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The Accuracy of Electrocardiographic Criteria for Predicting Left Ventricular Hypertrophy in adult Patients with Systemic Hypertension
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ABSTRACT: BACKGROUND: Left ventricular hypertrophy is a significant risk factor for cardiovascular complications such as ischemic heart disease, heart failure, sudden death, atrial fibrillation, and stroke. A proper non-expensive tool is required for detection of this pathology. Different electrocardiographic (ECG) criteria were investigated; however, the results were conflicting regarding the accuracy of these criteria. OBJECTIVE: To assess the accuracy of three electrocardiographic criteria in diagnosis of left ventricular hypertrophy in adult patients with hypertension using echocardiography as a reference test. PATIENTS AND METHODS: This is a hospital-based cross sectional observational study which included 340 adult patients with a history of hypertension (240 patients with left ventricular hypertrophy and 100 patients without depending on Echocardiographic results). Three electrocardiographic criteria including Sokolow Lyon Voltage, Cornell voltage, and Cornell voltage duration were evaluated for their sensitivity and specificity in detection of left ventricular hypertrophy in those patients. RESULTS: Each of older ages (over 50 years) (OR= (OR=6.25, 95%CI=3.75-10.39, p<0.001), male gender (OR=0.58, 95% CI= 0.36-0.93, p= 0.018) and type 2 diabetes mellitus (OR=8.14, 95%CI= 4.04-16.41, p<0.001) were significantly associated with development of left ventricular hypertrophy in patients with hypertension. The sensitivity and specificity of Sokolow Lyon Voltage, Cornell voltage, and Cornell voltage duration were 17.5% and 96%; 13.33% and 97%; and 10% and 98%, respectively. CONCLUSION: Older ages, male gender, and type 2 diabetes mellitus can increase the risk of left ventricular hypertrophy in hypertensive patients. All the studied criteria have low sensitivity and high specificity in recognition of the left ventricular hypertrophy in patients with hypertension, with no advantage of definite criterion over the others.

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Publication Date
Sat Sep 30 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
Analysis of the tax pilot phase strategy and its impact on the tax price in Iraq
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The research aims to identify the tax policy strategy adopted in Iraq after the change of the tax system in 2003 and beyond, and then make a comparison of the two strategies on corporate data whether they are charged with progressive tax rates and after the change of the system as the tax rates became fixed, and then indicate the changes In the tax proceeds, and knowing the imensions of the approved tax policy, is it a tax reform strategy or a strategy to attract investments.The research started from the problem of exposure of the Iraqi tax system to several changes, as this led to a reflection on the technical organization of taxes, in terms of the tax rate.The descriptive analytical approach was chosen to study the actual reality of th

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Publication Date
Fri Jun 30 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
The Request Construction in the Diwan of (Al-Shamakh bin Dirar Al-Dhubyani) A Rhetorical Study
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This study examined the imperative construction: the command, the interrogative, the prohibition, the call, and the wish. In the Diwan of Al-Shamakh bin Dirar; where the poetic verses were monitored in each of the topics of the student's creation, and the rhetorical meanings that he came out with. What is new in this study is that it is the first to study the demanded composition in the poetry of a glorious poet, Al-Shammakh bin Dirar Al-Dhubyani. As his poetry did not receive such a study, it sought to employ what was written by rhetoric scholars, in an attempt to explore the demanded composition in the poetry of Al-Shamakh. The study adopted the descriptive analytical approach, which is based on counting the number of times the poet us

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Publication Date
Thu Apr 30 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
The reality of manufacturing industries and ways to reduce the rent economy in Iraq (Future Vision)
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Manufacturing industries are at the beginning of the thinking of those who put economic policies in developed countries and also more in developing countries, where manufacturing is the engine of industrial and economic development through its performance and its effective role in the formation of GDP, as well as the great advantages that characterize this sector and affect Largely on sustainable development, as well as its importance in its influential role in protecting national industry through increased exports and reduced imports.

