(Cu1-x,Agx)2ZnSnSe4 alloys have been fabricated with different Ag content(x=0, 0.1, and 0.2) successfully from their elements. Thin films of these alloys have been deposited on coring glass substrate at room temperature by thermal evaporation technique under vacuum of 10-5Torr with thickness of 800nm and deposition rate of 0.53 nm/sec. Later, films have been annealed in vacuum at (373, and 473)K, for one hour. The crystal structure of fabricated alloys and as deposited thin films had been examined by XRD analysis, which confirms the formation of tetragonal phase in [112] direction, and no secondary phases are founded. The shifting of main polycrystalline peak (112) to lower Bragg’s angle as compared to Cu2ZnSnSe4 angle refers to incorporation of Ag in the lattice. Annealing films adopt the similar structure, but peaks become sharper and more intensity, and crystallizing increase with increasing annealing temperature. AFM images confirms that all thin CAZTSe films are polycrystalline in nature and demonstrated that the size of grains increases with increasing Ag content and annealing temperature. (Received October 21, 2019; Accepted March 6, 2020) Keywords: Cu2ZnSnSe4 films, Structural properties, Morphological properties, Ag content, Heat treatment