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The Effect of a Training Curriculum According To the Physiological Index and the Transitional Speed of the 100m Hurdles Runner

Recently, that there has been a decline in the levels of female players for this event in recent years compared to developments in the world, as this activity depends to achieve the highest level of performance on the physical capabilities and physiological indicators of the player who It is reflected in the achievement, which results in the loss of time for Iraqi female runners compared to the world champions in the (100) meter hurdles competition, which reflects on the level of achievement. The two researchers used the experimental approach in addressing the research problem, and the experimental design used the method of the two equal groups, the two experiments with the pre and post-tests. Female runner and second experimental group (4) female runners, and they were divided by the method of odd and even numbers according to the sequence of their achievements into two experimental and control groups. A set of tests and measurements were identified and using the approved tests in the research, and the two researchers conducted the main experiment for a period of (8) weeks. The researchers concluded The application of the training curriculum according to the comfort index works to develop some physiological indicators and the transitional speed of the 100m runner. It is recommended that the training curriculum be adopted according to the comfort index of the 100m hurdles runner.

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Publication Date
Wed Jun 14 2023
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The Impact of Critical Reading on Viewers Understanding and Astatic Judgment at Artworks

This study reveals the impact of critical reading on viewers understanding and astatic judgment at artworks. And aims to find out the reasons and motives behind their issuing of these judgments towards artworks.
The study adopts the qualitative method as two pre and post interviews were conducted and analysed according to a thematic analysis method.
The results show that critical reading contributes to their understanding of the content of artworks and the message that the artist would like to convey to the recipient audience. and directs them towards the aesthetic judgment that is based on full understanding of the philosophical contents of the artwork, which, in turn, contributes to the development of artistic culture and a

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Publication Date
Wed Feb 01 2023
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Recent advances in the Biosynthesis of Zirconium Oxide Nanoparticles and their Biological Applications

A critical milestone in nano-biotechnology is establishing reliable and ecological friendly methods for fabricating metal oxide NPs. Because of their great biodegradable, electrical, mechanical, and optical qualities, zirconia NPs (ZrO2NPs) attract much interest among all zirconia NPs (ZrO2NPs). Zirconium oxide (ZrO2) has piqued the interest of researchers throughout the world, particularly since the development of methods for the manufacture of nano-sized particles. An extensive study into the creation of nanoparticles utilizing various synthetic techniques and their potential uses has been stimulated by their high luminous efficiency, wide bandgap, and high exciton binding energy. Zirconium dioxide nano

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Publication Date
Mon Jan 01 2018
Journal Name
Iraq J Embryos Infert Res
The effects of progesterone on mice offspring testis development and anogenital distance postnatally

Background: Analysis of human reports and comparison with results of experimental animals indicate that the effects of progesterone on human not analogous to experimental animals fetus, many studies showed that exposure to progesterone during developing of genital tract of human fetus was not teratogenic. Other studies which performed on laboratory animals found association between progesterone administration during gestation and genital malformation. Objectives: to explore the effect of progesterone in 10.2 mg/kg intraperitoneal injection in mice on testis development and anogenital distance. Materials and Methods: ten pregnant mice divided into five mouse control group that injected10. 2mg/kg sesame oil and treated group that injected pro

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Publication Date
Sat Dec 31 2022
Journal Name
Al-kindy College Medical Journal
The Association between CRP Levels with Comorbidities, Species, and Complications of Severe Malaria

Background: Malaria remains a leading cause of mortality in sub-Saharan Africa (including Sudan). C-reactive protein (CRP) is useful as   a marker of severity in malaria. African studies have shown that serum CRP levels correlate with parasite burden and complications in malaria, especially falciparum. However, there are no data on CRP levels in Sudanese malaria patients.

