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A sensitive, accurate, and affordable colorimetric method was developed for assaying prednisolone (PRZ) in various medicinal forms. The procedure involves the oxidation of PRZ by ferric ions, followed by complexation of the resulting ferrous ions with ferricyanide to produce a greenish-blue product. Common complexation conditions were thoroughly investigated. The mole ratio of FeCl₃·6H₂O to K₃Fe(CN)₆ was 8:1. The proposed mechanism of complexation was suggested and considered. Various parameters were optimized, including the reduction of the colorimetric reaction temperature to 50°C and the duration of heating and analysis to 20-30 minutes. The calibration curve was linear over the range of 1-60 µg/mL. The limit of detection (LOD) and the limit of quantification (LOQ) were 0.5 μg/mL and 1 μg/mL, respectively. Spiking actual samples with standard PRZ showed recoveries within the 97.3-100.1% range. The method exhibited high precision, with an RSD% of less than 1.5%. Additionally, the study confirmed that common pharmaceutical excipients did not interfere. Real medicinal samples, including tablets, syrup, eye drops, and creams, were successfully examined for direct analysis of PRZ using the developed methodology, demonstrating its suitability for routine analysis of various PRZ-containing drug formulations.

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Publication Date
Sat Dec 30 2017
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Molecular Cloning of large DNA Fragments of The Sal t Tolerant wild Tetra ploid bermudagrass Cynodon Dactylon L. Using A Bacteriophage Cloning Vector 2. Ligation a nd in vitro packaging of The Recombinant Phage DNA Molecules
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This  paper represent  the second  step  i n  a molecular clon i ng program ai ming to clone large DNA  fi·agmen ts of the sal t tolerant  bermudagrass (Cyrwdon  dactylon  L.)  DNA  usi ng  the  bacteriophage  (EM13L3) as    a vector.

In th is  work, a yield of about  I 00  g bacteriophage  DNA  per one  liter culture.was obtained  with.a  purity ranging between (1.7-1.8). The vector JJNA  completely   double   digested   with  the  restriction   enzymes llamHI   and  EcoRI,  followed  by  pu

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Publication Date
Mon Jun 05 2023
Journal Name
Al-khwarizmi Engineering Journal
A Review of the Stereo lithography 3D Printing Process and the Effect of Parameters on Quality
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Stereo lithography (SLA) three-dimensional (3D) printing process is a type of additive manufacturing techniques that uses digital models from computer-aided design to automatically produce customized 3D objects. Around 30 years, it has been widely utilized in the manufacturing, design, engineering, industrial sectors and its applications in dentistry for manufacturing prosthodontics are very important. The stereo lithography technology is highly regarded because it can produce items with excellent precision especially when selecting the best process parameters. This review article offers a useful and scientific summary of SLA three-dimensional printing technology and its brief history. The specific type of 3D printers which is SLA t

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Publication Date
Sat Jan 01 2022
Journal Name
Indonesian Journal Of Electrical Engineering And Computer Science (ijeecs)
A new smart approach of an efficient energy consumption management by using a machine-learning technique
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Many consumers of electric power have excesses in their electric power consumptions that exceed the permissible limit by the electrical power distribution stations, and then we proposed a validation approach that works intelligently by applying machine learning (ML) technology to teach electrical consumers how to properly consume without wasting energy expended. The validation approach is one of a large combination of intelligent processes related to energy consumption which is called the efficient energy consumption management (EECM) approaches, and it connected with the internet of things (IoT) technology to be linked to Google Firebase Cloud where a utility center used to check whether the consumption of the efficient energy is s

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Publication Date
Sat Jan 01 2022
Journal Name
International Journal Of Research In Social Sciences & Humanities
Sarah Orne Jewett As a Precursor of Ecoconscious Children Fiction: “A White heron” As an Example
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Nearly a century and a half has passed since Sarah Orne Jewett published her much anthologized short story “A White Heron” (1886), but commentators on the tale missed one of the most important points in the text. It is the story’s similarity to the traditional Euro-centric fairy tale of “Little Red Riding Hood”. As an author, writing at the end of the ninetieth century, a time that witnessed the demise of the Romantic movement in America and the beginning of the age of Realism, Jewett did not romanticize her characters, despite the idyllic landscape in which “A White Heron” is set. Her story can be analyzed as a text that aims at disseminating ecological awareness among her young readers. This study focuses on Jewett

