(لا مجتمــــع الا وبـــــه قـــــانو ن ) مقولـــــه اطلقهـــــا فقیـــــه رومـــــا القدیمـــــة ( شیشـرون ) فالقـانون لـیس ولیـد الیـوم وانمـا منـذ بـدء الخلیقـة بـدأت حاجـة الانسـان الـى قواعـد سـلوكیه یـنظم بهـا حیاتـه ویـرى بهـا حـدود حریتـه بحیـث لاتتجـاوز هـذه الحریة الى حدود حریة الاخرین٠واذا كانـــت المؤسســـیة ودولـــة القـــانون مـــن اهـــم معـــاییر الانتمـــاء الـــى العصر الحـدیث یـأت الخطـاب الرسـمي العراقـي علـى ذكـر تعبیـر ( دولـة القـانون والمؤسسات ) بعدها سمة العصر التي تنشد الشـعوب تحقیقهـا فـي القـرن الحـادي والعشرین
Al-Marba'aniyah, which is a long cold wave, was defined by ancient
Iraqis. It represents the coldest days in Iraq. In this research paper, a new
scale was put to define it. It shows that the period between the minimum
temperature degree recoded in December and the minimum temperature
degree recorded in January is considered to be the period of Al-Marba'aniyah.
The research concluded that Al-Marba'aniyah is unsteady and it changes in
the days of its occurrence. It was also concluded that the dates of the
beginning and the end of Al-Marba'aniyah are unsteady, too. Moreover, it was
found out that each of the Siberian high, European high, and finally the
subtropical high are the responsible systems for
This study concerned of scientific analysis of sociological directions
among Iraqi scholars graduated before 1960. These directions was divided
between heritage, conflict, critical and symbolic interaction. It is important to
mention that Al-Wardi scholar tried to build a theory in Sociology focused on
the image of Iraqi personality through historical approach used by Arabian
scholar Ibn-Khaldon.
That the nature of an important role in children's lives, Including offer them fun and freedom of thinking and capacity in the imagination. And its effective role of poets in general and especially apoet of childhood Selecting from diverse elements, And the rise to the level of human nature In order to enrich the child's imagination And the delivery of various ideas and information in a surprising. And are far from the decision-making and direct screed.this importance we set off For the study of poetic texts for children in Iraq During the research stage. Those texts in which the humanization began clearly,and our offer to these texts in style of detail and precision Not without expressing an my opinion during the research We finished th
... Show MoreThe research studies the melodic and rhythmic characteristics of monologue, in addition to how it was transferred from the Arab homeland to Iraq and reviewed its most prominent performers, as well as a review of the monologue types and their propagation in the Arab homeland such as comical, dramatic, and political and guidance monologues.
The methodological framework included: the problem of the research, the importance of the research and the objective of the research which is to uncover the melodic and rhythmic structure of the monologue in Iraq. The limits of the research included the objective limit tackling the art of monologue and the spatial limit which is Baghdad
... Show MoreEl tema de esta investigación está directamente relacionado con el papel del léxico en la enseñanza-aprendizaje del español como segunda lengua en el sistema de enseñanza universitariairaquí, donde se llevó a cabo la investigación empírica y la propuesta de criterios de la selección de léxico español.
Este estudio se ha centrado concretamente en los alumnos irakíes de nivel elemental que estudian elespañol como segunda lengua extranjera. Con el fin de conocer los estilos de enseñanza-aprendizaje del vocabulario practicado en las aulas, de determinar las faltas en la selección léxica y realizar propuestas de mejorar la competencia léxica, hemos efectuado el an
... Show MoreThis research paper is about thevariationin the degree of Continentality climate of the
Iraq during (40) years for a number of climate station. Using Poresof formula, it is found out
that the climate of Iraq ranges between extreme Continentality and very extreme
Continentality, and that the Continentality degree is characterized with extreme frequency
from one year to another. In certain years, the degree of climate Continentality decreases
while in other years it rises in such a way that there is no similarity in the Continental degree
from one year to another for the same station.
As for the general trend of the degree of Continentality, the last years had noticed
special variations, which are divided in to thre
اليورانيوم المنضب واستخدامه امريكياً في العراق
In a unique way, heritage libraries enrich Iraq's cultural landscape. Iraq has a large number of heritage libraries, which carry a large number of books of Arab-Islamic heritage. The Library of the Center for the Revival of Heritage is one of these .
Agricultural loans play an important role in the growth and stimulation of agricultural investment opportunities in Iraq, as well as the sustainability and development of existing agricultural projects. The agricultural sector is characterized by the specific conditions of seasonal production and fluctuations in production conditions, which makes the situation of uncertainty more acute in this sector, the need for any agricultural project for financing is urgent and continuous if it wants to continue production and development at all stages. The study proved the impact of agricultural loans in increasing investment and agricultural production at specific times, However, the fluctuation of funding
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