(لا مجتمــــع الا وبـــــه قـــــانو ن ) مقولـــــه اطلقهـــــا فقیـــــه رومـــــا القدیمـــــة ( شیشـرون ) فالقـانون لـیس ولیـد الیـوم وانمـا منـذ بـدء الخلیقـة بـدأت حاجـة الانسـان الـى قواعـد سـلوكیه یـنظم بهـا حیاتـه ویـرى بهـا حـدود حریتـه بحیـث لاتتجـاوز هـذه الحریة الى حدود حریة الاخرین٠واذا كانـــت المؤسســـیة ودولـــة القـــانون مـــن اهـــم معـــاییر الانتمـــاء الـــى العصر الحـدیث یـأت الخطـاب الرسـمي العراقـي علـى ذكـر تعبیـر ( دولـة القـانون والمؤسسات ) بعدها سمة العصر التي تنشد الشـعوب تحقیقهـا فـي القـرن الحـادي والعشرین
تحتل الرقابة المالية والإدارية أهمية كبيرة في عمل المؤسسات وتمثل المرحلة الإشرافية فيها وتُعد من أهم عناصر العملية الإدارية، ويأتي دور الأجهزة الرقابية لضمان تقديم الخدمات للمواطنين، بأسرع وقت، وبأقل جهد وتكلفة. واعتمدت الدولة العراقية منذ تأسيسها على جهاز رقابي خارجي واحد هو ديوان مراقب الحسابات العام المؤسس بالقانون رقم (17) لعام 1927 الذي كان يمارس أعمال الرقابة والتدقيق المالي والحسابي للمصروفات والإير
... Show MoreThe Arab heritage is considered one of the treasures of the noble human civilizations, as it is a deep-rooted heritage, when the dawn of Islam dawned on the Arabian Peninsula, and when its conquests spanned,
E-Learning packages are content and instructional methods delivered on a computer
(whether on the Internet, or an intranet), and designed to build knowledge and skills related to
individual or organizational goals. This definition addresses: The what: Training delivered
in digital form. The how: By content and instructional methods, to help learn the content.
The why: Improve organizational performance by building job-relevant knowledge and
skills in workers.
This paper has been designed and implemented a learning package for Prolog Programming
Language. This is done by using Visual Basic.Net programming language 2010 in
conjunction with the Microsoft Office Access 2007. Also this package introduces several
The tests that measure special strength defined by speed contributes a great deal in evaluating the players' weaknesses and strengths so as to aid coaches judge their players according to scientific and objective measurements. The problem of the study lies in answering the following question : is there a test that measures legs' vertical strength defined by speed especially for youth basketball players? The aim of the research was to construct and standardize a test for measuring legs' vertical strength defined by speed in youth basketball. The subjects of the study were 74 youth basketball players from Baghdad. The researchers concluded that the test measures leg's vertical strength defined by speed for youth basketball players as well as
... Show MoreEntropy define as uncertainty measure has been transfared by using the cumulative distribution function and reliability function for the Burr type – xii. In the case of data which suffer from volatility to build a model the probability distribution on every failure of a sample after achieving limitations function, probabilistic distribution. Has been derived formula probability distribution of the new transfer application entropy on the probability distribution of continuous Burr Type-XII and tested a new function and found that it achieved the conditions function probability, been derived mean and function probabilistic aggregate in order to be approved in the generation of data for the purpose of implementation of simulation
... Show MoreProducts’ quality inspection is an important stage in every production route, in which the quality of the produced goods is estimated and compared with the desired specifications. With traditional inspection, the process rely on manual methods that generates various costs and large time consumption. On the contrary, today’s inspection systems that use modern techniques like computer vision, are more accurate and efficient. However, the amount of work needed to build a computer vision system based on classic techniques is relatively large, due to the issue of manually selecting and extracting features from digital images, which also produces labor costs for the system engineers.
... Show MoreThe unstable and uncertain nature of natural rubber prices makes them highly volatile and prone to outliers, which can have a significant impact on both modeling and forecasting. To tackle this issue, the author recommends a hybrid model that combines the autoregressive (AR) and Generalized Autoregressive Conditional Heteroscedasticity (GARCH) models. The model utilizes the Huber weighting function to ensure the forecast value of rubber prices remains sustainable even in the presence of outliers. The study aims to develop a sustainable model and forecast daily prices for a 12-day period by analyzing 2683 daily price data from Standard Malaysian Rubber Grade 20 (SMR 20) in Malaysia. The analysis incorporates two dispersion measurements (I
... Show MoreIn this paper, a microcontroller-based electronic circuit have been designed and implemented for dental curing system using 8-bit MCS-51 microcontroller. Also a new control card is designed while considering advantages of microcontroller systems the time of curing was controlled automatically by preset values which were input from a push-button switch. An ignition based on PWM technique was used to reduce the high starting current needed for the halogen lamp. This paper and through the test result will show a good performance of the proposed system.
Is one of the processes of educational guidance to help the individual to design educational plans that fit with the abilities and inclinations and goals.
And research aims the current instruction program heuristic therapeutic knowledge to deal with emotional disorders. And may the researcher instruct a program according to the theories of interested and competent guidance to education and has studied the large number of studies available in this field, as has been the program on a number of specialists in education and Psychology and took their views. And then was adopted the final version of the indicative program, consistent with the sample, which was built