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Utilization of serial tendering to reduce the value project
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Abstract<p>Serial tendering is better than other types of tendering when it comes to cost reduction, where civil infrastructure projects need a significant increase in the amount of tough planning, financial expenditures, engineering work, and resources of a different character than other types of construction projects. The effects of a lack of funding cause decrease in the completion speed of the project on time. The need to reduce the cost of bidding on recurrent civil infrastructure projects is critical. To achieve the desired goals of this research, this article will provide an overview of the type of bids used in the construction of schools implemented in the current financial perspective in Iraq, the extent of benefit, and the amount of possible reduction if continuous and serial tendering are used.</p>
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Publication Date
Fri Oct 30 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
The use of multi choice Goal Programming to reduce storage and shortage costs of blood units in health care centers
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We use of multi-choice Goal Programming (MCGP), which is a developed model of Goal Programming where it is used in circumstances of the multiplicity and difference of goals when choosing between decision alternatives in cases of allocating resources, as it is a model that seeks to find the closest and best solutions to the specific values ​​of the goals within the aspiration levels, as the first goal in the multi-choice goal programming model that is used to reduce the total cost of storage and shortage, while the other goal was to reduce the difference between the real demand that the hospitals need from the blood transfusion center and the units that already achieved. The case Iraqi Center

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Publication Date
Tue Jan 01 2019
Journal Name
African Journal Of Hospitality, Tourism And Leisure
Integrating the value chain and balanced scorecard to evaluate the overall performance of a tourism organization
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This study presented an endeavour to integrate the value chain activities with the Balanced Scorecard for a comprehensive evaluation of an organization’s strategic performance. It also demonstrated the connection and the integration of the activities of the value chain with the Balanced Scorecard. The financial measurement was linked with non-financial measurement by integrating these techniques to achieve an appropriate performance that supports all aspects of the organizational performance. Consequently, the research problem in this study emerged, which is due to the concentration of many organizations on the measurement of financial performance. Notably, the latter caused the decline of some organizations from the competitive market. T

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Publication Date
Sun Jun 30 2019
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Chemical And Petroleum Engineering
New Study of Mgo Nps in Drilling Fluid to Reduce Stick-Slip Vibration in Drilling System
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Stick-slip is kind of vibration which associated with drilling operation in around the bottom hole assembly (BHA) due to the small clearance between drill string & the open hole and due to the eccentric rotating of string. This research presents results of specific experimental study that was run by using two types of drilling mud (Fresh water Bentonite & Polymer), with/without Nanoparticle size materials of MgO in various ratios and computes the rheological properties of mud for each concentration [Yield point, plastic viscosity, Av, PH, filter loss (30 min), filter cake, Mud Cake Friction, Friction Factor]. These results then were used to find a clear effects of Nanoparticle drilling mud rheology on stick - slip strength by sev

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Publication Date
Tue May 24 2022
Journal Name
International Journal Of Occupational Safety And Ergonomics
Contributions of safety critical success factors and safety program elements to overall project success
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Publication Date
Sat Jun 01 2019
Journal Name
Telematics And Informatics
Corrigendum to “Modelling the utilization of cloud health information systems in the Iraqi public healthcare sector” [Telematics and Informatics, 36 (2019) 132–146]
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Publication Date
Sun Jul 28 2024
Journal Name
Lecture Notes In Networks And Systems
The Effect of the Audit Value on the Value Relevance of Accounting Information for Economic Units
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Abstract The study aims to clarify the value of auditing economic units and how it can be measured, which is one of the most important challenges to matching the Value Relevance of Accounting Information. The problem of the study was identified with questions that revolve around the extent to which it is possible to measure the value of auditing in Iraqi economic units and the extent to which the value of auditing affects the adequacy of accounting information. Through reviewing the studies discussing this topic, it was found that auditing can provide value through the performance of the auditor and adding value to the economic unit subject to audit. The study recommended the need to study the situational factors of auditing, whether exter

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Publication Date
Thu Feb 01 2024
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Mangrove Landscaping As An Adaptation Pattern To Reduce The Impact of Climate Change in Segara Anakan Lagoon, Cilacap Regency Indonesia
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Mangrove landscaping in the Segara Anakan Lagoon (SAL) is an adaptation pattern of mangrove ecosystems to live and grow in unstable areas. This research aimed to develop a mangrove landscape to mitigate the impacts of ocean waves, currents, and inundation due to climate change. The study was conducted in SAL and Cilacap Coast (CC) using the environmental properties and climate change data. The data obtained were analyzed using mapping and trendline analyses. The results showed that mangrove landscaping in Segara Anakan had four zones with Nypa frutican, Rhizophora styllosa, Aegiceras corniculatum, Rhizophora apiculata, Avicennia marina, Sonneratia alba identified as the best adaptation of mangrove species. Climate change give a high impa

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Publication Date
Fri Jan 01 2021
Journal Name
Materials Today: Proceedings
The optimal utilization of lighting factor in the flat photobioreactor for biological applications
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Distribution of light intensity in the flat photobioreactor for microalgae cultivation as a step design for production of bio-renewable energy was addressed in the current study. Five sizes of bioreactors with specific distances from the main light source were adopted as independent variables in experiential design model. The results showed that the bioreactor’s location according to the light source, determines the nature of light intensity distribution in the reactor body. However, the cross-section area plays an important role in determining the suitable location of reactor to achieve required light homogeneity. This area could change even the expected response of the light passing through the reactor if Beer-Lambert's law is adopted.

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Publication Date
Mon Sep 03 2018
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Dramatic Utilization of Close-up in Horror Movies
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A cinematic shot is the basis of the film, regardless of the size, angle, or motion of this shot. However, the size of the footage and the process of showing or hiding the scene or cinematic personality has a certain speciality   related to the nature of cinematic treatment and the type of the movie especially those characterized by the employment of the close-ups to induce   ambiguity or spread the mental image of the dramatic events and this relationship between the close-up and horror films is what prompted the researcher to identify the title of the search as follows:


Dramatic utilization of Close-Up in Horror Movies

The research is divided as follows:

The methodological fram

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Publication Date
Tue Jan 01 2019
Journal Name
Advances On Computational Intelligence In Energy
A Theoretical Framework for Big Data Analytics Based on Computational Intelligent Algorithms with the Potential to Reduce Energy Consumption
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Within the framework of big data, energy issues are highly significant. Despite the significance of energy, theoretical studies focusing primarily on the issue of energy within big data analytics in relation to computational intelligent algorithms are scarce. The purpose of this study is to explore the theoretical aspects of energy issues in big data analytics in relation to computational intelligent algorithms since this is critical in exploring the emperica aspects of big data. In this chapter, we present a theoretical study of energy issues related to applications of computational intelligent algorithms in big data analytics. This work highlights that big data analytics using computational intelligent algorithms generates a very high amo

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