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Distinguishing of different tissue types using K-Means clustering of color segmentation
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Millions of lives might be saved if stained tissues could be detected quickly. Image classification algorithms may be used to detect the shape of cancerous cells, which is crucial in determining the severity of the disease. With the rapid advancement of digital technology, digital images now play a critical role in the current day, with rapid applications in the medical and visualization fields. Tissue segmentation in whole-slide photographs is a crucial task in digital pathology, as it is necessary for fast and accurate computer-aided diagnoses. When a tissue picture is stained with eosin and hematoxylin, precise tissue segmentation is especially important for a successful diagnosis. This kind of staining aids pathologists in distinguishing between different tissue types. This work offers a clustering-based color segmentation approach for medical images that can successfully find the core points of clusters through penetrating the red-green-blue (RGB) pairings without previous information. Here, the number of RGB pairs functions as a clusters’ number to increase the accuracy of current algorithms by establishing the automated initialization settings for conventional K-Means clustering algorithms. On a picture of tissue stained with eosin and hematoxylin, the developed K-Means clustering technique is used in this study (H&E). The blue items are found in Cluster 3. There are things in both light and dark blue. The results showed that the proposed technique can differentiate light blue from dark blue employing the 'L*' layer in L*a*b* Color Space (L*a*b* CS). The work recognized the cells' nuclei with a dark blue color successfully. As a result, this approach may aid in precisely diagnosing the stage of tumor invasion and guiding clinical therapies

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Publication Date
Fri Mar 28 2025
Journal Name
Journal Of Baghdad College Of Dentistry
Effect of different staining materials on color stability of sapphire brackets bonded with different types of light cure orthodontic adhesives (An in vitro study)
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Background: The demand for better esthetic during orthodontic treatment has increased nowadays, so orthodontists starting using esthetic arch wires, brackets and ligatures.Tooth colored brackets were introduced in different types of materials. Sapphire ceramic brackets are one type of esthetic brackets and their color stability remains the main concern for the clinicians and patients at the same time. The present study design to evaluate the effect of three different staining materials (pepsi, black tea and cigarette smoke) on the stainability of sapphire ceramic brackets bonded with three types of light cure orthodontic adhesives which include: Resilience, Enlight and Transbond. Materials and Methods: The sample consisted of three hundre

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Publication Date
Mon Jul 11 2022
Journal Name
International Journal Of Online And Biomedical Engineering (ijoe)
Dynamic Background Subtraction in Video Surveillance Using Color-Histogram and Fuzzy C-Means Algorithm with Cosine Similarity
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The background subtraction is a leading technique adopted for detecting the moving objects in video surveillance systems. Various background subtraction models have been applied to tackle different challenges in many surveillance environments. In this paper, we propose a model of pixel-based color-histogram and Fuzzy C-means (FCM) to obtain the background model using cosine similarity (CS) to measure the closeness between the current pixel and the background model and eventually determine the background and foreground pixel according to a tuned threshold. The performance of this model is benchmarked on CDnet2014 dynamic scenes dataset using statistical metrics. The results show a better performance against the state-of the art

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Publication Date
Fri Jan 20 2023
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Studying the Classification of Texture Images by K-Means of Co-Occurrence Matrix and Confusion Matrix
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In this research, a group of gray texture images of the Brodatz database was studied by building the features database of the images using the gray level co-occurrence matrix (GLCM), where the distance between the pixels was one unit and for four angles (0, 45, 90, 135). The k-means classifier was used to classify the images into a group of classes, starting from two to eight classes, and for all angles used in the co-occurrence matrix. The distribution of the images on the classes was compared by comparing every two methods (projection of one class onto another where the distribution of images was uneven, with one category being the dominant one. The classification results were studied for all cases using the confusion matrix between ev

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Publication Date
Fri Jan 20 2023
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Studying the Classification of Texture Images by K-Means of Co-Occurrence Matrix and Confusion Matrix
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In this research, a group of gray texture images of the Brodatz database was studied by building the features database of the images using the gray level co-occurrence matrix (GLCM), where the distance between the pixels was one unit and for four angles (0, 45, 90, 135). The k-means classifier was used to classify the images into a group of classes, starting from two to eight classes, and for all angles used in the co-occurrence matrix. The distribution of the images on the classes was compared by comparing every two methods (projection of one class onto another where the distribution of images was uneven, with one category being the dominant one. The classification results were studied for all cases using the confusion matrix between every

