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A sensitive, accurate, and affordable colorimetric method was developed for assaying prednisolone (PRZ) in various medicinal forms. The procedure involves the oxidation of PRZ by ferric ions, followed by complexation of the resulting ferrous ions with ferricyanide to produce a greenish-blue product. Common complexation conditions were thoroughly investigated. The mole ratio of FeCl₃·6H₂O to K₃Fe(CN)₆ was 8:1. The proposed mechanism of complexation was suggested and considered. Various parameters were optimized, including the reduction of the colorimetric reaction temperature to 50°C and the duration of heating and analysis to 20-30 minutes. The calibration curve was linear over the range of 1-60 µg/mL. The limit of detection (LOD) and the limit of quantification (LOQ) were 0.5 μg/mL and 1 μg/mL, respectively. Spiking actual samples with standard PRZ showed recoveries within the 97.3-100.1% range. The method exhibited high precision, with an RSD% of less than 1.5%. Additionally, the study confirmed that common pharmaceutical excipients did not interfere. Real medicinal samples, including tablets, syrup, eye drops, and creams, were successfully examined for direct analysis of PRZ using the developed methodology, demonstrating its suitability for routine analysis of various PRZ-containing drug formulations.

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Publication Date
Sat Dec 01 2007
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
The analysis of time series considers one of the mathematical and statistical methods in explanation of the nature phenomena and its manner in a specific time period.
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The analysis of time series considers one of the mathematical and statistical methods in explanation of the nature phenomena and its manner in a specific time period.

Because the studying of time series can get by building, analysis the models and then forecasting gives the priority for the practicing in different fields, therefore the identification and selection of the model is of great importance in spite of its difficulties.

The selection of a standard methods has the ability for estimation the errors in the estimated the parameters for the model, and there will be a balance between the suitability and the simplicity of the model.

In the analysis of d

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Publication Date
Sat Jan 21 2023
Journal Name
Indian Journal Of Health Sciences And Biomedical Research (kleu)
Vitamin D status of children at a tertiary care hospital of Agartala, North-East India: A cross-sectional study
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Publication Date
Wed Mar 30 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Comparing Some Methods of Estimating the Parameters and Survival Function of a Log-logistic Distribution with a Practical Application
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The Log-Logistic distribution is one of the important statistical distributions as it can be applied in many fields and biological experiments and other experiments, and its importance comes from the importance of determining the survival function of those experiments. The research will be summarized in making a comparison between the method of maximum likelihood and the method of least squares and the method of weighted least squares to estimate the parameters and survival function of the log-logistic distribution using the comparison criteria MSE, MAPE, IMSE, and this research was applied to real data for breast cancer patients. The results showed that the method of Maximum likelihood best in the case of estimating the paramete

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Publication Date
Mon Jun 05 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Analytical Solution of Transient Heat Conduction through a Hollow Cylindrical Thermal Insulation Material of a Temperature Dependant Thermal Conductivity
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The one-dimensional, cylindrical coordinate, non-linear partial differential equation of transient heat conduction through a hollow cylindrical thermal insulation material of a thermal conductivity temperature dependent property proposed by an available empirical
function is solved analytically using Kirchhoff’s transformation. It is assumed that this insulating material is initially at a uniform temperature. Then, it is suddenly subjected at its inner radius with a step change in temperature. Four thermal insulation materials were selected. An identical analytical solution was achieved when comparing the results of temperature distribution with available analytical solution for the same four case studies that assume a constant the

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Publication Date
Wed Apr 05 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Analytical Solution of Transient Heat Conduction through a Hollow Spherical Thermal Insulation Material of a Temperature Dependant Thermal Conductivity
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The one-dimensional, spherical coordinate, non-linear partial differential equation of transient heat conduction through a hollow spherical thermal insulation material of a thermal conductivity temperature dependent property proposed by an available empirical function is solved analytically using Kirchhoff’s transformation. It is assumed that this insulating material is initially at a uniform temperature. Then, it is suddenly subjected at its inner radius with a step change in temperature. Four thermal insulation materials were selected. An identical analytical solution was achieved when comparing the results of temperature distribution with available analytical solution for the same four case studies that assume a constant thermal con

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Publication Date
Fri Jul 12 2013
Journal Name
Journal Of Biosciences
A functional connection of Dictyostelium paracaspase with the contractile vacuole and a possible partner of the vacuolar proton ATPase
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Publication Date
Wed Nov 21 2018
Journal Name
International Journal Of Control, Automation And Systems
Design and Stability Analysis of a Fractional Order State Feedback Controller for Trajectory Tracking of a Differential Drive Robot
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Publication Date
Mon Dec 25 2023
Journal Name
Optical Materials
Impact of a precise pH value change on the characteristics of deposited tin monosulphide films onto a flexible substrate
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The chemical bath deposition technique (CBD) is considered the cheapest and easiest compared with other deposition techniques. However, it is highly sensitive to effective parameter deposition values such as pH, temperature, and so on. The pH value of the reaction solution has a direct impact on both the nucleation and growth rate of the film. Consequently, this study presents a novel investigation into the effect of a precise change. in the pH reaction solution value on the structural, morphological, and photoresponse characteristics of tin monosulphide (SnS) films. The films were grown on a flexible polyester substrate with pH values of 7.1, 7.4, and 7.7. The X-ray diffraction patterns of the grown films at pH 7.1 and 7.4 confirmed

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Publication Date
Wed Mar 10 2021
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Account the expected values ??for a single particle to a group of atoms and ions
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Technique was used to retail for analyzing atom beryllium ion cathode of an atom lithium to six pairs of functions wave which two ?????? and the rest of the casing moderation and to analyze atom lithium ion Mob atom beryllium to three pairs of functions wave pair of casing and the rest of the casing moderation using function wave Hartree Fock and each casing email wascalculate expected values ??....

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Publication Date
Mon Jun 28 2021
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Effective quality control of a municipal wastewater treatment plant using Geographic information systems: A Review
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Inefficient wastewater disposal and wastewater discharge problems in water bodies have led to increasing pollution in water bodies.  Pollutants in the river contribute to increasing the biological oxygen demand (BOD), total suspended solids (SS), total dissolved solids (TDS), chemical oxygen demand (COD), and toxic metals render this water unsuitable for consumption and even pose a significant risk to human health. Over the last few years, water conservation has been the subject of growing awareness and concern throughout the world, so this research focused on review studies of researches that studied the importance of water quality of wastewater treated disposal in water bodies and modern technology to management w

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