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Four Char DNA Encoding for Anomaly Intrusion Detection System
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Recent research has shown that a Deoxyribonucleic Acid (DNA) has ability to be used to discover diseases in human body as its function can be used for an intrusion-detection system (IDS) to detect attacks against computer system and networks traffics. Three main factor influenced the accuracy of IDS based on DNA sequence, which is DNA encoding method, STR keys and classification method to classify the correctness of proposed method. The pioneer idea on attempt a DNA sequence for intrusion detection system is using a normal signature sequence with alignment threshold value, later used DNA encoding based cryptography, however the detection rate result is very low. Since the network traffic consists of 41 attributes, therefore we proposed the most possible less character number (same DNA length) which is four-character DNA encoding that represented all 41 attributes known as DEM4all. The experiments conducted using standard data KDDCup 99 and NSL-KDD. Teiresias algorithm is used to extract Short Tandem Repeat (STR), which includes both keys and their positions in the network traffic, while Brute-force algorithm is used as a classification process to determine whether the network traffic is attack or normal. Experiment run 30 times for each DNA encoding method. The experiment result shows that proposed method has performed better accuracy (15% improved) compare with previous and state of the art DNA algorithms. With such results it can be concluded that the proposed DEM4all DNA encoding method is a good method that can used for IDS. More complex encoding can be proposed that able reducing less number of DNA sequence can possible produce more detection accuracy.

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Publication Date
Mon Jan 01 2024
Journal Name
Aip Conference Proceedings
CT scan and deep learning for COVID-19 detection
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The subject matter of the article Prediction of COVID-19 disease and infection rate based on a pre-trained model that supports deep learning. The goal is to build a system to diagnose people as infected or not with covid disease with the percentage of infection and the affected site and to present it with interactive interfaces to facilitate the use of the system for anyone not specialized in the software field. The task is to detect or predict the Coronavirus that affects the airways, lungs, and breathing. It is the cause of many deaths and is still in the process of transformation and development, but with less media exposure. From this standpoint, a medical system was proposed to detect the presence of the Coronavirus in the lung based o

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Publication Date
Tue Jul 11 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
Employing Leadership Practices in Educational Institutions According to the Organizational Structure of DNA
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DNA, as the basis of every living cell, is one of the most important and influential scientific discoveries. This research aims to identify and compare the organizational DNA to the leadership practices of school principals in the Sultanate of Oman and to reveal the similarity between principals’ leadership practices and the structure of DNA. In addition, it intends to identify any statistically significant differences between the responses of the participants due to the study variables: gender, job title and experience. A questionnaire was designed and data were collected from a randomly selected sample composed of (100) teachers in the Sultanate of Oman. The study found limitless diversity in the characteristics of DNA of leadership

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Publication Date
Sun Dec 01 2002
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Physics
An edge detection algorithm matching visual contour perception
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For several applications, it is very important to have an edge detection technique matching human visual contour perception and less sensitive to noise. The edge detection algorithm describes in this paper based on the results obtained by Maximum a posteriori (MAP) and Maximum Entropy (ME) deblurring algorithms. The technique makes a trade-off between sharpening and smoothing the noisy image. One of the advantages of the described algorithm is less sensitive to noise than that given by Marr and Geuen techniques that considered to be the best edge detection algorithms in terms of matching human visual contour perception.

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Publication Date
Sun Apr 30 2023
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
An Evolutionary Algorithm with Gene Ontology-Aware Crossover Operator for Protein Complex Detection
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     Evolutionary algorithms (EAs), as global search methods, are proved to be more robust than their counterpart local heuristics for detecting protein complexes in protein-protein interaction (PPI) networks. Typically, the source of robustness of these EAs comes from their components and parameters. These components are solution representation, selection, crossover, and mutation. Unfortunately, almost all EA based complex detection methods suggested in the literature were designed with only canonical or traditional components. Further, topological structure of the protein network is the main information that is used in the design of almost all such components. The main contribution of this paper is to formulate a more robust EA wit

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Publication Date
Sat Oct 01 2022
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Design of a Simple Dust Removal System for a Solar Street Light System
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      Dust and bird residue are problems impeding the operation of solar street lighting systems, especially in semi-desert areas, such as Iraq. The system in this paper was designed and developed locally using simple and inexpensive materials. The system runs automatically. It Connects to solar panels used in solar street lighting, and gets the required electricity from the same solar system. Solar panels are washed with dripping water in less than half a minute by this system. The cleaning period can also be controlled. It can also control, sensing the amount of dust the system operates. The impact of different types of falling dust on panels has also been studied. This was collected from different winds and studied their impact o

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Publication Date
Thu May 28 2020
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Genetic Algorithm-Based Anisotropic Diffusion Filter and Clustering Algorithms for Thyroid Tumor Detection
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Medical imaging is a technique that has been used for diagnosis and treatment of a large number of diseases. Therefore it has become necessary to conduct a good image processing to extract the finest desired result and information. In this study, genetic algorithm (GA)-based clustering technique (K-means and Fuzzy C Means (FCM)) were used to segment thyroid Computed Tomography (CT) images to an extraction thyroid tumor. Traditional GA, K-means and FCM algorithms were applied separately on the original images and on the enhanced image with Anisotropic Diffusion Filter (ADF). The resulting cluster centers from K-means and FCM were used as the initial population in GA for the implementation of GAK-Mean and GAFCM. Jaccard index was used to s

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Publication Date
Sat Jan 01 2022
Journal Name
3rd International Scientific Conference Of Alkafeel University (iscku 2021)
Evaluating the role of mitochondrial DNA quantification inblastocyst transfers potential
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Publication Date
Sun Jan 01 2017
Journal Name
The Iraqi Journal Of Agricultural Science 48 (5), 1197-1205‏
Sex identification of date palm by using dna molecular markers
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Publication Date
Fri Jun 01 2007
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
استخدام سلاسل ماركوف في التعرف على تعقبات الحامض النووي DNA
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استخدام سلاسل ماركوف في التعرف على تعقبات الحامض النووي DNA

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Publication Date
Tue Jan 01 2019
Journal Name
The Turkish Journal Of Endocrinology And Metabolism
Cell-free DNA as a Clinical Indicator in Maternal Blood
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As many expensive and invasive procedures are used for the diagnosis or follow-up of clinical conditions, the measurement of cell-free DNA is a promising, noninvasive method, which considers using blood, follicular fluid, or seminal fluid. This method is used to determine chromosomal abnormalities, genetic disorders, and indicators of some diseases such as polycystic ovary syndrome, pre-eclampsia, and some malignancies. Cell-free DNA, which are DNA fragments outside the nucleus, originates from an apoptotic process. However, to be used as a marker for the previously mentioned diseases is still under investigation. We discuss some aspects of using cell-free DNA measurements as an indicator or marker for pathological conditions.

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