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Challenges of Developing Communicative Competence among Iraqi EFL Undergraduate Student
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Research in the field of English language as a foreign language (EFL) has been consistently highlighted the need for communicative competence skills among students. Accompanied by the validated positive impact of technologies on students’ skills’, this study aims to explore the strategies used by EFL students in enhancing their communicative competence using digital platforms and identify the factors of developing communicative competence using digital platforms (linguistic factors, environmental factors, psychological factors, and university-related factors). The mixed-method research design was utilized to obtain data from Iraqi undergraduate EFL students. The study was conducted in the Iraqi University in Baghdad Iraq. EFL undergraduate students from the English department from the second-year grade constituted the population of the study. Semi-structured interviews were conducted with 10 EFL students to explore students’ usage of digital platforms to enhance communicative competence. A convenient sampling technique was used to select the students. The data from the interviews were analysed thematically using QSR NVivo software. Also, a survey questionnaire was demonstrated to the sample of the study to identify the challenges of development. 150 EFL students participated in the study sampled using the proportional sampling method. SPSS software was also used to analyse the data. The findings showed that students used digital platforms to develop grammar accuracy, pronunciation, vocabulary, cohesion and coherence, punctuation, and spelling. On the other hand, the challenging factors identified are grouped in four categories which are linguistic factors, environmental factors, psychological factors, an university-related factors. The findings of the study offer new insight for future directions research and recommendations to the university management as these findings could be the cornerstones of the planning for successful implementation of digital platforms in teaching and learning English in general and communicative competence in specific.

Publication Date
Mon Sep 03 2018
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The communicative implications of the uniforms
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The costume is a language that has carved itself into a path that is transformed over time in line with the development of human thought. The child theater is a form of communication between the individual and his society. The costume in the child's theater is seen as a sign of personality and identity. It is a model of communication that uses many of the world systems to which it belongs. Directed to the child by invoking the creative and creative energies of the designer in the formation of the children's theater. The second topic was the communicative function of secondary signs of uniforms and patterns of their transformations. The theoretical framework of the indicators included the on the research community. And his tools in the an

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Publication Date
Wed Feb 20 2019
Journal Name
Political Sciences Journal
The political participation of the Iraqi woman Between ambition and challenges
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The political participation of the Iraqi woman, gains a big importance equivalent to its role in all other fields. Therefore , it represents a higher value in the democratic orientation in addition to the importance of rising the reality of the woman specifically in the fields that are considered as a scale of the human development like the income, health, and education . The weakness of womenʹs political participation, is something that can't be ignored or neglected if we are looking forward to the rising of the country᾽s reality and achieving the required development in its all aspects. The woman is half of society or more than that due to the burden of raising the generations tasks. This can be achieved by taking part in th

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Publication Date
Thu Jun 15 2017
Journal Name
Arab World English Journal
An Assessment of Iraqi EFL Learners’ Performance in Using Synonymy and Antonymy
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The knowledge related with lexical items can be realized as including relations of meaning a cross words. Words that share a similarity of meaning are called to be synonymous, and words that share a contrary of meaning are called to be antonymous. Both of them are universal linguistic phenomenon that exist in terms of linguistic system of every language. The present study aims at finding out areas of difficulty that Iraqi EFL learners encounter in the use of synonymy and antonymy, both on the recognition and production levels. Also tries to detect the main reasons behind such difficulties. A diagnostic test of two parts, namely, recognition and production, is designed. The test is built to include two linguistic phenomenon which are: synony

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Publication Date
Fri Dec 30 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
The Effect of Cognitive Strategies on Iraqi EFL College Students’ Writing Anxiety
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Writing in English language demands both mental skills and a suitable level of language proficiency. Some studies showed that writing anxiety has an impact on the acquisition of language learning. This study; however, teaches the cognitive strategies (PLAY & WRITE) as a writing strategy, so as to decrease students’ use of it when experiencing writing anxiety at the academic writing level. The sample has been (100) second-stage Department of English learners at the College of Education (Ibn –Rushd), in the University of Baghdad-Iraq. They have been randomly selected and divided into experimental and control groups; (50) students in each group. To achieve the objective of the study, SLWAI questionnaire has been distributed to the e

