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A spherical fuzzy AHP model for contractor assessment during project life cycle
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Abstract<p>Measurement of construction performance is essential to a clear image of the present situation. This monitoring by the management team is necessary to identify locations where performance is exceptionally excellent or poor and to identify the primary reasons so that the lessons gained may be exported to the firm and its progress strengthened. This research attempts to construct an integrated mathematical model utilizing one of the recent methodologies for dealing with the fuzzy representation of experts’ knowledge and judgment considering hesitancy called spherical fuzzy analytic hierarchy process (SFAHP) method to assess the contractor’s performance per the project performance parameters (cost, schedule, quality, leadership, and change management). At the same time, most project control systems are currently applied through software like Primavera P6 or MS Project. These look at a project’s cost and schedule status by following the earned value analysis for finding the performance. Based on decision makers’ preferences, the analytic hierarchy process (AHP) may be used to arrive at the optimum conclusion. AHP approaches are discussed, including AHP, grey-AHP, fuzzy-AHP, and SFAHP weights comparison. Calculation results showed that the spherical fuzzy approach differs significantly from the other approaches where it considers the decision maker’s hesitation when making linguistic multicriteria decisions and then, as a result, recommends applying periodically for performance measurement. This model can be viewed as a valuable way to help the decision-making stakeholders in the construction sector do the best job about critical issues at a suitable time.</p>
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Publication Date
Thu Feb 23 2023
Journal Name
Chalcogenide Letters
Studying the effect of copper on the p-ZnTe/n-AgCuInSe2/p-Si for thin films solar cell applications
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A thin film of AgInSe2 and Ag1-xCuxInSe2 as well as n-Ag1-xCuxInSe2 /p-Si heterojunction with different Cu ratios (0, 0.1, 0.2) has been successfully fabricated by thermal evaporation method as absorbent layer with thickness about 700 nm and ZnTe as window layer with thickness about 100 nm. We made a multi-layer of p-ZnTe/n-AgCuInSe2/p-Si structures, In the present work, the conversion efficiency (η) increased when added the Cu and when used p-ZnTe as a window layer (WL) the bandgap energy of the direct transition decreases from 1.75 eV (Cu=0.0) to 1.48 eV (Cu=0.2 nm) and the bandgap energy for ZnTe=2.35 eV. The measurements of the electrical properties for prepared films showed that the D.C electrical conductivity (σd.c) increase

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Publication Date
Thu Jan 04 2024
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
Measuring the impact of oil price fluctuation on the budget Deficit base in Iraq for the period (2003-2020)
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                 The research dealt with a studying the impact of oil price fluctuations on one of the rules of financial discipline, which is the rule of budget deficit in the Iraqi economy for the period (2003-2020) as it is one of the quarterly economies that rely mainly on volatile oil revenues that fluctuate with oil prices in global markets, and therefore the general budget suffers. from The state of instability and then the government resorts to borrowing for a long time . this deficit in the general budget and increase the debt burden in the public debt.The research aim to measure and study the impact of oil price flu

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Publication Date
Sun Mar 15 2020
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Deconstruction Mechanism in Postmodernism Arts and its Role in Teaching the Artistic Tasting for the Learner: نضال ناصر ديوان
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Deconstructionism opened the door wide to multiple readings and restore the reader his authority that he lost in the modernism, thus became more able to decipher the plastic discourse through reconstruction according to what he wants or what the plastic discourse gives him of possibilities beyond consumerism and thus the author has been canceled. The problem of the current research is limited to the following question: does deconstructionism in postmodern arts have a role in teaching the artistic tasting for the learner? The aim of the current research is to reveal the deconstruction work mechanisms in postmodern arts and their role in teaching the artistic tasting for the learner. As for the theoretical framework, the first section focu

