يعتبر "تاج الأشواك" أو نبات شوكة المسيح، وهو من نباتات الزينة الطبية ، ينتمي إلى جنس يوفوربيا. E. milii يحتوي كميات وفيرة من المركبات الفينولية ، التربينات، الستيرويدات والقلويدات. كانت الأهداف الرئيسية لهذه الدراسة هي فحص مستخلصات الفلافونويد والنانو فلافونويد ضد نوعين من خطوط الخلايا السرطانية. تم تصنيع مركبات الفلافونويد النانوية عن طريق تفاعل مركب الكيتوسان والماليك اسد. تم تحليل مركبات الفلافونويد النانوية بواسطة مقياس الطيف الضوئي UV-sp -8001 بطول موجي 200-1000 نانومتر ، تم استخدام المجهر الإلكتروني (TEM) والمجهري الإلكتروني الماسح(SEM) لتحديد الخصائص المورفولوجية لمركبات الفلافونويد النانوية. يعتبر الفلافونويد والنانوفلافونويدعقار قوي ومتطور ضد خلايا سرطان الثدي (MCF-7) وخلايا سرطان البروستات(PC3) . تم فحص الفعالية المضادة للسرطان من مركبات الفلافونويد والنانوفلافونويد على خطين مختلفين من الخلايا السرطانية وكذلك خطوط الخلايا السليمة باستخدام اختبار MTT. تم استخدام تجزئة الحمض النووي وتقنية تلوين الخلايا بالصبغة المزدوجة AO / EtBr لفحص علامات موت الخلايا المبرمج. لتحديد تشتت دورة الخلية ، تم استخدام قياس التدفق الخلوي ، وأظهرت النتائج أن كميات الفلافونويد والنانوفلافونويد لها نشاطا ساما وفعالا ضد خطوط خلايا سرطان الثدي والبروستات. بالإضافة إلى ذلك ، تم ربط إيقاف دورة الخلية في مرحلة G0 / G1 بموت الخلايا المبرمج لخطوط الخلايا التي يسببها الفلافونويد والنانوفلافونويد. وفقًا لهذه النتائج ، تمنع مركبات الفلافونويد والنانوفلافونويد من تكاثر خطوط الخلايا السرطانية ، مما يؤدي إلى توقف دورة الخلية وتحفيز موت الخلايا المبرمج. تشير النتائج المتاحة إلى أن مركب الفلافونويد والنانوفلافونويد سيمثل نهجًا علاجيًا واعدًا لعلاج الخلايا السرطانية من الأنواع الأخرى.
The study aimed to identify the impact of the use of systemic approach in the collection of geographical material and cognitive motivation when fifth grade students of literary, experimental design researcher adopted a partial seizures, and telemetric to two unequal one experimental and the other officer.
The sample consisted of fifth grade literary students from secondary (inherent) for Boys in Baghdad (the Republic of Iraq. (By Mjootain, and the number of students of each group (30 students). And has rewarded the two groups, in the variables (chronological age, average scores half-year, degree IQ),
Promising researcher himself requirements of research to determine the scientific material and teaching plans and the formulation of
Background: The appointment system is a common practice in primary health care clinics in developed countries. The patients and health care providers in the primary health care setting perceived the appointment system as an indicator of good quality service.
Objective: The aim of this study was to survey patients’ and health care providers’ attitudes towards the introduction of an appointment system and their satisfaction with the existing ‘walk-in’ system in the primary health care setting.
Subjects and Methods: A questionnaire survey was conducted included a convenient sample of 234 patients as well as 76 health care providers from two primary health care center
... Show MorePolycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) referring to a syndrome that is recognized as a life-course disease and has both metabolic and reproductive signs; main pathophysiological cause includes insulin resistance, hyperandrogenism, and oxidative stress state. The study aimed to assess the impact of combining Myoinositol and Metformin, the main insulin-sensitizing drugs, on improving clinical, metabolic, and hormonal parameters in females with PCOS. A clinical trial that was prospective, randomized, and comparative on 54 patients (aged 18-40 y) are divided into three groups: group1 patients allocated to receive Myo-inositol(4g), group2 patients assigned to receive Metformin(1g) and group3 patients assigned to receive Myo-inositol(4g) + Metformin
... Show MoreThat achieve a level of excellence for the quality of university education cannot be achieved only by uniting the efforts of all employees at the university and active participation by students and by alumni and the labor market and society, however we can say that the administrative and academic university staff play an active role and the largest in achieving equivalent quality of higher education, It should unite the efforts of all employees in the educational institution in order to achieve quality education. It is the concept of quality of education, quality assurance and overall management of the quality of the basic pillars on which it is based university education. That highlight the need fo
... Show MoreLong-term use of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) mostly associated with renal and hepatic adverse effects, and the adjunct use of compounds with potent protective effects, like silymarin, may be one of the choices to avoid these effects. This project was designed to evaluate the protective effect of silymarin against the suspected renal and hepatic injury induced with long term use of NSAIDs; 220 patients with osteoarthritis were randomized into 5 groups and treated with either silymarin 300mg/day alone, piroxicam 20mg/day alone, meloxicam 15mg/day alone or the combination of each of them with silymarin for 8 weeks. The renal and hepatic functions were evaluated before starting treatment and after 8 weeks including assessm
... Show More
The world faces, in the last years of the last century and the beginning
of the current century i.e. the 21st century, a great expansion and a large
openness on new worlds in studies differ in their development, detection of
thinking methods and practice of mental processes.
The recent studies have proved an increase in the scientific
achievement among students through the presence of new techniques one of
which is Landa Organizing and Exploring Model concerning Physiology that
deals with various body organs.
This research aims at identifying the effectiveness of Landa Model on
the achievement of the Technical Medicine Institute students in Physiology so
as to be sure of the following nil hypothesis: there i
The study was designed in the northwestern part of Karbala city for the purpose of knowing the efficiency of some plant species of trees and shrubs planted by the municipality of the city to contribute to the deposition of dust particles suffered by the city's environment, in particular, as well as its ability to accumulate heavy metals in dust or soil, and to consider the study model for application in different parts of Iraq. It was found that the plant species (Acacia , Eucalyptus , Clkonukiyrs and Dodenia) in the studied area that were given the symbols (A,B,C and D respectively). Used the method of calculating the leaf area index to calculate the amount of dust drawn by the stock plant, then chemical digestion dry
... Show MoreAutorías: Amwag Mohammed Ali Qasim, Ghassan Adeeb Abdulhasan. Localización: Revista iberoamericana de psicología del ejercicio y el deporte. Nº. 6, 2021. Artículo de Revista en Dialnet.