Find targets identify: 1. teaching student skills of teachers of Physic in accordance with the quality standards. 2 Deference between teaching student skills of teachers of Physic in accordance with the variable sex (male _ female) & University (Baghdad _ Mostanserah). It consisted sample of (120) teachers student and Physic of the directorates of education Krkah & Risafa (first, second, and third) were chosen randomly with equal distribution of (60) males and 60 females, and the rate of (60) teacher and school according to the university variable (Baghdad – Mustansiriya. The researcher building measure teaching skills (56) items, which included four sub-skills are: (communication (12) items, planning a lecture (14) paragraph, the implementation of the lecture (16) items, calendar students (14) paragraph. It was used the following statistical methods: (samples t test for one sample, analysis of variance duo). The research found the following results: Physic teaching student that arrived to quality in .1 teaching skills level. 2. A variation in the level of quality in accordance with the teaching skills of teaching student ميارات تدريس الفيزياء لدى الطمبة المطبقين وفق معايير الجودة.......................... مجلت ابحاث الزكاء والقذساث العقليت 232 العذد )22( لسىت )2027( 3. The quality of teaching student in the skill level of implementation was less than the standard average. 4. the existence of differences between males and females in favor of females teaching student skills. 5. differences in teaching skills do not exist according to the university variable (Baghdad - Mustansiriya
Journal of Studies and Researches of Sport Education
This research seeked to create frame work for audit ISO as one class of investigation for special purpose. The suggestion frame work depend on five basic ingredients, there were nature of ISO audit, the people interested requirements to do this audit who process the audit and the problems effect this audit. Already discussed and study the requirements and recommendations from International Standardization Organization.
The researcher suggested the basic sup
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The two quality management concepts of benchmarking and poor quality cost measurement have been developed completely separate from each other and without any interaction between them. Both have also experienced some shortcomings that to some extent has limited their use and results. This paper explores these shortcomings and demonstrates how benchmarking and poor quality cost measurement in some ways is similar and in other ways complement each others’ weaknesses. An integrated framework that combines the two concepts into a powerful approach for assisting an organization’s quality management work is presented. Different points of intersection between the two concepts in this integrated framework are discussed, and it is demo
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يهدف هذا البحث إلى تصميم ومكننة نظام متطور لتقويم جودة العملية التعليمية للجامعات العراقية، باعتماد مدخل الجودة، ومكننة نظام معلومات قادر على توفير البيانات بالخصائص المطلوبة التي يمكن الاستناد إليه في اجراء عملية التقويم على وفق النظام المقترح.
اعتمد البحث على أسلوبيّ دراسة الحالة والدراسة التطبيقية، للوصول إلى النتائج ا
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The search is contain compared among some order selection criteria (FPE,AIC,SBC,H-Q) for the Model first order Autoregressive when the White Noise is follow Normal distribution and some of non Gaussian distributions (Log normal, Exponential and Poisson distribution ) by using Simulation