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Metabolic Syndrome
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Metabolic syndrome (MetS) is a combination of health disorders that mainly result from overweight and obesity. It increases the risk of developing cardiovascular disease and diabetes. (MetS) closely related to the existence weight gain or Obesity and laziness. It increases the serum levels of TNF-α and change the levels of a number of other parameters (e.g., adiponectin, resistin, and PAI-1). TNF-α dose not only appear to cause the production of inflammatory cytokines. It can trigger cell signaling by interacting with TNF-α receptors that can lead to insulin resistance. Usually, the digestive system molders the foods you eat and converts them to glucose. Insulin is an anabolic hormone produced by the pancreas that aids glucose get in your cells. To be utilize, as an energy source .Cells do not respond to insulin normally, and sugar cannot easily enter cells in people with insulin resistance. As outcome, blood glucose rises, until the body produces more insulin in an attempt to lower blood sugar. The following factors increase the chance of developing MetS as age increases the risk of developing MetS with age and ethnicity. In the United States, it appears that women of Mexican descent are more likely to develop MetS. Obesity carrying an extra amount of weight, especially in the abdomen, increases the risk of MetS. From this review, it stated that metabolic syndrome stands for the constellation of cardiovascular risk factors that raise the risk of cardiovascular arteriosclerosis and type 2 diabetes. Type 2 diabetes is a major global public health issue with more than 300 million people projected in 2025.

Publication Date
Thu Jun 30 2016
Journal Name
Al-kindy College Medical Journal
Joubert Syndrome: Imaging Findings and Report of a Case
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Background: Joubert syndrome (JS) is a very rare autosomal recessive disorder characterized by agenesis of cerebellar vermis, abnormal eye movements, respiratory irregularities, and delayed generalized motor development. Retinal dystrophy and cystic kidneys may also be associated with this clinical syndrome. The importance of recognizing JS is related to the outcome and its potential complications. This syndrome is difficult to diagnose clinically because of its variable phenotype. Its neuroimaging hallmarks include the characteristic molar tooth sign and bat wing-shaped fourth ventricle

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Publication Date
Mon Jun 30 2014
Journal Name
Al-kindy College Medical Journal
Evaluation of Serum RANKL Level in Acute Coronary Syndrome
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Background: Acute coronary syndrome (ACS) is a common disease, and a major determinant of morbidity and mortality in all races. The pleiotropic effects of the receptor activator of nuclear factor-kappa B ligand (RANKL) such as modulation of cell survival, mineralization and inflammation, make it an interesting candidate mediator in the progression and destabilization of atherosclerotic lesions.Objectives: This study was performed to investigate the role of RANKL in the pathogenesis of ACS.Methods: The levels of RANKL were measured by ELISA method in sera of 60 ACS patients, 31 patients with unstable angina (UA) and 29 patients with myocardial infarction (MI) in comparison with 20 apparently healthy controls.Results: Current data indicate

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Publication Date
Sun Oct 29 2023
Journal Name
Iraqi National Journal Of Nursing Specialties
Assessment of Premenstrual Syndrome among Working Women in Baghdad City
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Objectives: To assess the premenstrual syndrome among the working women in Baghdad City.
Methodology: A cross-sectional analytic study, using probability sampling cluster (multi-stage) sampling of
designed and consisted of (4) parts, including demographic, reproductive, menstrual cycle characteristics, and
premeustmual syndrome symptoms. Content validity and reliability of the questionnaire were detemined by
conducting a pilot study. Descriptive and inferential statistical procedures were used to analyze the data.
Results: The results of the study revealed that the age of women ranged betwee

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Publication Date
Thu Mar 30 2017
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Pharmaceutical Sciences ( P-issn 1683 - 3597 E-issn 2521 - 3512)
Rosiglitazone , Metformin or both for Treatment of Polycystic Ovary Syndrome
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         This study was designed to show the advantages of using the combination of metformin and rosiglitazone over using each drug alone in treatment of women with polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS).Forty four women with PCOS were classified into 3 groups , group 1 received rosiglitazone (4mg/day) for 3 months , group ΙΙ received metformin ( 1500 mg/day)for three months and groupΙΙΙ received the combination ( rosiglitazone 4mg/day + metformin 1500 mg/day) for the same period of treatment   . The blood samples were drawn before treatment and after 3 months of treatment . The fasting serum glucose , insulin , progesterone , testosterone , leutinizing hormone were measure

