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Publication Date
Tue Mar 18 2025
Journal Name
Modern Sport
Administrative Skills and Their Role in Distinguishing the Institutional Performance of Directors of Sports Activity in Iraqi Universities

The research aims to identify the administrative skills and their role in institutional performance, and used the descriptive approach in a survey style and correlational relations to suit the nature of the problem to be studied.The research community was identified with the directors of sports activity in the Iraqi universities in a deliberate manner, and their number is (134) directors, where two scales (administrative skills and institutional performance) were used and the two scales were distributed to the above-mentioned sample in order to obtain answers that meet the required and representative sample of the community on the day 3/12/2021. The answers to all the statements were completed and after processing the results statistically

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Publication Date
Thu Jun 30 2022
Journal Name
Muthanna Journal For Agricultural Sciences
Developing and testing of automated sprayer for agrochemicals application trials in Iraq

The field experiment was conducted with the aim of developing and testing an automatic sprayer for agricultural spray experiments and studying the effect of spray pressure, spray speed and spray height on the spraying process. The effects of the major spraying factors (pressure, speed, and height) on the spraying performance of the automatic sprayer were studied. This study included several traits: First - the drop sizes - Second - the penetration of the spray into the vegetation cover - Third, the spray wasted. The results showed: - First: - Increase in coverage percentage when using the first speed, 2 km / h, which amounted to 26.85%. An increment in the spraying penetration of the vegetation cover was observed at the second speed

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Publication Date
Tue Nov 03 2020
Journal Name
Modern Sport
Effect of using flat hierarchical method on some aspects of muscular strength and straight serve skill for nascent tennis players

The researcher focused on the importance of the physical abilities of the tennis game, as this game is one of the games that are characterized by its specificity in performance as this game is characterized by continuous movement and dealing with different elements, so this game requires the development of muscle strength, which plays an important role in Performance skills in the game of tennis. There are several methods to develop strength, including flat hierarchical technique, which is one of the most common forms of training in the development of muscle strength.     As for the research problem, the researcher found a method that has an effect on the development of force. Therefore, the researcher tried to diversify a

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Crossref (1)
Publication Date
Tue Dec 20 2022
Journal Name
Bulletin Of The Iraq Natural History Museum (p-issn: 1017-8678 , E-issn: 2311-9799)

The family Chalcididae (Order: Hymenoptera) is known as one of the large chalcidoid wasps with some distinct morphological characters. The first occurrence of two parasitoid species belonging to this family was reported in the Al-Husayniya district Karbala Province, Iraq; which are: Brachymeria podagrica (Fabricius, 1787) and Chalcis myrifex (Sulzer, 1776). Both species were collected by using the sweeping net from orchards during July 2020.

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Scopus (6)
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Scopus Crossref
Publication Date
Wed Dec 01 2021
Journal Name
مجلة الدراسات التربويو والعلمية
Effective reading skills in chemistry for middle school students

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Publication Date
Sat Dec 03 2022
Journal Name
Al-kut University College Of Humanities
Deep understanding skills in chemistry among middle school students

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Publication Date
Mon Feb 04 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
Creative skills in solving environmental problems among kindergarten children

Acquires this research importance of addressing the subject (environmental problems) with
age group task, a category that children pre-school, and also reflected the importance of
research, because the (environmental problems) constitute a major threat to the continuation
of human life, particularly the children, so the environment is Bmchkladtha within
kindergarten programs represent the basis of a hub of learning where the axis, where the
kindergarten took into account included in the programs in order to help the development of
environmental awareness among children and get them used to the sound practices and
behaviors since childhood .
The research also detected problem-solving skills creative with kids Riyad

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Publication Date
Tue Jun 14 2016
Journal Name
Employed Knowledge Experience &Skills In Universal Designs Graphic Production

The working of the some designer was recognize by the Production and introduction of the design which have special stemp and style determind by the experience and the Knowledge ability for the Designer which change the ordinaries shape to the develops shaps bening ideas and new meanings un known to the viewen make the design at high level of creative and the designer acquest experiennce and new skill in his way for the designs and the art march-out which clearly demonstrate on all the graphical work so the high research conserned on the knowledge and detect about the methods constructing of the ability and expernence for the graphic designer become it is decisive worker in effective or net effective the designers work and any consist whi

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Publication Date
Wed Jan 20 2021
Journal Name
Plant Archives
The Effect of Plowing and Pulverization Systems on Some Plant Indicators of Onion

An experiment was carried out on the fields of the college of Agriculture - Abu Ghraib, of a silty clay loam soil that has moisture of 15-16%, to study the effect of plowing and pulverization systems on some plant indicators of onion. The experiment included plowing systems with three levels (plowing with a moldboard plow, plowing by chisel plow and zero tillage plowing) as a primary factor. The second factor was that pulverization for only one time and repeating the pulverization twice through the use of the rotary tiller. The plant indicators of onion that are studied: plant length, onion diameter, onion weight and onion neck diameter. The experiment has carried out according to SPLIT PLOT design according to RCBD design by three replicat

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Publication Date
Sun Dec 05 2010
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Effect of Annealing Temperature on The Some Electrical Properties of InSb:Bi Thin Films

InSb alloy was prepared then InSb:Bi films have been prepared successfully by thermal evaporation technique on glass substrate at Ts=423K. The variation of activation energies(Ea1,Ea2)of d.c conductivity with annealing temperature (303, 373, 423, 473, 523 and 573)K were measured, it is found that its values increases with increasing annealing temperature. To show the type of the films, the Hall and thermoelectric power were measured. The activation energy of the thermoelectric power is much smaller than for d.c conductivity and increases with increasing annealing temperature .The mobility and carrier concentration has been measured also.

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