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Publication Date
Thu Aug 20 2020
Journal Name
Arab World English Journal
Investigating the Effectiveness of YouTube as a Learning Tool among EFL Students at Baghdad University
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YouTube is not just a platform that individuals share, upload, comment on videos; teachers and educators can utilize it to the best maximum so that students can have benefits. This study aims at investigating how active and influential YouTube can be in the educational process and how it is beneficial for language teachers to enhance the skills of students. The study demonstrates different theoretical frameworks that tackle the employment of technology to enhance the learning/teaching process. It relies on the strategies of Berk (2009) for using multimedia media, video clips in particular to develop the abilities of teachers for using technology in classrooms. To achieve the objective of the study, the researchers develop a questionnair

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Publication Date
Sun Sep 16 2018
Journal Name
Al-mustansiriya Journal Of Arts
Difficulties Faced by Iraqi EFL Learners in Translating English Barnyard Verbs
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Translation is a vital process that needs much more understanding and mutual background knowledge on the part of ESL or EFL learners in terms of grammar , meaning and context of both the SL and TL . Thus , the main aim of the current research paper is to identify and figure out the techniques used by ESL or EFL learners when translating English barnyard verbs into Arabic . The main problem of this study is attributed to the fact that ESL or EFL learners may not be able to identify and understand the connotative meaning of barnyard verbs since these verbs are onomatopoeic (i.e,) a word that phonetically imitates, or suggests the source of sound that it describes. Therefore they may be unable to translate these verbs appropriately and accura

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Publication Date
Fri Mar 01 2019
Journal Name
حوليات اداب عين شمس
Difficulties Faced by Iraqi EFL Learners in Translating English Collective Nouns
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The current study is concerned with investigating the difficulties that Iraqi EFL learners of English may face when translating English collective nouns. Such collective nouns as committee, government, , jury , Parliament , etc. are considered singular when the concept of the unity as a group is emphasized , but when the concept of the individuals or numbers is emphasized they are treated as plural. A sample of twenty undergraduate students have been selected randomly to translate certain English collective nouns in some selected political texts in order to find out the difficulties they might face in rendering them into Arabic. It is hypothesized that most of the testees have used the singular form rather than the plural ignoring the

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Publication Date
Sun Jul 06 2014
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
The influence of Online Training Courses on Iraqi EFL Instructors Teaching and Learning Process
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For over a decade, educational technology has been used sparingly in our schools and universities. Online training courses have been used since 2003 to fill the gaps in our learning system and to add extra program besides classroom learning. This paper aims to investigate the Iraqi EFL instructors’ participating in online training courses and its influence on the process of teaching and learning.

       The sample of present study consists of 30 instructors from University of Baghdad. The questionnaire of sixteen items was constructed. After ensuring validity and reliability of questionnaire, it was applied on March 2013 and the result shows that most of instructors improve their teaching methods b

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Publication Date
Fri Mar 24 2023
Journal Name
Arab World English Journal
Pragmatic Awareness of Speech Acts, Politeness, and Grice Maxims of Iraqi EFL Postgraduate Students
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This study examines postgraduate students’ awareness of pragmatic aspects, including Grice Maxims, Politeness, and Direct and Indirect forms of speech. According to Paul Grice’s theory of implicature, which is considered one of the most important contributions to pragmatics, this paper discusses how postgraduate students can meet the cooperative principle when communicating effectively. It also outlines how does politeness principles influence obeying or violating the maxims and how is the use of direct or indirect forms of utterances prompted by politeness. Sixteen master’s students of Linguistics and Literature were asked to take a multiple-choice test. The test will be represented along with the interpretation of each optio

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Publication Date
Fri Jan 01 2016
Journal Name
Al–bahith Al–a'alami
The Effectiveness of Modern Media Techniques in Developing Good Citizenship Values among Students
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This research aims to identify the effectiveness of modern media technologies represented by satellite TV in the development of good citizenship values when students. To achieve this purpose were selected a sample of 44 students in the Department of Electrical technologies in Technical Institute in Nasiriyah in southern Technical University during the school year (2015-2016).
Was determined the general objectives of the use of modern media techniques represented satellite TV is to promote the values of good citizenship among the sample of students in order to make them good citizens in the community could contribute to the development and upgrading it. And put the general plan of research. Promising researchers measure of good citizen

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