault tolerance and distributed management, distributed protocols are employed as one of the major architectural concepts underlying the Internet. However, inefficiency, instability and fragility could be potentially overcome with the help of the novel networking architecture called software-defined networking (SDN). The main property of this architecture is the separation of the control and data planes. To reduce congestion and thus improve latency and throughput, there must be homogeneous distribution of the traffic load over the different network paths. This paper presents a smart flow steering agent (SFSA) for data flow routing based on current network conditions. To enhance throughput and minimize latency, the SFSA distrib

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Publication Date
Mon Dec 14 2020
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Smart Flow Steering Agent for End-to-End Delay Improvement in Software-Defined Networks
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Publication Date
Wed Dec 25 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Link Failure Recovery for a Large-Scale Video Surveillance System using a Software-Defined Network
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The software-defined network (SDN) is a new technology that separates the control plane from data plane for the network devices. One of the most significant issues in the video surveillance system is the link failure. When the path failure occurs, the monitoring center cannot receive the video from the cameras. In this paper, two methods are proposed to solve this problem.  The first method uses the Dijkstra algorithm to re-find the path at the source node switch. The second method uses the Dijkstra algorithm to re-find the path at the ingress node switch (or failed link).

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Publication Date
Tue Feb 28 2023
Journal Name
Periodicals Of Engineering And Natural Sciences (pen)
Development prediction algorithm of vehicle travel time based traffic data
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This work bases on encouraging a generous and conceivable estimation for modified an algorithm for vehicle travel times on a highway from the eliminated traffic information using set aside camera image groupings. The strategy for the assessment of vehicle travel times relies upon the distinctive verification of traffic state. The particular vehicle velocities are gotten from acknowledged vehicle positions in two persistent images by working out the distance covered all through elapsed past time doing mollification between the removed traffic flow data and cultivating a plan to unequivocally predict vehicle travel times. Erbil road data base is used to recognize road locales around road segments which are projected into the commended camera

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Publication Date
Mon Jan 01 2024
Journal Name
Aip Conference Proceedings
Investigating the quality of open street map roads data inside Baghdad city
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Publication Date
Tue Jun 01 2021
Journal Name
Ieee Systems Journal
Intelligent Traffic Management and Load Balance Based on Spike ISDN-IoT
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An intelligent software defined network (ISDN) based on an intelligent controller can manage and control the network in a remarkable way. In this article, a methodology is proposed to estimate the packet flow at the sensing plane in the software defined network-Internet of Things based on a partial recurrent spike neural network (PRSNN) congestion controller, to predict the next step ahead of packet flow and thus, reduce the congestion that may occur. That is, the proposed model (spike ISDN-IoT) is enhanced with a congestion controller. This controller works as a proactive controller in the proposed model. In addition, we propose another intelligent clustering controller based on an artificial neural network, which operates as a reactive co

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