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Effect of Rejuvenating Agent on the Mixtures Containing High Percent of Reclaimed Asphalt Pavement
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Due to economic reasons or need for environmental conservatism or also preserve the natural resources; there has been an increasing shift towards the use of reclaimed asphalt pavement (RAP) materials in the pavement construction industry. Therefore, use the Reclaimed Asphalt Pavement (RAP) has been enormously increased in pavement construction and has been become common practice in many countries. Nevertheless, this is a relatively new concept in Iraq, and has to be remarked that is not used RAP in the production of HMA and this valuable material is mostly degraded. For this purpose, the reclaimed materials were collected from deteriorated pavement segments. The components of asphalt mixtures consist of: two asphalt penetration grades (40-50 and 85-100) brought from Daurah refinery. The aggregate gradation consists of (19) mm maximum size with limestone dust as a mineral filler. This work involved using the waste engine oil as a rejuvenating agent. All the types of tests result demonstrated that all mixtures, which contain RAP, have good properties compared with the virgin mixture. This demonstrated that mixtures with high RAP content could be successfully designed to meet the local volumetric and performance-specification requirements.

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Publication Date
Sun Jan 02 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Languages (jcl)
Lexical Characteristics of the Translation of the Russian Newspapers: "Komsomolskaya Pravda" as Example: Лексические особенности перевода газетных заголовков (На материале газеты «Комсомольская правда»)
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      The present study discusses the semantic characteristics of the Russian newspapers journalistic headlines (The Russian newspaper "Komsomolskaya Pravda" as Example"). The study traces the characteristics of the Russian newspaper headlines, its relevance to grammar, syntax, lexical items and style. These characteristics in Russian will be investigated and compared to their Arabic correspondents in the process of translation. The study also specifies the meanings and the functions of the newspaper headlines in the light of modern linguistics stressing the grammatical, lexical and stylistic aspects of headlines translation from Russian into Arabic.


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Publication Date
Fri Jun 01 2012
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Analysis of financial investments using financial indicators Applied in the Middle East Bank of Iraq for investment For the fiscal period 2007-2009
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The research explain the analysis of finance investments through  analyze the finance tables for commercial banks, by using the pointers to indicate the limits of economical benefit for these investments, and fix the negative deviations and as well positive, for the purpose of  diagnostic the negative (disadvantage) and develop the advantage deviation, For the importance of finance investments in the development operation and economical growth, further to that the finance investments is represent one of the most activities in the commercial banks in which aim the adequate incomes as a result of the commercial banks act to receipt the banks deposits and then make it growth and develop through  commercial advantage o

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Publication Date
Wed Jun 01 2022
Journal Name
Jordan Journal Of Biological Sciences
Comparison of the Folate and Homocysteine Levels with A80G -RFC1 Gene Polymorphism between the Sample of Iraqi Children with and without Down Syndrome
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Many international studies indicated that the polymorphisms of some genes disturbed the folate homocysteine (Hcy) metabolism and increased the vulnerability to Down syndrome (DS). We aimed to measure the serum levels of folate and Hcy in DS children and compare the levels with age and sex-matched apparently normal healthy children. We also aimed to study the A80G polymorphism of the gene reduced folate carrier (RFC1) in the DS children as a risk factor. Forty children with DS (24 were boys, and 16 were girls) with the age range between 5-13 years, and 26 normal healthy children (16 boys and ten girls) were included in this study. The results show that the highest genotype in the control group was AG (53.85%) followed by AA and GG (30.

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Publication Date
Wed May 10 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Planner And Development
The impact of population density in sustainable housing - An applied study in the city of Baghdad (Mahalla 817), Al-Bayaa as a model
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Population density represents an important indicator for determining the growth of the size of urban areas. Population density has a direct impact on the quality of life, and its excessive rise may lead to the deterioration of basic service facilities. The problem of the research is that the increase in the total population densities of the residential neighborhood may reflect negatively on the nature of the services provided to the residents in these shops, and thus the failure to achieve sustainability in the residential locality. The research assumes that the increase in population densities negatively affects the achievement of sustainability in the residential neighborhood.