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Publication Date
Sun Dec 07 2014
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Is serum amylase normal in women with polycystic ovarian syndrome?
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Background : Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) is the most common cause of infertility in reproductive-age women , it is an important harbinger of metabolic disorders. It has been reported that hyperamylasemia can be used as marker of ovarian cancer patients . The current study was conducted to evaluate amylase activity and to estimate the correlation of this enzyme with insulin and insulin resistance in PCOS patients. Methods: This study was conducted on forty five patients with PCOS in comparison to twenty five women as control. Fasting blood sample was taken from each subject and analyzed for amylase activity , FSH,LH, Insulin , proteins, and blood sugar , meanwhile insulin resistance was determined by HOMA-IR index. Results: The result

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Publication Date
Wed May 10 2017
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Effect of Rhizopus Stolonifer Metabolic Products on Serum Vitamin C , some elements and catalase in albino male rats
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 The present study was designed to investigate the effect of R. stolonifer metabolic products on some antioxidant defenses and some elements (Cu, Fe, Ca) . The experiment was performed using 25 mature male rats, their age average was about (3-3.5) months and their weight average was about (200-225) gm. The animals were randomly divided into 5 equal groups (five animals for each): control (treated orally with normal saline) and four treatment groups were drenched orally with four concentrations of R. stolonifer metabolic products (15, 30, 60,120) μl/kg body weight. The animals were treated with one single dose of the previously described concentrations then left for 15 days. Animals of different groups were sacrificed under light

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Publication Date
Tue Sep 08 2020
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Modification of Irisin Level in Overweight/Obese Women during Pregnancy and Its Association with Some Metabolic Risk Factors
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Irisin is a novel myokine and adipokine, its role during pregnancy and its association with some metabolic risk factors especially pre-pregnancy body mass index (pre-BMI) need more evaluation. The aim of the study is to find whether the pre-BMI could predict irisin levels during normal pregnancy and to clarify associations of irisin with some pathological parameters.

Irisin levels were estimated by ELISA in sera of 59 normal pregnant women who enrolled from December 2016 to May 2017 at Maternity Hospital, Zakho city, Kurdistan region (Iraq). Thirty-two normal-weight pregnant (pre-BMI≤24.9 kg/m2, Age=24.03 mean±3.7standard deviation) and 27 overweight/obese-pregnant (pre-BMI>25 kg/m2, Age=27.6 mean±3.9

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Publication Date
Wed Oct 31 2018
Journal Name
Al-kindy College Medical Journal
Leigh Syndrome: Report of a Rare Case with Late Onset Presentation
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Leigh's syndrome, or sub acute necrotizing encephalomyelopathy, is a rare inherited neurometabolic disease of infancy and early childhood with variable course and prognosis. Rarely, it occurs in juveniles and adults. The diagnosis is difficult and still remains to challenge the clinicians on the basis of history; hence the role of imaging is very essential. It is the neuroimaging, chiefly the Magnetic Resonance Imaging showing characteristic symmetrical necrotic lesions in the basal ganglia and/or brain stem that leads to the diagnosis. Late-onset varieties are rare and only few cases were reported all over the world. Here, I report a case of late onset (juvenile) Leigh syndrome presenting with an acute polyneuropathy. Neuroimaging confi

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Publication Date
Fri Aug 05 2022
Journal Name
Sport Tk-revista Euroamericana De Ciencias Del Deporte
Physical-Nutritional program effect in women with Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS)
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This study aimed to prepare a program (physical-nutritional) for women with polycystic ovary, as well as to identify the effect of this program on some body measurements and the incidence of polycystic ovarian syndrome in the research sample. A total of 12 women (aged 20-25 years) with Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS) participated in the randomized controlled trial design. They were divided equally into two groups (experimental and control group). The experimental group received the physical-nutritional program accompanying the treatment program, while the control group received only the instructions of the specialist doctor and the treatment program prepared by them. The two researchers applied their nutritional progr

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Scopus (4)
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Scopus Crossref
Publication Date
Wed Aug 16 2017
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Serum Oxidative Stress and Creatine Kinase Activity Related to Hoffman's Syndrome
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Several symptoms of hypothyroidism characterized by low

FT3 and FT4 were classified into hypothyroidism and Hoffman's syndrome .It was accepted that free radical generation and lipid peroxidation are associated with  many diseases. Creatine kinase in serum is affected by thyroid hormones. This study was undertaken to investigate the relationship between  malondialdehyde  as a general lipid peroxidation marker and CK activity in patients with primary hypothyroidism and Hoffman's syndrome which indicatees hypothyroidism with undetectable FT3 and FT4 in serum with elevated values of  TSH.

The study revealed that MDA is within the normal range, while CK activities in sera of Hoffman's syndrome were increas

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