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The study aimed to describe the anatomical, histological, and histochemical structure of the proventriculuc of adult male Eurasian marsh harrier, Circus aeruginosus (Linnaeus, 1766) (Accipitriformes, Accipitridae). Six birds were used for this study. The histological sections of proventriculus were stained with hematoxylin and eosin, periodic acid Schiff, and alcain blue. The proventriculus, representing the upper stomach, appeared as a conical structure with a thick wall connecting the caudal end of the thoracic esophagus to the gizzard. It had a light brown color. Microscopic examination revealed that the proventriculus wall consists of the outer tunica serosa, the tunica muscularis, tunica sub mucosa, and the inner tunica mucosa. The mucous layer exhibited folds, and the sulci represented many longitudinal folds with uniform lengths on its luminal surface. A single layer of columnar cells with oval-shaped nuclei made up the lining epithelium. The second layer was the laminal layer propria, composed of a relatively dense network of connective tissue. A thin, discontinuous layer of circularly arranged smooth muscle fibers in the muscularis mucosa separates the lamina propria from the sub mucosa. The submucosa appears as a very thick layer of dense vascular connective tissue, sub-mucosal compound tubuloalveolar glands form the major bulk of this tunica. These glands are arranged in one to three series of lobules that appear in different shapes. Muscularis externa consists of smooth muscle fibers arranged in a thick inner circular layer and a thin discontinuous outer longitudinal layer. The tunica serosa was a well-developed layer constituted by loose connective tissue covered by a single layer of flattened epithelial cells of the mesothelium. The proventriculus has some similarities to other bird species as well as some variations to other species, which may be explained by its nourishing food and behavior.

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Publication Date
Thu Mar 16 2017
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
The Energy of Break or Deformation in Some Semi- Crystalline Polymers
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The aim of the current study is the investigation of tensile behavior of the semi - crystalline polymers : polypropylene (PP ) , high density polyethylene(HDPE) and low density polyethylene (LDPE) . The energy to break or deformation was determined as a function of extension rates , ( PP) was break at extension rate (5) mm/min but (HDPE) break at higher extension rates (25) mm/min while( LDPE) not break even at very high extension rates but it is deformation or failure .

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Publication Date
Thu Jan 01 2015
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Languages (jcl)
A Critical Discourse Analysis of the 2012 American Presidential Election Debates
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This study discusses the Critical Discourse Analysis of 2012 American Presidential Election Debate’. The researcher adopts a model proposed by Van Dijk’s (2006 d). Six ideological categories have been selected within the overall strategies of the ideological square are used. The categories are of three levels of discourse structure : (the meaning, the argumentation, and the rhetoric) .They have shown effective criteria for detecting the most disguised systems of racism and manipulation.

            Based on the analysis, it can be concluded that the elite discourses of candidates contribute to the reproduction of domination, Orientalism, and Islamophobia. This can be appl

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Publication Date
Thu Nov 02 2017
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Oxidative Stress and The Activities of Catalase , GST in Thalassemic Patients
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The  study  concentrated  on  measuring  the  lipid  peroxidation marker malon di aldehyde (MDA) in sera of thirty five patients with minor Thalassemia  (Tm), thirty five with major Thalassemia (TM) and thirty five healthy control, their age ranged from (17-30) years. Erythrocytes  enzymes  (Glutathione  -S   - transferase  (GST  )and Catalase) were assayed . The results showed a significant elevation in (MDA) in sera of both patient groups compared to control.

An  increase in the activity of catalase and GST in erythrocytes of

minor Thalassemic patients compared to control was found to be significant. Also, a high significant increase in the

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Publication Date
Sun Jun 01 2014
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
The Effect of Magnetic Water for Chemical Fertilizer in Tomato Plant
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The research aims to find ways to minimize the use of quantities of chemical fertilizers in agriculture in order to get to an environment that is free of contaminants. Magnetized water technology used in the experience of planting seeds of tomatoes Thomson type to obtain a higher efficiency to absorb fertilizer NRK in the protected environment of the period from February to June. Magnetized water system used locally made levels Gaues (4800,2500,1500) concentrations of 50 to 100% for each level and the rate of (4) replicates, and results indicated that the severity of the magnet (4800 Gaues) and a concentration of 50% gave the highest percentage of tomato fruit size and intensity ( 1500 Gaues) and a concentration of 100% did not give any inc