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Publication Date
Fri Mar 28 2025
Journal Name
Journal Of Baghdad College Of Dentistry
Comparison of regional bond strength among different types of posts luted with different types of cement
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Background: This in vitro study was carried out to investigate the effect of post space regions (coronal, middle and apical), the effect of post types ( Manually Milled Zirconia post, Prefabricated Fiber post, prefabricated Zirconia post) and the type of cement used (GIC, self-adhesive resin cement) on the bond strength between the posts and root dentin by using push-out test. Material and methods: Forty eight mandibular premolars extracted for orthodontic reasons (single rooted) were instrumented with ProTaper system (hand use) and obturated with gutta percha for ProTaper using AH26® root canal sealer following the manufacturer instructions. After 24 hours, post space was prepared using Zirix and Glassix drills no.3 creating 8 mm dept

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Publication Date
Wed Mar 01 2017
Journal Name
2017 Annual Conference On New Trends In Information & Communications Technology Applications (ntict)
An efficient color quantization using color histogram
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Publication Date
Sat Feb 09 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
Shadow Removal Using Segmentation Method
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Shadow detection and removal is an important task when dealing with color outdoor images. Shadows are generated by a local and relative absence of light. Shadows are, first of all, a local decrease in the amount of light that reaches a surface. Secondly, they are a local change in the amount of light rejected by a surface toward the observer. Most shadow detection and segmentation methods are based on image analysis. However, some factors will affect the detection result due to the complexity of the circumstances. In this paper a method of segmentation test present to detect shadows from an image and a function concept is used to remove the shadow from an image.

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Publication Date
Mon Sep 23 2019
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
A Semi-Supervised Machine Learning Approach Using K-Means Algorithm to Prevent Burst Header Packet Flooding Attack in Optical Burst Switching Network
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Optical burst switching (OBS) network is a new generation optical communication technology. In an OBS network, an edge node first sends a control packet, called burst header packet (BHP) which reserves the necessary resources for the upcoming data burst (DB). Once the reservation is complete, the DB starts travelling to its destination through the reserved path. A notable attack on OBS network is BHP flooding attack where an edge node sends BHPs to reserve resources, but never actually sends the associated DB. As a result the reserved resources are wasted and when this happen in sufficiently large scale, a denial of service (DoS) may take place. In this study, we propose a semi-supervised machine learning approach using k-means algorithm

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Scopus (7)
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Publication Date
Fri Mar 28 2025
Journal Name
Journal Of Baghdad College Of Dentistry
Color Stability of Different Aesthetic Archwires (An In vitro study)
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Background: Coated aesthetic archwires are currently the existing solutions for the esthetic problem, but the color of these archwires tends to change overtime. This study was aimed to evaluate the color stability of different types of esthetic archwires from four different companies at different time periods after immersion of two different staining drinks which are tea and Pepsi cola. Materials and methods: 48 specimens were prepared, each specimen contains 10 aesthetic archwires; and were divided according to type of solution into two groups: A (tea) &B (Pepsi cola); each group contained 24 specimens (12 specimens were immersed in the staining solution as 4 specimens for each time intervals and 12 specimens were immersed in distilled wa

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Publication Date
Fri Sep 30 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Distinguishing Shapes of Breast Cancer Masses in Ultrasound Images by Using Logistic Regression Model
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The last few years witnessed great and increasing use in the field of medical image analysis. These tools helped the Radiologists and Doctors to consult while making a particular diagnosis. In this study, we used the relationship between statistical measurements, computer vision, and medical images, along with a logistic regression model to extract breast cancer imaging features. These features were used to tell the difference between the shape of a mass (Fibroid vs. Fatty) by looking at the regions of interest (ROI) of the mass. The final fit of the logistic regression model showed that the most important variables that clearly affect breast cancer shape images are Skewness, Kurtosis, Center of mass, and Angle, with an AUCROC of

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