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Effect of Thyroid Hormone Abnormalities on Hemoglobin A1c in Hemodialysis Patients Taking Erythropoietin
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Abstract Background Hemoglobin A1c (HbA1c) is a widely used test for glycemic control. It is done for chronic kidney disease (CKD) patients. Renal disease is accompanied by thyroid abnormalities, which affect HbA1c, especially in those taking erythropoiesis-stimulating agents (ESAs). We aimed to find the effect of thyroid dysfunction on HbA1c in hemodialysis patients taking ESAs and those who do not. Materials and Method Fifty six patients were included in this study, which was done between September 2017 and June 2018, in Baghdad Teaching Hospital. Thyroid stimulating hormone, free T3, free T4 and HbA1c measurements were done. The patients were divided into 2 groups; those who took ESAs and those who did not, then they were subdivided into those with hypothyroidism and hyperthyroidism according to the Body mass index (BMI). Results Comparing HbA1c levels in hemodialysis patients taking ESAs and those who did not, showed no significant difference (5.79 ± 1.91 vs. 6.19 ± 1.64, P=0.09). The difference was also not significant in both hypothyroid and hyperthyroid patients in both high and low BMI patients. The only significant difference in HbA1c was between hyperthyroid and hypothyroid patients in those not taking ESAs, and having low BMI (4.97 ± 1.36 and 7.51 ± 0.87 respectively, P=0.02). Conclusion There is no significant influence of thyroid hormone changes on HbA1c levels in hemodialysis patients taking and not taking ESAs. Keywords Hemoglobin A1c, Chronic kidney disease, Thyroid dysfunction, Hemodialysis, Erythropoiesisstimulating agents.

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Publication Date
Thu Apr 13 2017
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Determination of Sialic acid, Paraoxonase-1and IgG levels in Patients with Polycystic Ovary Syndrome in Messan Female Patients
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    Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) is a heterogeneous disorder . PCOS affects 6–10% of women during their reproductive life. Patients with PCOS are in the high risk for coronary heart disease because of their abnormal lipid profile, insulin resistance and obesity. The present study aimed to shed a light on the contribution of  sialic acid, paraoxonase and immunoglobulin G as a clinical indicator in the pathogenesis of PCOS. Seventy five female patients with age range (16-38) years taken from Al-Sadder Teaching Hospital and AlZahrawi Hospital in Governorate of    Messan through the period from July 2013 to December 2013 and twenty five apparently health subject as a control group were

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Publication Date
Sat Dec 31 2022
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Market Research And Consumer Protection
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A field experiment was carried out in the fields of the college of agricultural engineering sciences, university of Baghdad during the fall season of 2021, in order to find out which of the cultivated genotypes of maize are efficient under nitrogen fertilization. The experiment was applied according to a RCBD (split plot design with three replications). The genotypes of experiment (Baghdad, 5018 and Sarah) and  supplying three levels of nitrogen fertilizer, which are N1 (100 kg/ha),  N2 (200 kg/ha) and N3  (300 kg/ha), the results of the statistical analysis are showed the superiority of the cultivar Sarah in the trait of number of days until 50% silking, chlorophyll

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Publication Date
Sat Dec 24 2022
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Pharmaceutical Sciences ( P-issn 1683 - 3597 E-issn 2521 - 3512)
The Effect of TNF-Alpha Gene Polymorphisms At -376 G/A, -806 C/T, and -1031 T/C on The Likelihood of Becoming a Non-Responder to Etanercept in A Sample of Iraqi Rheumatoid Arthritis Patients
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Tumor necrosis factor-alpha (TNF-α) antagonists’ therapy are expensive and has a non-responsive rate between 30% to 40% in rheumatoid arthritis patients. Genetic variation plays a vital role in the responsiveness to this type of therapy.The aim of this study is to investigate if the presence of genetic polymorphism in the TNF-α gene promoter region at locations -376 G/A (rs1800750), -806 C/T (rs4248158), and -1031 T/C (rs1799964) affects rheumatoid arthritis patient's tendency to be a non-responder to etanercept.