This study aims to evaluate the association between CRP levels with comorbidities, species, and complications of severe malaria

Subjects and Methods: A cross-sectional study enrolled 65 severe malaria patients at Khartoum state hospitals during the period from April to June2021. Manifestations of severe

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Publication Date
Wed Feb 20 2019
Journal Name
Political Sciences Journal
Development of Japanese Military Abitity and its Reflection on the New Japanese Role

خلاصة (استطاعت اليابان بعد الحرب العالمية الثانية ان تنهض من جديد، وان تحقق تجربة تحديث سياسي جعلها تشهد تبدلات جذرية من الفقر الى الغنى ومن سيطرة الحكم العسكري الى الدولة المنزوعة السلاح ومن التخلف الى التكنولوجيا الاكثر تطورا في العالم, ومن الانغلاق والعزلة وذهنية سكان الجزر الى الانفتاح على ثقافات عصر العولمة ووسائل اعلامها. فكيف يمكن الاستفادة من هذه التجربة الحديثة سياسيا بل وحتى اقت

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Publication Date
Fri Mar 01 2024
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Isotherms and Thermodynamic Parameters of Metoprolol Drug Adsorption on the Prepared Mesoporous Silica

In this study, mesoporous silica (MPS) is made using the sol-gel method from a cheap source (Na2SiO3) using the surfactant hydroxycetyl hydroxyethyl dimonium chloride as a template. The task is the adsorption-based removal of the medication metoprolol (MP) at concentrations between 10 and 50 ppm. Variables such as: contact time, dose of adsorbent, starting concentration of adsorbate, and adsorption temperature were studied which show the equilibrium time and adsorbent dose are 40 min and 0.05 g respectively. The Langmuir, Freundlich, Temkin, and Dubinin-Radushkevich isotherm models were fitted to the data obtained from the experiments. Comparing the outcomes showed that, of the four investigated isotherm models, the Freundlich equation m

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Publication Date
Tue Dec 30 2014
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
Ibn Habib al-Maliki and his views     Jurisprudence      In the book of marriage

Allah the Almighty has honored many of his slaves in the high houses for their efforts in building the scientific edifice of this nation, by demonstrating what is needed from the legal provisions for all the relations between them, and the actions that they emanate from. The tasks of the abbreviations and Almstsot, and deposited in the mabahith after various investigations and precious precious matters and showed all the human needs in his life and what is expected to happen, even on the rarest possibilities, and their efforts that left the nation on the cases of Goliath. , And Ask They are in Dar dignity with the best creatures and make us a share of those good things, and Odamna to obey Him and His pleasure until death, and forgive us

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Publication Date
Thu Dec 29 2016
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
The Morphology and Palynology Study of Dionysia odora Fenzl. (Primulaceae) in Iraqi-Kurdistan

The present research deals with the species Dionysia odora Fenzl.
(sy noname:Dionysia michauxii) it covers all its attributed and detailed. The plants are studied
in the college of A griculture/University of Sulaimaniya Herbar ium. The Palynology, Ecology
was given also. The sp ecimens of the plant collected and identified by Saman Abdulrahmad

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Publication Date
Thu Mar 06 2025
Journal Name
Al–bahith Al–a'alami
The gender implications of Facebook pages and their role in prioritizing women issues

Gender has considered and become a new trend in women's studies, as it reflects the behaviors, roles and attitudes imposed by society on its members in accordance with their biological nature,with focusing on gender rather than on concentration on women, which is closely linked to the vision that concentrates on women's problems which are not primarily according to their biological differences But rather to a greater extent to social, cultural, historical and religious barriers and Obstacles.
Therefore, the qualitative division due to the concept of "gender" is not a rigid biological division, but is relied on the broad general context through which the social division of work is done. Thus, content in the pages of Facebook with high-

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Crossref (1)
Publication Date
Wed Mar 15 2023
Journal Name
Kinetic diversity and its effectiveness in the formal variables of industrial product design

The formal diversity in designs is achieved by creating shapes and lines with a distinct movement pattern, which are preceded by mental processes. The greatest source of diversity in design in general and industrial design in particular is the creation of multiple directions for the completion of designs and the diversification of intellectual proposals for the design idea. The human activity that takes place around us in various fields of life takes place due to the diversity of movement in the form of the design product and its effectiveness through the dynamic diversity in the form, which differs in the methods of designing and showing it. He invents material value as a distinct artistic product that he owns A specific form or system

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