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Comparative Study of Sevelamer Carbonate and Calcium Carbonate on Fibroblast Growth Factor-23 and Parathyroid Hormone in Hemodialysis Iraqi Patients
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Fibroblast growth factor-23, play an important role in atherosclerosis, endothelial dysfunction and vascular calcification. Sevelamer can improve vascular calcification, serum uric acid, low-density lipoprotein-cholesterol and Fibroblast growth factor-23. Aim of study Assessment the effect of sevelamer as phosphate binder against calcium carbonate on Fibroblast growth factor-23. Methods A prospective open-labelled study that included patients on hemodialysis. A total of 72 patients were screened, only 53 patients completed the 10 week period. Adults patients with serum phosphate as> 5.5 mg/dl were included. There were Group1: Includes 28 patients (19 males and 9 females receiving sevelamer carbonate (Renvela) tablet. Group 2: Include 25patients (17 male and 8 female) receiving calcium carbonate tablet. Level of serum calcium, phosphorus, albumin, at pre wash, baseline and every 5 weeks, meanwhile the Level Low-density lipoprotein, Fibroblast growth factor23, and parathyroid hormone were measured at baseline and after 10 weeks. Results Serum phosphorus was significantly reduced after 10 weeks with both sevelamer carbonate-22.4% and calcium carbonate-23.5%. Serum parathyroid was significantly reduced in both groups. Only group 1 was associated with significant reduction in low-density lipoprotein cholesterol by 26.4% from base line, significant reduction in Fibroblast growth factor-23 level by-31.2% and significant decrease in Calcium× phosphate product-29.5%. Significant rise in the serum calcium in group 2 patients (14.34%). Conclusion Sevelamer superior to calcium-based binders in reducing hypercalcemia and …

Publication Date
Sun Dec 16 2018
Journal Name
Alienation in Contemporary Sculpture between the Works of Anthony Caro and Tony Cragg (A Comparative Study)
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  • The subject of this research is the study of the formal alienation of contemporary English sculpture, by comparing the most important sculptors of the new contemporary generation. This research problem is to look for the important factors in the formation of the contemporary sculptural structure of the exotic, and what is the mechanism of formation and output of these forms. The research seeks to explore (Alienation in contemporary sculpture between the works of Anthony Caro and Tony Cragg) in a comparative study. The importance of the research is to identify the concept of alien forms in contemporary British sculpture, especially in the cases of Anthony Caro and Tony Cragg that this research is considered a know

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Publication Date
Mon Oct 28 2019
Journal Name
Periodicals Of Engineering And Natural Sciences (pen)
Kinetic profile of silver and zinc oxide nanoparticles by intraperitoneal injection in mice , a comparative study
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Publication Date
Tue Jan 01 2019
Journal Name
International Journal Of Agricultural And Statistical Sciences
Effect of foliar spraying with gibberellic and humic acid on wheat growth
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Publication Date
Fri Sep 01 2017
Journal Name
Gulf Journal Of Oncology
Clinical and Pathological Characteristics of Triple Positive Breast Cancer among Iraqi Patients
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Background: Breast cancer is the most common malignancy affecting the Iraqi population and the leading cause of cancer related mortality among Iraqi women. It has been well documented that prognosis of patients depends largely upon the hormone receptor contents and HER-2 over expression of their neoplasm. Recent studies suggest that Triple Positive (TP) tumors, bearing the three markers, tend to exhibit a relatively favorable clinical behavior in which overtreatment is not recommended. Aim: To document the different frequencies of ER/PR/HER2 breast cancer molecular subtypes focusing on the Triple Positive pattern; correlating those with the corresponding clinico-pathological characteristics among a sample of Iraqi patients diagnosed with th

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Publication Date
Mon May 16 2022
Journal Name
International Journal Of Biomaterials
Histopathological and Biochemical Comparative Study of Copper Oxide Nanoparticles and Copper Sulphate Toxicity in Male Albino Mice Reproductive System
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Copper (Cu) is an essential trace element for the efficient functioning of living organisms. Cu can enter the body in different ways, and when it surpasses the range of biological tolerance, it can have negative consequences. The use of different nanoparticles, especially metal oxide nanoparticles, is increasingly being expanded in the fields of industry and biomedical materials. However, the impact of these nanoparticles on human health is still not completely elucidated. This comparative study was conducted to evaluate the impacts of copper oxide nanoparticles (CuO NPs) and copper sulphate (CuSO4 0.5 (H2O)) on infertility and reproductive function in male albino mice BALB/c. Body weight, the weight of male reproductive organs, mal