Eighty RA patients on etanercept (ETN) for at least six months were recruited from the Rheumatology Unit at Baghdad Teaching Hospital. Based on The European League Against Rheumatism response (EULAR) criteria, patient

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Publication Date
Mon Oct 01 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of Pharmacy And Biological Sciences
Cytotoxic Effect of Methotrexate on Leishmania donovani Promastigotes
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Leishmania is auxotroph to folic acid,antifolates drug inhibit the synthesis and conversion of folate derivatives. In this study, cytotoxic effect of methotrexate was investigated on the procyclic promastigotes proliferation of L. donovani. The results showed a significant (p ≥ 0.05) difference in growth of treated groups at high concentrations (1000, 500, 250, 125.5) μM after 24, 48 hrs., while at 72 hrs. significant difference was observed at all concentration. The IC50 values was measurable after 24, 48 and 72 hrs. and it was 174.238, 52.283 and 109.175 μM, respectively. The present study showed the cytotoxic effect of methotrexate on the proliferation of promastigotes of the visceral type of Leishmania.

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Publication Date
Thu Dec 01 2022
Journal Name
Civil Engineering Journal
Effect of Vehicular Stream Characteristics on Traffic Noise
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Human health can be negatively impacted by exposure to loud noise, which can harm the auditory system. Traffic noise is the leading cause of noise pollution. This paper studies the problem of noise pollution on the roads in Baghdad, Iraq. Due to the increase in vehicle numbers and road network modifications in Baghdad, noise levels became a serious topic to be studied. The aim of the paper was thus to study traffic noise levels and the effect of the traffic stream on noise levels and to formulate a prediction model that identified the guidelines used for designing or developing future roads in the city. Then, the noise levels were measured based on five variables: the functional classification of roads, traffic flow, vehicle speed,

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Publication Date
Fri Oct 14 2016
Journal Name
Functional Pavement Design
Effect of different variables on asphalt mechanical properties
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Permanent deformation (rutting) of asphalt mixtures is one of the major forms of distress. Aggregate gradation is one of the most important factors affecting the permanent deformation of asphalt mixtures. Other variables are also important to understand their effects on the mixture such as temperature, binder content and compaction level. For this purpose 6 different aggregate gradations have been chosen and each one of them has been manufactured / tested with different variables. The results showed that at relatively low temperature there is little effect of aggregate packing on the permanent deformation. However, as the temperature increases the effect of gradation becomes apparent, in that the better the packing the better the resistance

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Publication Date
Mon Dec 30 2019
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
The effect of context on some Quranic methods
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Each book has a specific style in which its author walks on it from its beginning to its end, and the Holy Qur’an is a book that compiled many methods that were indicative of its miracle, and that it is one unit even though it has been astrologer for twenty-three years.
There is no doubt that knowledge of the Qur’anic methods is one of the pillars of the approach that deals with any of the Qur’an, and the multiplicity of Qur’anic methods is a fact that has many causes. It has been expressed by the Qur’anic discharge and the conjugation of verses to bring them to different methods, and on multiple forms such as nominal, actual, singular Qur’an, presentation, delay, deletion, mention, abbreviation and redundancy. The Qur'ani

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Publication Date
Wed Mar 12 2025
Journal Name
Al–bahith Al–a'alami
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The research aims to reveal the relationship between the use of social networking sites and the image that females make about their physical formation, the nature of the effects, their value judgments about the image of their bodies, their attitudes toward plastic surgery, the most important types of these processes for them, their motivations to conduct them, and the cultural pressures they are exposed to. The study, moreover, investigates in the effects of those plastic surgery on their behavior as active and interacting users with what is published on social media, according to the theory of social comparison. This paper is an attempt to understand the pattern of social networking

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Publication Date
Sun Sep 05 2010
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Effect of Some predisposing factors on Vulvovaginal Candidiasis
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The predisposing factors and their effect on the increasing of vulvovaginal Candidiasis have been studied in this research. The result indicated that the highest of infection with vaginal Candidias was in the age of women with age of (21-30years) with vaginal itching and discharge, also the results revealed that the pregnancy was the main predisposing factor. The percentage of the infected pregnant Ladies was 33.7% followed by the women who used the IUCD and OCP 22.1%, those who used steroids 5.2% comparing with control women (without predisposing factors).The results also indicated that the most cases of infection were during the third trimester of pregnancy (where the rate of infedion) was 53.9%.-OCP- Oral Contraceptive Pills-IUCD- Intrr

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Publication Date
Wed Jan 01 2014
Journal Name
Journal Of Mathematics Research
Effect of Some Geometric Transfers on Homology Groups
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