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Biofuel Production and Its Impact on Global Food Security: A Review Article
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The aim of this study is to shed light on the importance of biofuels as an alternative to conventional energy, in addition to the importance of preserving agricultural crops, which are the main source of this fuel, to maintain food security, especially in developing countries. The increase in global oil prices, in addition to the fear of global warming, are among the main factors that draw the world’s attention to searching for alternative sources of traditional energy, which are sustainable on the one hand, and on the other hand reduce carbon emissions. Therefore, the volume of global investment in renewable energy in general, and in liquid biofuels and biomass in particular, has increased. Global fears emerged that the excessive conversion of large farms suitable for growing food to energy production would threaten global food security. In the first ten years of the new millennium, biofuel production increased fivefold, and the largest increase in biofuel production was recorded in 2007-2008, coinciding with a sharp rise in food prices. Compared to the average food prices in the period 2002-2004, the average global prices of cereals, oils and fats traded were 2 to 2.5 times higher in 2008, this continuous increase in the use of food crops to produce biofuels has reflected on global food security. Accordingly, this review article will address previous studies on biofuel production; identify the theoretical framework for the concept of biofuels and its characteristics, and the relationship between biofuels and food security. In this study, we presented biofuels, which are considered one of the important categories in the field of renewable energy and its environmental and economic effects, as well as the experiences of some countries in its production, and the possibility of benefiting from the natural resources available for its production. We will discuss the scientific (chemical) principles of biofuel production.

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Publication Date
Wed Mar 12 2025
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Agricultural Sciences
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Publication Date
Tue Aug 03 2021
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
Accounting disclosure of social responsibility and its impact on achieving sustainable development goals: (Applied research in the State Company for Food Industries- Diwaniyah Dairy Factory)
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The researchers seek to shed light on the importance of accounting disclosure on social responsibility, and the research aims to provide a theoretical approach to social accounting and its disclosure, identify the concept of sustainable development, highlight the theoretical foundations of sustainable development and employ disclosure of social responsibility towards achieving the goals of sustainable development, and identify the impact of The accounting disclosure on social responsibility in achieving sustainable development goals, and the research problem can be reviewed by asking the following question (Does the accounting disclosure of the social responsibility of economic units contribute to achieving sustainable developmen

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Publication Date
Fri Jun 01 2012
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Dumping Policy & Its Impact In The Development of Agricultural Production In Iraq (2003- 2009)
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Dumping policy considered as one of the policies occurs severe damages to the developing countries apparently this is happens due to the potential weakness in (productive, technical, legislative, legal institutions) comparing with other developed countries who are members in WTO.

Iraq consider as one of the developing countries that has been effected by the dumping policy, the events in Iraq since downfall of the formal regime, and the allied forces domination of Iraq have all together accelerated in the apace of deterioration , particularly , after the temporary coalition authority  has forced Iraq to adopt a free foreign trade policy& exclusion of the state from the market mechanism & to consolidate import and deac

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Publication Date
Sun Oct 01 2023
Journal Name
International Science And Technology Journal
Impact of Concentration of Cow MANURE ON Biogas Production
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In Libya, there are multiple sources of pollution, one of which is animal waste. The anaerobic digestion (AD) of organic wastes to produce biogas has the advantage of producing valuable, renewable energy while reducing the environmental impact of these wastes. Cowmanure have the potential to produce biogas due to their high organic content. This study aimed to study different concentrations for the feedstock (1:1 and 2:1 cow manure: water v/v) to monitor which one gives higher biogas production. A plastic tank with a capacity of 72 liters and a feedstock volume of 60 liters was used to create a pilot scale. The biogas was analyzed using a GC device at the end of the experiment in the Zawiya Oil Refining Company. The result indicated that th

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Publication Date
Sun May 03 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of Advanced Laboratory Research In Biology
Hepatitis B Virus (HBV): A Review on its Prevalence and Infection in different areas of Iraq
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Publication Date
Sat Jan 01 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of University Of Anbar For Pure Science
A Short Review: Chemistry of Curcumin and Its Metal Complex Derivatives
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This review covers recent progress in the synthesis of curcumin and the bioactivity of semisynthetic and synthetic analogs of curcumin. The review also shows how curcumin is a useful intermediate for the synthesis of more complex organic molecules; historical perspective; the process of preparing the metal complexes and characterization the produced complexes using various spectral and other techniques; shows the importance of curcumin and its derivatives for their potential applications in medical devices and broad-spectrum of medical application such as antibiotic ointment, alternative therapeutics, antifungal, and antibacterial activities

Publication Date
Sun Jan 01 2023
Journal Name
Second International Conference On Innovations In Software Architecture And Computational Systems (isacs 2022)
Structural flexibility and its impact on contemporary architecture
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. The concepts of structural flexibility became one of the important goals in the design phases to reach high performance in architecture. The pioneering projects and ideas that linked architecture with technologies and scientific innovations appeared, with the aim of reaching projects that mix the concepts of flexibility with the development of machine thought and modern technology to meet the functional, environmental, and aesthetic requirements for human wellbeing. The aim of this paper is to identify the mechanisms used in order to reach flexible structural systems capable of accommodating technological changes and developments. The research hypothesizes that the structural design according to the concepts of flexibility achieves high s

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Publication Date
Mon Feb 04 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
Disadvantages of Abortion and its Impact on Society
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As we have said that the reasons for abortion are many and varied them to be for
the purpose of treatment or the protection of the mother of the loss or that the abortion
of an act intended purpose of birth control or other reasons is the statistics that are
spread in the world that about 50-60 million abortions annually in the world If this
abortion criminal who is loss of the lives of fetuses and a disgrace to the preachers to
the progressive and liberal, secular, and because they were not able to maintain
human life after leaving the obligation to approach Islam and because life support is
the highest things, which is one of the necessities of the five obligatory street
maintenance came verses warn those who un

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Publication Date
Thu Jan 01 2015
Journal Name
Political Sciences Journal
Rectifier technology and its impact on US policy
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كان لنهاية الحرب الباردة وعولمة العالم على وفق رؤية كونية تتجاوز حدود ومفاهيم السيادة الوطنية والقومية الاثر الواضح في ترتيب العلاقات الدولية , واصبحت تلك العلاقات تدور حول محورين الاول .. هو الاعتماد المتبادل بين الدول من اجل الوصول الى خطوط مشتركة للمصالح المختلفة بين هذه الدول . والآخر.. هو تبعية الدول الضعيفة للدول القوية لافتقار الاولى توفير الحاجيات الى مواطنيها . هذا يشير الى نشأة علا

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Publication Date
Fri Dec 01 2023
Journal Name
Political Sciences Journal
Using the Nudge Theory in Improving Security Policies and Crime Prevention: Integrative Review
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The "Nudge" Theory is considered one of the most recent theories, which is clear in the economic, health, and educational sectors, due to the intensity of studies on it and its applications, but it has not yet been included in crime prevention studies. The use of  Nudge theory appears to enrich the theory in the field of crime prevention, and to provide modern, effective, and implementable mechanisms.

The study deals with the "integrative review" approach, which is a distinctive form of research that generates new knowledge on a topic through reviewing, criticizing, and synthesizing representative literature on the topic in an integrated manner so that new frameworks and perspectives are created around it.

The study is bas

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