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Investigating the Effect of Mixed Hydrotropy Approach on Solubility Enhancement of Felodipine

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Publication Date
Mon Mar 11 2019
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Results on a Pre-T_2 Space and Pre-Stability

This paper contains an equivalent statements of a pre-  space, where  are considered subsets of with the product topology. An equivalence relation between the preclosed set  and a pre-  space, and a relation between a pre-  space and the preclosed set  with some conditions on a function  are found. In addition, we have proved that the graph  of  is preclosed in if  is a pre-  space, where the equivalence relation  on  is open.

     On the other hand, we introduce the definition of a pre-stable ( pre-stable) set by depending on the concept of a pre-neighborhood, where we get that every stable set is pre-stable. Moreover, we obtain that

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Publication Date
Tue Aug 31 2021
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Image Watermarking Based on IWT and Parity Bit Checking

     Various document types play an influential role in a lot of our lives activities today; hence preserving their integrity is an important matter. Such documents have various forms, including texts, videos, sounds, and images.  The latter types' authentication will be our concern here in this paper. Images can be handled spatially by doing the proper modification directly on their pixel values or spectrally through conducting some adjustments to some of the addressed coefficients. Due to spectral (frequency) domain flexibility in handling data, the domain coefficients are utilized for the watermark embedding purpose. The integer wavelet transform (IWT), which is a wavelet transform based on the lifting scheme,

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Publication Date
Wed Jul 29 2020
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Optical Fiber Biomedical Sensor Based on Surface Plasmon Resonance

Optical fiber biomedical sensor based on surface plasmon resonance for measuring and sensing the concentration and the refractive index of sugar in blood serum is designed and implemented during this work. Performance properties such as signal to noise ratio (SNR), sensitivity, resolution and the figure of merit were evaluated for the fabricated sensor. It was found that the sensitivity of the optical fiber-based SPR sensor with 40 nm thick and 10 mm long Au metal film of the exposed sensing region is 7.5µm/RIU, SNR is 0.697, figure of merit is 87.2 and resolution is 0.00026. The sort of optical fiber utilized in this work is plastic optical fiber with a core diameter of 980 µm, a cladding of 20μm, and a numerical aperture of 0.

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Publication Date
Fri Sep 30 2022
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Glaucoma Diagnosis Based on Retinal Fundus Image: A Review

    Glaucoma is one of the most dangerous eye diseases. It occurs as a result of an imbalance in the drainage and flow of the retinal fluid. Consequently, intraocular pressure is generated, which is a significant risk factor for glaucoma. Intraocular pressure causes progressive damage to the optic nerve head, thus leading to vision loss in the advanced stages. Glaucoma does not give any signs of disease in the early stages, so it is called "the Silent Thief of Sight". Therefore, early diagnosis and treatment of retinal eye disease is extremely important to prevent vision loss. Many articles aim to analyze fundus retinal images and diagnose glaucoma. This review can be used as a guideline to help diagnose glaucoma. It presents 63 artic

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Publication Date
Sun Sep 06 2009
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
A note on an –module with -pure intersection property

Let be a ring. Given two positive integers and , an module is said to be -presented, if there is an exact sequence of -modules with is -generated. A submodule of a right -module is said to be -pure in , if for every -Presented left -module the canonical map is a monomorphism. An -module has the -pure intersection property if the intersection of any two -pure submodules is again -pure. In this paper we give some characterizations, theorems and properties of modules with the -pure intersection property.

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Publication Date
Thu Feb 28 2019
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Key Generator to Encryption Images Based on Chaotic Maps

It is known that images differ from texts in many aspects, such as high repetition and correlation, local structure, capacitance characteristics and frequency. As a result, traditional encryption methods can not be applied to images. In this paper we present a method for designing a simple and efficient messy system using a difference in the output sequence. To meet the requirements of image encryption, we create a new coding system for linear and nonlinear structures based on the generation of a new key based on chaotic maps.

The design uses a kind of chaotic maps including the Chebyshev 1D map, depending on the parameters, for a good random appearance. The output is a test in several measurements, including the complexity of th

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Publication Date
Tue Aug 31 2021
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
A Survey on Feature Selection Techniques using Evolutionary Algorithms

     Feature selection, a method of dimensionality reduction, is nothing but collecting a range of appropriate feature subsets from the total number of features. In this paper, a point by point explanation review about the feature selection in this segment preferred affairs and its appraisal techniques are discussed. I will initiate my conversation with a straightforward approach so that we consider taking care of features and preferred issues depending upon meta-heuristic strategy. These techniques help in obtaining the best highlight subsets. Thereafter, this paper discusses some system models that drive naturally from the environment are discussed and calculations are performed so that we can take care of the prefe

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Scopus Crossref
Publication Date
Sat May 08 2021
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Software Fault Estimation Tool Based on Object-Oriented Metrics

A fault is an error that has effects on system behaviour. A software metric is a value that represents the degree to which software processes work properly and where faults are more probable to occur. In this research, we study the effects of removing redundancy and log transformation based on threshold values for identifying faults-prone classes of software. The study also contains a comparison of the metric values of an original dataset with those after removing redundancy and log transformation. E-learning and system dataset were taken as case studies. The fault ratio ranged from 1%-31% and 0%-10% for the original dataset and 1%-10% and 0%-4% after removing redundancy and log transformation, respectively. These results impacted direct

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Publication Date
Fri Jul 19 2019
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Mann Iteration Processes on Uniform Convex n-Banach Space

Let Y be a"uniformly convex n-Banach space, M be a nonempty closed convex subset of Y, and S:M→M be adnonexpansive mapping. The purpose of this paper is to study some properties of uniform convex set that help us to develop iteration techniques for1approximationjof"fixed point of nonlinear mapping by using the Mann iteration processes in n-Banachlspace.

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Publication Date
Fri Dec 30 2022
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Photoconductive Detector Based on Graphene Doping with Silver Nanoparticles

      Graphene (Gr) decorated with silver nanoparticles (Ag NPs) were used to fabricate a wideband range photodetector. Silicon (Si) and porous silicon (PS) were used as a substrate to deposit Gr /Ag NPs by drop-casting technique. Silver nanoparticles (Ag NPs) were prepared using the chemical method. As well as the dispersion of silver NPs is achieved by a simple chemistry process on the surface of Gr.

    The optical, structure and electrical characteristics of AgNPs and Gr decorated with Ag NPs were characterized by ultraviolet-visible spectroscopy (UV-Vis), x-ray diffraction (XRD).  The X-ray diffraction (XRD) spectrum of Ag NPs exhibited 2θ values (38.1o, 44.3 o, 64.5 o and 77.7

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