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Publication Date
Fri Dec 01 2023
Journal Name
Political Sciences Journal
The Logic of Balancing in Structural Realism: Anarchy and Expansionist Policies
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This research discusses the logic of the balance of power in the field of International Relations. It focuses on the structural-systemic version of the theory because of its centrality to the realist research program within the field. The paper examines the conventional wisdom, which argues that balances of power, in a self-help system, will form regardless of the state’s motives (or intentions); It emerges as an unintended recurring consequence of the interaction of units in anarchy, which primarily seeks superior, not an equal power. This logic assumes that hegemony does not form (or fail) in a multi-state system, because its threats (actual or perceived) to the system instill fear and provoke counterbalancing behavior by other state

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Publication Date
Sun Feb 03 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
Suggestion Plan for the Reclassification of U.N Publications in Central Library
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Suggestion Plan for the Reclassification of U.N Publications in Central Library

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Publication Date
Tue Jun 30 2015
Journal Name
Al-kindy College Medical Journal
The frequency of hypoglycemia in macrosomic neonates in Amarah governorate, Iraq
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Background: Neonatal macrosomia is defined as a birth weight of more than 4000 g. Significant maternal and neonatal complications can result from the birth of macrosomic infants like hypoglycemia and birth injuries.Objectives: To determine the frequency of hypoglycemia in neonates with macrosomia in Amarah, IraqMethods: The study involved 146 macrosomic newborn neonates delivered in 2 maternity hospitals in Amarah, Iraq during a period from June 2011 to June 2014.Results: Hypoglycemia was observed in 16% of neonates affected by macrosomia. Maternal diabetes was the most common cause of fetal macrosomia (28%).Our results were compared with those from other parts of the world.Conclusion Macrosomia is associated with increase rate ofneonata

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Publication Date
Tue Jun 14 2016
Journal Name
Employment educational and artistic style of fiction in the textbook materials
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Find goal to detect educational and technical staffing of style fiction in book reading school materials so determine the current research on the specific book reading in fourth grade of primary for the academic year 2014 issued by the Ministry of Education / Republic Iraq stories. Come in the importance of research to draw attention to the best of these stories and strengthened, and the negative deny it and claim his deportation in order to protect the thought of the learner, and the study may contribute to the development of some frameworks to write a story appropriate for elementary school. This McCann within the first chapter The second chapter included the theoretical framework has been contained on two main sections included the co

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Publication Date
Thu May 05 2022
Journal Name
Al-kindy College Medical Journal
The Role of Strain Elastography in Evaluating Borderline Axillary Lymph nodes
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Background: Axillary lymph node (ALN) enlargement with diffuse cortical thickening and conserved echogenic hilum may represent a diagnostic and therapeutic challenge. Sonographic strain elastography may help the characterization of borderline ALN. 

Aim: To evaluate the strain elastography of borderline ALN and to calculate a cutoff value of strain ratio (SR) that can identify suspicious ALN with the highest sensitivity and specificity to reduce unnecessary invasive procedures. 

Subjects and Methods: A prospective study included 45 patients who attended the Breast clinic in Oncology Teaching Hospital with borderline axillary lymphadenopathy (intact hilum and diffusely thic

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Publication Date
Thu Jun 20 2019
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
A Comparative Analysis of the Zernike Moments for Single Object Retrieval
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Zernike Moments has been popularly used in many shape-based image retrieval studies due to its powerful shape representation. However its strength and weaknesses have not been clearly highlighted in the previous studies. Thus, its powerful shape representation could not be fully utilized. In this paper, a method to fully capture the shape representation properties of Zernike Moments is implemented and tested on a single object for binary and grey level images. The proposed method works by determining the boundary of the shape object and then resizing the object shape to the boundary of the image. Three case studies were made. Case 1 is the Zernike Moments implementation on the original shape object image. In Case 2, the centroid of the s

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