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Scopus (19)
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Publication Date
Mon Jun 08 2020
Journal Name
Research Journal Of Chemistry And Environment
High Performance Liquid Chromatographic and Areaunder Curve spectrophotometric Methods forEstimation of Cefixime in Pure and MarketedFormulation: A Comparative Study
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Cefixime is an antibiotic useful for treating a variety ofmicroorganism infections. In the present work, tworapid, specific, inexpensive and nontoxic methods wereproposed for cefixime determination. Area under curvespectrophotometric and HPLC methods were depictedfor the micro quantification of Cefixime in highly pureand local market formulation. The area under curve(first technique) used in calculation of the cefiximepeak using a UV-visible spectrophotometer.The HPLC (2nd technique) was depended on thepurification of Cefixime by a C18 separating column250mm (length of column) × 4.6 mm (diameter)andusing methanol 50% (organic modifier) and deionizedwater 50% as a mobile phase. The isocratic flow withrate of 1 mL/min was applied, the temper

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Publication Date
Wed May 10 2017
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Effect of Seeds Soaking in Solutions of Some Calcium Salts on Saline Stress Tolerance of Barley Plant
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  Seeds of barley ( Hordeum vulgare L.) plant var. California Marriout were soaked in solutions of calcium sulphate and calcium chloride at different concentrations (0.5%,1.0%,5.0%) for different periods of time(3,6,12) h with continuous aeration . Seeds were planted in petridishs. Seedling of some treatment were transferred to the solution culture. The nutrient solution used was that of Arnon and Hoagland but at 1:10 strength. Different concentrations of NaCl were used in the nutrient solution (100,150, 200) m M . Unsoaked seeds and soaked in distilled water were used for comparison . Salt stress tolerance was evaluated by different morphological parameters. Results showed that the adverse effect of saline stress were reduced by so

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Publication Date
Wed Mar 19 2025
Journal Name
Journal Of Baghdad College Of Dentistry
A Comparative Study of Clinicopathological and Immunohistochemical Expression of CD1a, RANK and RANKL in Langerhans Cell Histiocytosis of Jaw and Skull Lesions
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Background: Langerhans' cell histiocytosis (LCH) is a group of conditions affecting the reticuloendothelial system. It includes Letterer-Siwe disease, Hand-Schuller-Christian disease and eosinophilic granuloma and most often presents in childhood. Materials and methods: Twenty-five cases of LCH were diagnosed histologically and confirmed by CD1a antibody and assessed immunohistochemically using anti-RANKL and anti-RANK antibodies to evaluate osteoclastogenic mechanism. Results: Regarding jaw cases, there was a significant correlation between CD1a and RANK (P=0.016). While in the skull, highly significant correlation existed between RANK and RANKL (p=0.001). Among the sites, there was no statistically significant difference found for each

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Publication Date
Mon May 25 2020
Journal Name
International Journal Of Psychosocial Rehabilitation
Training for Anaerobic Differential Threshold Stand and its Impact on Lactic Acid Concentration and LDH Enzyme and VO2MaX and Cortisol Hormone for Free 400 m men-runners
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The study aimed at designing a training program by using training for the anaerobic differential threshold stand and the effects of those trainings on the variables of (Concentration of Lactic Acid and LDH Enzyme, VO2 MaX and Cortisol Hormone). The Researchers used the experimental program with one-group style. Also, they used a sample with (8) men-players in a (free 400 m men-runners) and they used many instruments and procedures, most notably the training-program prepared for 10 weeks and for 3 training units weekly, (70-90 min) for each unit. They used the training intensity from 85-100% of the player's ability. After finishing the training program and doing some pre-tests and post-tests then statistically checking the results, the resea

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Publication Date
Wed Dec 30 2020
Journal Name
Al-kindy College Medical Journal
Comparative Study between Nasal Endoscopic Findings and Nose and Paranasal Sinus Computerized Tomography in diagnosis of Nose and Paranasal Sinuses Diseases
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Background: Nasal obstruction is common in otorhinolaryngology outpatient visitors. The diagnosis of such compliant is by history, clinical examination and diagnostic procedures. Nasal endoscopy and computerized tomography scan are common diagnostic investigations. Nasal obstruction is either anterior or posterior (nasal septal deviations, hypertrophied turbinate pathological cyst, polyps, mass etc), or postnasal obstruction (hypertrophied turbinate, adenoid hypertrophy, nasopharyngeal cyst or nasopharyngeal tumors).

Aim of study: Prospective study to compare endoscopic finding and computerized tomography of nose, paranasal sinuses and postnasal space as diagnostic methods for nasal obstruction and other nose, p

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