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Publication Date
Fri Jul 01 2016
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Study the Properties of Sodium Silicate Composite as a Barrier Separating Between the Internal Oil Distillation Towers and Chemical Fumes of Crude Oil
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The study of surface hardness, wear resistance, adhesion strength, electrochemical corrosion resistance and thermal conductivity of coatings composed from sodium silicate was prepared using graphite micro-size particles and carbon nano particles as fillers respectively of concentration of (1-5%), for the purpose of covering and protecting the oil distillation towers. The results showed that the sodium silicate coating reinforced with carbon nano-powder has higher resistance to stitches, mechanical wear, adhesive and thermal conductivity than graphite/sodium silicate composite especially when the ratio 5% and 1%, the electrochemical corrosion test confirmed that the coating process of stainless steel 304 lead to increasin

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Publication Date
Thu Apr 27 2017
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Some Parasites From Gills of Five Fish Species and the First Record of the Monogenean Ligophorus Imitans Euzet et Suriano, 1977 in Iraq
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 Five fish species were collected from Tigris river at Al-Adhamiyah region, Baghdad during the period from September to December 2011. These fishes were examined for ectoparasites. They were infected with 13 species of parasites which included one species of ciliated protozoans and 12 species of monogeneans. Among such parasites, Ligophorus imitans Euzet et Suriano, 1977 is reported for the first time in Iraq. In addition, eight new host records in Iraq were reported in the present study.

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Publication Date
Sun Dec 29 2019
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Calculating the variations of sunrise, sunset and day length times for Baghdad city.With comparison to different regions of the world in year 2019
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     The sunrise, sunset, and day length times for Baghdad (Latitude =33.34º N, Longitude =44.43º E) were calculated with high accuracy on a daily basis during 2019. The results showed that the earliest time of sunrise in Baghdad was at 4h: 53m from 5 Jun. to 20 Jun while the latest was at 7h: 07m from 5 Jan. to 11 Jan. The earliest time of sunset in Baghdad was at16 h: 55m from 30 Nov. to 10 Dec. whereas the latest was at 19h: 16m from 25 Jun. to 5 Jul. The minimum period of day length in Baghdad was 9h: 57m) in 17 Dec. whereas the maximum period was 14h: 22m) in 20 Jun. Day length was calculated and compared among regions of different latitudes(0, 15, 30, 45 and 60 north).

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Publication Date
Sun Sep 27 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
Degree of Availability of the Integrated Preparation Criteria inArabic Language Teachers’ Preparation Program in Syrian Universities from the Educational Qualification Diploma Students’ Viewpoint
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The study aimed to know the degree of availability of integrated preparation criteria in the Arabic Teacher training Program in Syrian universities from the viewpoint of university students of the Educational qualification diploma, and the degree of availability of these standards in the outputs of the preparation program. To achieve the Goals of the study, a list of integrated preparation criteria was prepare comprising (110) indicators, distributed to (11) criteria. The list was applied to a randomly chosen sample of (45) educational qualification diploma students. The results of the study showed that the Standards for integrated preparation are provided in a medium degree overall in the program for preparing teachers of Arabic languag

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Publication Date
Thu Dec 19 2019
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The Role of Total Quality in Increasing the Productivity of Wheat and Barley Crops and Reducing Costs Using Modern Irrigation Methods in Iraq
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Most of the world is seeking attention to the agricultural sector, which occupies a distinguished economic center, including Iraq, it is no wonder that the focus is on this sector, especially in developing countries. Descriptive analysis of the sample tables of wheat and barley crops in Iraq showed that adherence to the principles and rules of total quality, including modern irrigation methods (irrigated) has a significant impact in increasing productivity, reducing costs and improving quality compared to traditional irrigation methods, so it became necessary to take agricultural economic units All procedures and means that will help in the application of the rules of total quality to promote the reality of wheat and barley cultivation in I

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Publication Date
Tue Jun 30 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Using ARIMA models to forecast the volume of cargo handled in Iraqi ports An applied study in the general company of Iraqi ports
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Time series is an important statistical method adopted in the analysis of phenomena, practices, and events in all areas during specific time periods and predict future values ​​contribute to give a rough estimate of the status of the study, so the study aimed to adopt the ARIMA models to forecast the volume of cargo handled and achieved in four ports (Umm Qasr Port, Khor Al Zubair Port, Abu Flus Port, and Maqal Port(, Monthly data on the volume of cargo handled for the years (2006-2018) were collected (156) observations. The study found that the most efficient model is ARIMA (1,1,1).

The volume of go

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