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The Effect of Daily Timing Variation on some Motor Abilities and Anaerobic Ability among Sabers
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Publication Date
Fri Feb 01 2013
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Mycobacterium tuberculosis is the cause of the major world health issue, tuberculosis (TB). The cytokine, tumor necrosis factor alpha (TNF-α) has been implicated in protection against TB in the early stages of the disease. TNF-α is an effective cytokine in the killing of intracellular M. tuberculosis. This study inducted to investigate whether there is any relationship between levels of TNF-α in sera of TB patients and their recovery, and is there any difference in the level of this cytokine in sera of female and male TB patients. This study included 29 patients with pulmonary TB (18 female and 11 male), their ages ranging from 37 to 59 years. All of them received first line TB therapy. They were consulted at Pasture Center during Septem

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Publication Date
Fri Jan 01 2021
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
The Relationship of social costs to the institution and society: Study in Al-Furat General Chemical Industries Company
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This research aims to study the contribution of social costs contribution to achieving social luxury in Al-Furat General Chemical Industries company that has considered second largest contamination in the area after the invasive power  to deal with chemicals in manufacturing and very dangerous to individual society and environment ,this is first to play an effective role by the senior parties related to sense of social responsibility of the internal and external environment of the company to identify costs that are preventing ,reduced and treating damage caused and achieving sustainable development ,to achieve this goal  and what they reached are the difficulty of accounting for the environment and social costs from final accou

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Publication Date
Wed Jan 15 2020
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
Ancestor back to achieve the doctrine of the predecessor Sheikh Ibrahim Al-Kurdi Al-Kurani Study and investigation
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This letter dealt with one of the most prominent verbal and contractual issues, which are the similarities of the legal texts, or the so-called news features. The scholars differed as to their interpretation. Most of the verbal schools went on to interpret these texts in a valid interpretation according to the data of the Arabic language, in order to preserve them from the divine self's pronouncement of similar creatures, while we find that the ancestors kept it on its surface with delegating its meanings to God Almighty. This is what Burhan al-Din al-Kurani suggested in this letter, declaring his total rejection of interpretation.

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Publication Date
Sat Oct 24 2020
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The neutron halo structure of 14B, 22N, 23O and 24F nuclei studied via the generalised Woods–Saxon potential
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The radial wave functions of the generalise dWoods–Saxon (GWS) potential within the two-body model of (Core + n) have been used to study the ground-state density distributions of protons, neutrons and matter and the associated root mean square (rms) radii of neutron-rich 14B, 22N, 23O and 24F halo nuclei. The calculated results show that the radial wave functions of the generalised Woods–Saxon potential within the two-body model succeed in reproducing neutron halo in these exotic nuclei. Elastic electron scattering form factors for these nuclei are studied by combining the charge density distributions with the plane-wave Born approximation (PWBA).

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Publication Date
Tue Aug 15 2023
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The effectiveness of modern technologies used in television news bulletins And its role in facilitating the presenter's work
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The impact of television has made it an essential technology that can't be dispensed with in all circumstances and situations, measuring the society's need for it. Some argue that there is no stronger media than television in introducing people of the world to each other, as it has the most powerful impact and attracts millions of viewers.
Television is deemed as the most effective tool of media as it is designed to capture both sound and image. The image, in itself, has the ability to engage and interact with our thoughts. In light of the aforementioned, it is noticeable that this interactive medium (television) has significantly evolved over the years, thanks to modern technologies that have been introduced over time. These advancem

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Publication Date
Fri Feb 01 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
A realistic vision of the ration card system in Iraq for the duration (1997-2003) and (2017-2003)
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The researcher shed light on a diet in Iraq before 2003 became in this period. And how the ration card has a variety of vocabulary and cover the need of the population of commodities and have a key role in saving Iraq from a real crisis in the period of economic siege, especially in light of the State's direction to support the agricultural sector, which in that period able to fill half of the market needs of food the basic. As well as providing strategic storage at the Ministry of Commerce enough for six months But after the events of 2003 and the crises that hit the country and the unstable security situation began to rise voices calling for reform of the ration card system as a system that is a burden on the

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Publication Date
Tue Dec 13 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Languages (jcl)
A Contrastive- Acoustic Study of Jacqueline Kennedy and the Actress Natalie Portman’s Voice Qualities in the Film” Jacki”.
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As performers in a social world, we communicate with other people by sharing information on many different levels. Each utterance includes linguistic information and conveys much information about the speaker’s identity. Variation in voice quality indexes information about the speaker and marks the speaker’s identity as a unique individual. The present study aims to validate the belief that each individual has an inalienable voice print that can’t be imitated. The study verifies that, even the more similar personality between two individuals, or the close position in society the variance is voice quality. The acoustic analysis is performed via analysing the acoustic parameters namely: the fundamental frequency, amplitude, inten

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Publication Date
Fri Jul 19 2024
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
The correlation between micro-RNA 146a and IL-17 in the serum of Iraqi patients with cystic echinococcosis
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داء المشوكات الكيسي (CE) هو مرض وبائي يسبب مرضًا خطيرًا وخسائر اقتصادية في معظم بلدان العالم. MiRNAs هي عامل جيني ضروري لتنظيم الاستجابة المناعية من خلال قدرته على التدخل في التعبير الخلوي ؛ واحد هذه الحوامض النووية الدقيقة -146 أ. هدفت الدراسة الحالية تقييم إذا كان بإمكاننا استخدام microRNA 146a كمؤشر حيوي للكشف عن    CEو تحديد العلاقة بين التعبير الجيني microRNA 146a و IL-17 في مرضى CE.حيث اشتملت الدراسة على 50 مريضًا من CE تم إد

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Publication Date
Sun Jun 02 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Languages (jcl)
The tragedy and grief in Hebrew poetry of the middle ages: הטרגידיה והצער בשירה העברית של ימי הביניים
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This paper tackles tragedy and grief in the Hebrew poetry of the Middle Ages, as being topics which was transferred to it from Arabic poetry at that time. This came as a result of Hebrew poets quoting images from, and adopting the form and content of the Arabic poem. So, this topic was a prominent feature in the Hebrew poetry of the middle ages. The Hebrew poets focused upon this topic along three trends: poems of lamentation, whether being what are called national lamentation where poets expressed their feelings and grieves because of their remoteness and longing to their homeland, which is Palestine or the sacred land, as they claim; here, Zionist trends were apparent in many poems lamenting Zion and other cities. The other type of poe

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Publication Date
Sun Jun 01 2014
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
The role of monetary policy in achieving economic stability and growth in Iraq for the period (2004-2011)
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The objective of this research to analyze the effectiveness of monetary policy in achieving economic stability and growth for the period 2004-2011 ،This period of time saw a fundamental shift in monetary policy after the issuing new law the Central Bank of the full independence of the monetary authority ،This is Prompt the monetary authority to bring about a change in the philosophy and objectives and the tools used to achieve the desired  goals ،Which give them the ability to control the size of the money supply and to achieve price stability Indeed، Monetary policy has been able to achieve the golden triangle of economic stability ،Consisted of staff، exchange rate stability and low and stable general level of prices

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