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Effect of new tool geometry on weld strength of AA2024 aluminum alloy plates welded by friction stir spot welding process
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A new tool geometry was used to achieve friction stir spot welding (FSSW) in which the shoulder was designed separately from the rotating pin, and in order to examine weldment strength through the modified tool, a lap joints of AA2024 aluminum alloy plate 1 mm thick were welded successfully by using 6 mm pin diameter and varying process parameters (rotational speeds, tool nose geometry, and depth of tool penetration in the lower welded plate). Experimental tests indicate that the maximum average tensile shear load was 3100 N at the best selected condition. Microstructure examination and micro hardness test along the spot zones were investigated as well as measuring pin penetration load. Visual inspection of the welded spot surface shows a good appearance and clean surface and there is no need to any mechanical post treatment.
