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Studying the Effect of Permeability Prediction on Reservoir History Matching by Using Artificial Intelligence and Flow Zone Indicator Methods
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The map of permeability distribution in the reservoirs is considered one of the most essential steps of the geologic model building due to its governing the fluid flow through the reservoir which makes it the most influential parameter on the history matching than other parameters. For that, it is the most petrophysical properties that are tuned during the history matching. Unfortunately, the prediction of the relationship between static petrophysics (porosity) and dynamic petrophysics (permeability) from conventional wells logs has a sophisticated problem to solve by conventional statistical methods for heterogeneous formations. For that, this paper examines the ability and performance of the artificial intelligence method in permeability prediction and compared its results with the flow zone indicator methods for a carbonate heterogeneous Iraqi formation. The methodology of the research can be Summarized by permeability was estimated by using two methods: Flow zone indicator and Artificial intelligence, two reservoir models are built, where the difference between them is in permeability method estimation, and the simulation run will be conducted on both of the models, and the permeability estimation methods will be examined by comparing their effect on the model history matching. The results showed that the model with permeability predicted by using artificial intelligence matched the observed data for different reservoir responses more accurately than the model with permeability predicted by the flow zone indicator method. That conclusion is represented by good matching between observed data and simulated results for all reservoir responses such for the artificial intelligence model than the flow zone indicator model.

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Publication Date
Sat Oct 01 2022
Journal Name
Al–bahith Al–a'alami
Trends of journalists and consumers about the phenomenon of food fraud
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Food comes after air and water in terms of importance in the survival of human beings, In addition, it is the support and strength of health and support, if lost or destroyed man would die or get sick and become a heavy burden on himself and his society. Food, like other sources of life, is subject to various risks and corruption comes from countless sources. Among these dangers is the result of spontaneousness, lack of knowledge or compulsion due to the interaction of variables beyond the will of the producer and the consumer, such as pollution of water, air and environment and their reflection on food consumed by people. However, we can’t deny that some reasons of corruption are intentional and resulting from a planning in advance in

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Publication Date
Wed Jun 27 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
Kinds of unknowns and government linkages -empirical study of the application
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It is no secret that the prophets speech is of great importance, as the second source of Islamic legislation after the Holy Quran, and as such we must reserve and verify the authenticity of the novel and the narrators seizure, and all the conditions laid down by the scholars.

The subject of our research here concerns part of this verification, which is the unknown, the subject of the unknown hadith is considered a matter of great interest by the modernists because it relates to the validity of the novel and the narrators, and the methods of the modernists varied in terms of the reasons for this weakness, the fool never entertained them by the reckless narrative.

I chose the subject of my research the types of Mahjail and

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Publication Date
Sat Jul 03 2010
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Isochronal Studies of the Structural and Electrical Properties of CdTe Films
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The paper reports the influence of annealing temperature under vacuum for one hour on the some structural and electrical properties of p-type CdTe thin films were grown at room temperature under high vacuum by using thermal evaporation technique with a mean thickness about 600nm. X-ray diffraction analysis confirms the formation of CdTe cubic phase at all annealing temperature. From investigated the electrical properties of CdTe thin films, the electrical conductivity, the majority carrier concentration, and the Hall mobility were found increase with increasing annealing temperatures.

Publication Date
Sun Mar 06 2011
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Isochronal Studies of the Structural and Electrical Properties of CdTe Films
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The paper reports the influence of annealing temperature under vacuum for one hour on the some structural and electrical properties of p-type CdTe thin films were grown at room temperature under high vacuum by using thermal evaporation technique with a mean thickness about 600nm. X-ray diffraction analysis confirms the formation of CdTe cubic phase at all annealing temperature. From investigated the electrical properties of CdTe thin films, the electrical conductivity, the majority carrier concentration, and the Hall mobility were found increase with increasing annealing temperatures.

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Publication Date
Wed Jan 01 2020
Journal Name
Corporate Ownership And Control
Planning and controlling of intellectual capital: The role of beyond budgeting
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The purpose of this study is to explore whether the adoption of Beyond Budgeting (BB) as a management accounting practice (MAP) contributes to developing intellectual capital (IC) and creating value in Iraqi companies. This requires an understanding of the views of the Iraqi managers about the nature of the information provided by this practice, which may be used to determine whether this information is relevant in the management of IC in the context of Iraq. This research aims also to explore the challenges of the adoption of the BB in planning and controlling IC in Iraq. The study adopts a qualitative approach and an interpretive paradigm. It also adopts a semi-structured interview method of collecting data from executive managers

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Publication Date
Wed May 24 2023
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
Analyzing the likeness of fundamentalists and examples of its jurisprudential applications
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The new events in every era are endless, and it is not required of the legal texts to pursue each event by itself and attach to it its ruling.
At the same time, every event or action must have a Shari’a ruling according to the wise Lawgiver, and our scholars have noted this in every event presented to them. ...etc.
It is well known that reaching the legal ruling on a matter, by examining the detailed evidence, is subject to following the path of the rules and regulations specific to the overall evidence, which we organize on the basis of the principles of jurisprudence.
Therefore, any disagreement about the manner or content of these rules will have an impact on the difference of jurists in partial issues, when examining the d

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Publication Date
Sun Sep 01 2013
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
The reality of Taxation in Iraq and Aspect of it’s Development
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This research is considered a simple attempt and effort which is it first and last target is to point at the procedures of the taxes account that aims to reduce the taxes from the persons and give free to the person who estimates the tax to practice what comes from the competent authorities to describe the person who estimates the tax and not an accountant who practice the accountant procedures which are imposed on him by the annual terms from higher administrations , So he can not evaluate   state of the person who pay the tax , and he might be dissatisfied with his job , because his role can’t  be activated from the general foundation taxes.

And so , this research includes four fields:-

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Publication Date
Sun Feb 03 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
Single Quranic between the root of language and meaning of Quranic
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Publication Date
Sat Jan 01 2022
Journal Name
Materials Today: Proceedings
Hydraulic behaviour and improving of water quality of the Chibayish Marshes
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Publication Date
Fri Jan 01 2016
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Languages (jcl)
The Characteristics of Advertising in Blurbs of Arabic and English novels
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The paper is concerned with a linguistic analysis of  the blurbs, used in advertising English and Arabic novels.  A blurb is an advertising persuasive text, written on the back cover of a book. Blurbs of selected novels are chosen as  representative examples. The selected blurbs belong to two languages, Arabic and English. The paper aims at studying the linguistic features that are characteristic of blurbs as advertising texts and making a sort of comparison between English blurbs and Arabic ones. A linguistic analysis on four levels is presented. Blurbs are tackled from the point of view of four linguistic disciplines that are phonology, syntax, semantics and discourse analysis. A reference is made to the linguistic featu

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