      Iraq is one of the countries that rely on its oil economy to rely entirely on the provision of needs and requirements of the state, and this

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Publication Date
Sat Dec 15 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
The Lingual Criticism and Explication of the Narrative Syntax A reading in Roger Fawler’s Critical Attempt
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يجمع المختصون أن ليس من نقد إلا وكان مُرحِّلا لنظرية لسانية إلى فضائه، فكان أثر اللسانيات السوسيرية، ومن ثم اللسانيات التوليدية التحويلية معروفا، ولم يكن هذا الأثر محدودا باللسانيين أو نقاد الأدب فحسب، بل امتد إلى الشعراء والجماليين أيضا. وفي هذا البحث سنتوقف عند أثر اللسانيات الوظيفية، وهو ما لم يتوقف عنده إلا قلة من المختصين. ولن نقف عند نقد الوظيفيين للشعر، بل سنقف عند نقدهم للرواية، بقراءة

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Publication Date
Fri Nov 09 2018
Journal Name
Iraqi National Journal Of Nursing Specialties
Evaluation the Role of Clinical Pharmacist on Prevents or Reduced the Medication Error in Emergency Department
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Objective: To identify the role and importance of the clinical pharmacist in the Emergency Department on prevent
or reduced the medication error.
Methodology: We collected the medical file of 3400 patients, 1400 patient's file in (A) hospital, and 1000 patient's
file in each of (B and C) hospital, who admitted to the ED, at primary weekdays between 8 am to 2 pm, and
recorded all the intervention made by clinical pharmacist through an active search in clinical charts, with analysis
of the daily medical prescription. The potential severity of harm of the medication error judged by two reviewers,
a permanent emergency physician, and clinical pharmacist based on the National Coordinating Council (NCC) of
Medication Error

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Publication Date
Mon Oct 31 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of Sustainability Science And Management
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In this paper, customers’ expectations are continually shifting due to the business environment’s growing competition and substantial changes. As a result, organisations no longer viewed it as a static objective but as an ever-evolving aim. From this vantage point, the research has explored the accounting literature in search of novel approaches to addressing the strategic dimensions of quality, cost and time. Getting them to respond positively to the customer’s requests also requires recognising their needs and controlling their impact on these dimensions. With the removal of operations that do not contribute any value to the product’s value chain and a reduction in manufacturing costs through continuous improvement, the ou

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Publication Date
Wed Jan 11 2023
Journal Name
Modeling Earth Systems And Environment
Microfacies analysis and stratigraphic framework of the Albian succession in the low folded zone, Northern Iraq
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Publication Date
Mon Oct 01 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
The impact of managing employees' performance in building intellectual capital Analytical study of the views of a sample of heads of scientific departments At the University of Kirkuk
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The research aims to identify the impact of managing performance's employees in building intellectual capital, Because employing the practice of managing the performance of employees may acquire familiar skills to improve their performance and reflect on the construction of intellectual capital in the surveyed area, Especially that the independent dimension represented by the management of the performance of employees is one of the important topics that has received attention in the world of management in general and human resource management in particular.  While the adopted dimension was represented by Intellectual capital in the important practice of human resource management in the increasing of  their knowledge, to

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Publication Date
Mon Feb 01 2021
Journal Name
Indian Journal Of Ecology
Effect of sedimentary source on the properties of sphericity and roundness of feldspar minerals in some soils of the alluvial plain
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This study was conducted on the effect of the sedimentary source (the sediments coming from both the Iraqi-Iranian borderline and the Tigris river) on the optical and textural features, especially sphericity and roundness of feldspar minerals (potassium and plagioclase types) in soils of the southern part of the alluvial plain. Eight pedons were selected to represent the study area, five of them represented sediments coming from the borderline, which included pedons of (Badra, Taj Al-Din, Al-Shihabi, Jassan, and Galati), while two of them represent the sediments of the Tigris River (Essaouira, Al-Dabouni), the pedon of Ali Al-Gharbi was represented the mixing area of sediments of all the floods coming from the borderline and the sediments o

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Publication Date
Tue Nov 01 2016
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Proposal of Using Principle of Maximizing Entropy of Generalized Gamma Distribution to Estimate the Survival probabilities of the Population in Iraq
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In this research we been estimated the survival function for data suffer from the disturbances and confusion of Iraq Household Socio-Economic Survey: IHSES II 2012 , to data from a five-year age groups follow the distribution of the Generalized Gamma: GG. It had been used two methods for the purposes of estimating and fitting which is the way the Principle of Maximizing Entropy: POME, and method of booting to nonparametric smoothing function for Kernel, to overcome the mathematical problems plaguing integrals contained in this distribution in particular of the integration of the incomplete gamma function, along with the use of traditional way in which is the Maximum Likelihood: ML. Where the comparison on the basis of the method of the Cen

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