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Experimental investigation of the thermal performance of wet cooling tower with splash fills packing
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With the increasing intensity of the ecological and environmental problems and the scarcity of fresh water, this paper was introduced to investigate the ability to use treated wastewater as a cooling media via studying its behavior throughout a cooling tower. The simultaneous transfer of heat and mass from the treated wastewater to air over splash-fill packing arranged in a zigzag manner was studied. The characteristic of the cooling tower, the outlet water temperature, and the rejected heat were investigated as the water-to-air ratio and inlet water temperature were varied. The core results show that the cooling tower of the tower decreases with increasing water-to-air ratio, and increases with the raise of inlet water temperature. Moreover, relationships between cooling tower and water-to-air ratio were obtained for each. It was also observed that the outlet water temperature increases gradually with increasing water-to-air ratio and temperature, and the difference between the inlet and outlet temperature becomes larger by increasing the inlet temperature. The heat rejected value increases with increasing the air-flow rate, water flow rate, and temperature. This study revealed that cooling tower of splash fills arranged in a zigzag manner was higher compared to other types of packing. In the same time, the results for the treated wastewater and fresh water were very close that gives approximate behavior, and this can save a huge amount of fresh water for other humanistic utilization, along with taking benefit from the treatment process of wastewater instead of through it into the aquatic systems.

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Publication Date
Thu Jun 30 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Bayes Analysis for the Scale Parameter of Gompertz Distribution
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In this paper, we investigate the behavior of the bayes estimators, for the scale parameter of the Gompertz distribution under two different loss functions such as, the squared error loss function, the exponential loss function (proposed), based different double prior distributions represented as erlang with inverse levy prior, erlang with non-informative prior, inverse levy with non-informative prior and erlang with chi-square prior.

The simulation method was fulfilled to obtain the results, including the estimated values and the mean square error (MSE) for the scale parameter of the Gompertz distribution, for different cases for the scale parameter of the Gompertz distr

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Publication Date
Wed Feb 05 2020
Journal Name
Political Sciences Journal
political intellectual reading in the esoteric interpretation of Ismailism
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Ismailism is of great importance in Islamic history and Islamic political thought. In different countries of the Muslim world today their presence exists and is active but is confused with mystery and secrecy. The most important characteristic of their political ideology is their dependence on the esoteric exegesis, which they have made an intellectual basis for which their most ideas relate, when they make for everything visible and exposed a hidden matter, not only aware of the esoteric exegesis, which only God knows and entrenched in science, and they mean imams or whoever They are called "(esoteric)" as a result of the Ismaili belief in esoteric interpretation and that everything is apparent inward, as well as they called the ((seven

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Publication Date
Sun Dec 01 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
The Effect of Authentic Leadership In Business Process Reengineering
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Abstract  :

The present study aims at identifying the status of the two research variables in the organization under study and specifying the relationship and impact of the authentic leadership with all its four branch dimensions of (self-awareness, transparent relations, balanced processing of information and the moral perspective) on business process reengineering.

The basic problem of the study lies in the attempt to present a new leadership style that is more responsive to the dynamic changes surrounding it based on the authentic leadership behaviors. This is because this pattern has an impact on the nature of the organization's work and its progress.

The research

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Publication Date
Wed Sep 30 2020
Journal Name
Industrial Engineering & Management Systems
Economic Analysis of the Financial Literacy Effects in G20
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ABSTRACT this paper extends the literature on the elements and effect of financial literacy by investigating the elements of financial literacy and the impact of financial literacy on financial inclusion and savings. This research confirms the results of researches of other economies but exposes some dissimilarities as well. The principal factors of financial literacy are discovered to be government efficiency, educational level, income, economic performance and infrastructure. Both education levels and financial literacy are found to be meaningfully and positively linked to financial inclusion and savings in G20 economies

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Scopus Clarivate Crossref
Publication Date
Thu Nov 01 2018
Journal Name
Evaluating the part of historical center in Baghdad City
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Evaluating the part of historical center in Baghdad City

Scopus (5)
Publication Date
Thu Dec 31 2020
Journal Name
Political Sciences Journal
The problem of applying Sharia in contemporary Islamic thought
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The Islamic Issue did not rise the “widespread arguments” in contemporary times, just as the issue of applying Islamic Law.  Just as the Islamic forces used this purpose, or employed it during their march to reach to power by adopting the sacred as motivation towered the power, or control the governance. However, the reality show that this goal remained within the boundaries of slogans in the sense of a teleological slogan, and did not go beyond the limits of advocacy or arrangement as the primary source of legislation with differences of teleological reasoning, in a manner that reflected an intellectual problem about the validity of the use of this concept or the ability to apply and enforce the law in today's world, to impose

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Publication Date
Sat Dec 11 2021
Journal Name
Engineering, Technology & Applied Science Research
The Influence of Base Layer Thickness in Flexible Pavements
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Flexible pavement design and analysis were carried out in the past with semi-experimental methods, using elastic characteristics of pavement layers. Due to the complex interferences between various layers and their time consumption, the traditional pavement analysis, and design methods were replaced with fast and powerful methods including the Finite Element Method (FEM) and the Discrete Element Method (DEM). FEM requires less computational power and is more appropriate for continuous environments. In this study, flexible pavement consisting of 5 layers (surface, binder, base, subbase, and subgrade) had been analyzed using FEM. The ABAQUS (6.14-2) software had been utilized to investigate the influence of the base layer depth on ver

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Scopus (2)
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Scopus Crossref
Publication Date
Tue Feb 28 2023
Journal Name
Periodicals Of Engineering And Natural Sciences (pen)
Modeling the trend of Iraqi GDP for 1970-2020
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Scopus (1)
Scopus Crossref
Publication Date
Wed Jun 03 2020
Journal Name
Political Sciences Journal
Transitional justice: a study of the concept and mechanisms
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The concept of transitional justice is newly emerging, as it was mainly associated with addressing issues of serious breaches and abuses of human rights during conflicts and situations resulting from violence and the use of force in societies that are in the process of democratization, as transitional justice aims primarily to restore civil peace and rebuild institutions The state needs multidimensional justice: a judicial system that achieves the rule of law, corrective restoration of the wounds of the past, and a distributive characteristic of the redistribution of wealth.

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Publication Date
Fri Mar 01 2013
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
The Role of Forensic Accounting in Detecting Financial Fraud
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A Forensic Accounting is represent science that deals with the application of knowledge in the areas of accounting, finance, tax and audit for the analysis, investigation, inquiry, inspection and testing issues in the civil law and criminal law in an attempt to reach the truth through which enable the Forensic Accountant to provide his Expert opinion , forensic accounting plays a major role by providing a range of important services in the field of investigation for fraud and litigation support, As one of the most important legal and accounting functions is to investigate allegations of alleged by the related parties, especially those allegations related to the existence of fraud, since the goal of judicial accountant will depend

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