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Publication Date
Fri Feb 08 2019
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Laser
Writing of a Bragg Grating on a D-shaped Optical Fiber Using the KrF Excimer Laser
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Fiber Bragg Grating has many advantages where it can be used as a temperature sensor, pressure sensor or even as a refractive index sensor. Designing each of this fiber Bragg grating sensors should include some requirements. Fiber Bragg grating refractive index sensor is a very important application. In order to increase the sensing ability of fiber Bragg gratings, many methods were followed. In our proposed work, the fiber Bragg grating was written in a D-shaped optical fiber by using a phase mask method with KrFexcimer. The resultant fiber Bragg grating has a high reflectivity 99.99% with a Bragg wavelength of 1551.2 nm as a best result obtained from a phase mask with a grating period of 1057 nm. In this work it was found that the rota

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Publication Date
Thu Nov 02 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Constructing a Sustainable Roller Compacted Concrete Using Waste Demolished Material as Replacement of Cement: A Review
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Roller Compacted Concrete is a type of concrete that is environmentally friendly and more economical than traditional concrete. Roller Compacted Concrete is typically used for heavy-duty and specialist constructions, such as hydraulic structures and pavements, because of its coarse surface. The main difference between RCC and conventional concrete mixtures is that RCC has a more significant proportion of fine aggregates that allow compaction and tight packing. In recent years, it has been estimated that several million tons of waste demolished material (WDM) produced each year are directed to landfills worldwide without being recycled for disposal. This review aimed to study the literature about creating a Roller-Comp

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Publication Date
Sun May 05 2024
Journal Name
Review Of Clinical Pharmacology And Pharmacokinetics - International Edition
Comparative evaluation of pharmacokinetic parameters between a pure nisoldipine suspension and a nisoldipine-loaded bilosome suspension
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Bilosomes are nanocarriers that contain bile salts in their vesicular bilayer, thereby enhancing their flexibility and durability in the gastrointestinal tract. Unlike conventional vesicular systems they provide distinct advantages such as streamlined manufacturing procedures, cost efficiency, and improved stability. The main objective of this study was to attain a comparison of the pharmacokinetic parameters of nisoldipine (NSD) after administering an ordinary NSD suspension and an NSD-loaded bilosome suspension. The study used 60 Swiss albino rats weighing 200±15 g and divided into two groups (n=30 each). A dose of 2.2 mg/kg of NSD was administered from the ordinary NSD suspension to the rats of the first group and the same dose

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Publication Date
Sun Sep 06 2015
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
A theoretical Design of a cover for lowering the solar cells temperature and enhance their performance
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In this research, main types of optical coatings are presented which are used as covers for solar cells, these coatings are reflect the infrared (heat) from the solar cell to increase the efficiency of the cell (because the cell’s efficiency is inversely proportional to the heat), then the theoretical and mathematical description of these optical coatings are presented, and an optical design is designed to meet this objective, its optical transmittance was calculated using (MATLAB R2008a) and (Open Filters 1.0.2) programs

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Publication Date
Wed Apr 01 2020
Journal Name
Isa Transactions
Design of a Complex fractional Order PID controller for a First Order Plus Time Delay system
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Publication Date
Wed Mar 01 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Effect of a Parked Car Orientation on a Temperature Distribution and Cooling Load Calculation: Experimental Study
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When a vehicle is left parked in the sun for an extended period, the gathered heat causes damage to several interiors within the cabin and causes discomfort for people and animals left inside the car. In the present work, the effect of the orientation of a parked white minibus on temperature distribution and cooling load calculation is studied experimentally in an open environment. Two different cases were studied facing south and facing east. For several hours, the temperature inside the car cabin had been monitored and measured at five separate locations. The cooling load calculations are carried out based on the experimental measurements. The results show that the overheating of parked cars always happens as a result

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