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Publication Date
Fri Jan 01 2021
Journal Name
Aip Conference Proceedings
Preparation and characterization of mawsonite Cu6Fe2SnS8 [CFTS] thin films via the semi-computerized spray pyrolysis technique for photovoltaic applications
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Publication Date
Thu Sep 30 2021
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
The Role of Throughput Accounting in Maximizing Profits: Application Search in the General Company for Textile Industry / Cotton Factory
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        Throughput accounting is concerned with a throughput measurement process to determine the efficiency of the company, to know the problems and obstacles it suffers from, to determine their causes and ways to address them.The research problem is represented by the following question: does the application of a throughput accounting lead to maximizing the company's profits? The aim of the research is to demonstrate the importance of throughput accounting, which is one of the tools of management accounting in providing an efficient information system that provides the company’s management with the information it needs to improve its production processes, increase a throughput, and thus maxi

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Publication Date
Sat Nov 19 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of Solid State Electrochemistry
Thermal, electrical and electrochemical properties of ionic liquid-doped poly(ethylene oxide)–LiTDI polymer electrolytes for Li-ion batteries
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Publication Date
Tue Jul 14 2020
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
The Green Synthesize of Zinc Oxide Catalyst Using Pomegranate Peels Extract for the Photocatalytic Degradation of Methylene Blue Dye
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In this study, the zinc oxide NPs have been synthesized from the fresh pomegranate peels extract using the precipitation method. The ZnO nanoparticles were produced from the reaction of fresh peels extract with zinc acetate salt which was used as zinc source in the presence of 2 M NaOH. The green synthesized nanoparticles were characterized through X-ray diffraction (XRD), UV-Vis diffuse reflection spectroscopy, Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR), and Atomic force microscopy (AFM). The XRD patterns confirm the formation of hexagonal wurtzite phase structure for ZnO synthesized using pomegranate peels extract with average crystalline size of 28 nm. FTIR spectra identify the presence of many active functional groups for the pom

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Publication Date
Thu Feb 01 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Upgrading of Alum Preparation and Dosing Unit for Sharq Dijla Water Treatment Plant by Using Programmable Logic Controller System
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One of the important units in Sharq Dijla Water Treatment Plant (WTP) first and second extensions are the alum solution preparation and dosing unit. The existing operation of this unit accomplished manually starting from unloading the powder alum in the preparation basin and ending by controlling the alum dosage addition through the dosing pumps to the flash mix chambers. Because of the modern trend of monitoring and control the automatic operation of WTPs due to the great benefits that could be gain from optimum equipment operation, reducing the operating costs and human errors. This study deals with how to transform the conventional operation to an automatic monitoring and controlling system depending on a Programmable

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Publication Date
Thu Apr 27 2017
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Reduction of Negative Effects For Moisture Tention of the Corn Plant by Spraying with Proline acid and Abscisic Acid.
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    This experiment was conducted in field of Agricultured Department Baquba/Diyala province in spring season 2011 to study the water stress by using foliar application concentrations of each Proline acid and Abscisic acid on proline content , ABA  content , chlorophyll content, protein conten and water content in leaves of Maize( cultivar, Buhooth 106).  The layout of the experiments was Split-  split plot design as RCBD with three replicates. The three concentrations   of spraying Proline acid levels ( 0 , 150 , 200 mg Proline .l-1 ) Three Abscisic acid levels ( 0 , 15 , 20 mgABA.l-1. ) and three periods of irrigation after(25, 50, 75%) of available water . Folair fertilizer were applied at three

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Publication Date
Sun Jun 05 2016
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Development of an Eco-Friendly Method for Iron Extraction and Determination in Pharmaceuticals Using Ciprofloxacin Drug as Chelating agent
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A method is developed for the determination of iron (III) in pharmaceutical preparations by coupling cloud point extraction (CPE) and UV-Vis spectrophotometry. The method is based on the reaction of Fe(III) with excess drug ciprofloxacin (CIPRO) in dilute H2SO4, forming a hydrophobic Fe(III)- CIPRO complex which can be extracted into a non-ionic surfactant Triton X-114, and iron ions are determined spectrophotometrically at absorption maximum of 437 nm. Several variables which impact on the extraction and determination of Fe (III) are optimized in order to maximize the extraction efficiency and improve the sensitivity of the method. The interferences study is also considered to check the accuracy of the procedure. The results hav

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