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The study aimed to describe the anatomical, histological, and histochemical structure of the proventriculuc of adult male Eurasian marsh harrier, Circus aeruginosus (Linnaeus, 1766) (Accipitriformes, Accipitridae). Six birds were used for this study. The histological sections of proventriculus were stained with hematoxylin and eosin, periodic acid Schiff, and alcain blue. The proventriculus, representing the upper stomach, appeared as a conical structure with a thick wall connecting the caudal end of the thoracic esophagus to the gizzard. It had a light brown color. Microscopic examination revealed that the proventriculus wall consists of the outer tunica serosa, the tunica muscularis, tunica sub mucosa, and the inner tunica mucosa. The mucous layer exhibited folds, and the sulci represented many longitudinal folds with uniform lengths on its luminal surface. A single layer of columnar cells with oval-shaped nuclei made up the lining epithelium. The second layer was the laminal layer propria, composed of a relatively dense network of connective tissue. A thin, discontinuous layer of circularly arranged smooth muscle fibers in the muscularis mucosa separates the lamina propria from the sub mucosa. The submucosa appears as a very thick layer of dense vascular connective tissue, sub-mucosal compound tubuloalveolar glands form the major bulk of this tunica. These glands are arranged in one to three series of lobules that appear in different shapes. Muscularis externa consists of smooth muscle fibers arranged in a thick inner circular layer and a thin discontinuous outer longitudinal layer. The tunica serosa was a well-developed layer constituted by loose connective tissue covered by a single layer of flattened epithelial cells of the mesothelium. The proventriculus has some similarities to other bird species as well as some variations to other species, which may be explained by its nourishing food and behavior.

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Publication Date
Tue Dec 31 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Assessment of Pedestrian Walking Speed Through the Religious Occasions in Iraq
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The design of safe pedestrian facilities usually depends on the assessment of pedestrian characteristics and behavior. In this investigation, pedestrian walking speed through the religious occasion have been monitored at three locations, Al- Kadhimiya (Imam AL-Kadim), Najaf and Karbala (Imam AL-Husain) holy shrines. Video captures of the pedestrian through their walking to the two holy shrines have been prepared and analyzed for walking speed, gender, age groups, and clothing tradition. The pedestrian sample size is 468, 501, and 447 for Al- Kadhimiya, Karbala, and Najaf respectively. When the gender is taken into consideration, it can be noted that the walking speed of male and female pedestrian is (0.97, 1.68, and 1.63

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Publication Date
Mon Feb 01 2021
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Assessing the Moisture and Aging Susceptibility of Cold Mix Asphalt Concrete
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Laboratory experience in Iraq with cold asphalt concrete mixtures is very limited. The design and use of cold mixed asphalt concrete had no technical requirements. In this study, two asphalt concrete mixtures used for the base course were prepared in the laboratory using conventional cold-mixing techniques to test cold asphalt mixture (CAM) against aging and moisture susceptibility. Cold asphalt mixtures specimens have been prepared in the lab with cutback and emulsion binders, different fillers, and curing times. Based on the Marshal test result, the cutback proportion was selected with the filler, also based on the Marshal test emulsion. The first mixture was medium setting cationic emulsion (MSCE) as a binder, hydrate

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Publication Date
Wed Aug 31 2022
Journal Name
Al-kindy College Medical Journal
Cervical Pain Related to Position of the Neck during E-Learning
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Background: During the pandemic, Corona virus forced many people, especially students, to spend more time than before on the computer and smartphone to study and communicate. The poor posture of the body may have worse effect on its body parts , most of which is the cervical spine (forward head posture).

Objective: To assess the incidence of neck pain and the associated factors among undergraduate medical students related to position during E learning

Subjects and Methods: Cross-sectional study was conducted among medical students in three Iraqi universities during 2021. The sample size w

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Publication Date
Thu Jan 31 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
The development of imaginal thinking and its relation with adults' problems
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The behavior of thinking is consider one of the modern concepts that appear in the last 20 years, this concept has attracted the attention of psychologists and researchers for thinking has a great role in many fields like teaching ,educational,economical,cultural and social fields.
One of thinking manner is imaginal thinking that has a great role in human civilization. imaginal thinking lead to innovation ,poems, inventions and arts. imaginal thinkingled to highscores in talented schools by escalating their thinking range and solving problems that consider one of organized and free assumption thinking.
The development of problems thinking strategies reflect the development of organized brain process ability.
That studies assumes

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Publication Date
Sun Aug 30 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
The impact of service promotion on achieving leadership for business organizations
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The research problem lies in the fundamental questions that revolve around the role of each of the tools of promotion, namely advertising, personal sale, public relations, sales promotion, and direct marketing in achieving leadership for business organizations. Research to know the role of promoting the service in the researched company and whether the promotion of the service is qualified to lead the researched company to leadership, and for this purpose formulated research hypotheses of three hypotheses, the first hypothesis says that there is a significant impact relationship between promotion and entrepreneurship. The second hypothesis aimed to determine the role played by promotion in the researched company to achieve unique

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Publication Date
Mon Sep 30 2019
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
Semitic languages   And its role in the revival of Islamic heritage
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In this paper, we present a study of examples of writings that are known in the science of Semitic research compared to the texts (Jewish-Arab, Samaritan-Arabic) written in Hebrew script and texts from the Bible. We try to explain the role of these literary works in Islamic history and civilization, as one of the most important documents are the writings (Gniza), which contributed to provide a full presentation on life in the Islamic community in all aspects of life, especially religious activity and showed the sincere relationship in dealing with the other under tolerance The University of Cambridge has prepared Islamic documents and kept them in separate boxes and presented them to researchers to convey the Islamic heritage written by

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Publication Date
Mon Mar 08 2021
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Estimation of Ig/M & IgG values in the serum atfer intravenois
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the present study is designed to evaluate the effect of low level laser irradiation on the immume system when administere intravenoisly

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Publication Date
Wed May 01 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Postmodern Architecture between the pillars of philosophical discourse and architectural practice
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Postmodern arguments, formed a critic case of what modernity brought in several levels. Postmodern practice was considered as a proactive case having amorphous concepts and features to what entiled as an intellectual trends postmodern philosophically and intellectually. But, what postmodernism architecture broughts in it essence, was not isolation from the intellectual context and entrepreneurship case, and it was not disconnecting from the intellectual and philosophical era of that period. Lliteratures and philosophical argument precede what (Robert Venturi) and (Charles A Jencks) had brought, albeit it was closer to critics and correction the path of modernity from crystallizing a direction that exceeds modrinity to wh

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Publication Date
Tue Jun 01 2021
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Three-Dimensional Nonlinear Integral Operator with the Modelling of Majorant Function
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In this paper, the process for finding an approximate solution of nonlinear three-dimensional (3D) Volterra type integral operator equation (N3D-VIOE) in R3 is introduced. The modelling of the majorant function (MF) with the modified Newton method (MNM) is employed to convert N3D-VIOE to the linear 3D Volterra type integral operator equation (L3D-VIOE). The method of trapezoidal rule (TR) and collocation points are utilized to determine the approximate solution of L3D-VIOE by dealing with the linear form of the algebraic system. The existence of the approximate solution and its uniqueness are proved, and illustrative examples are provided to show the accuracy and efficiency of the model.

Mathematical Subject Classificat

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Publication Date
Wed Mar 10 2021
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
the kincetic studies of lh binding in benign an malignant uterine
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kinetic studies were carried out the uterine homogenate time course of the association of with LH in benign and malignant uterine

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