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Content-based Image Retrieval (CBIR) using Hybrid Technique
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Image retrieval is used in searching for images from images database. In this paper, content – based image retrieval (CBIR) using four feature extraction techniques has been achieved. The four techniques are colored histogram features technique, properties features technique, gray level co- occurrence matrix (GLCM) statistical features technique and hybrid technique. The features are extracted from the data base images and query (test) images in order to find the similarity measure. The similarity-based matching is very important in CBIR, so, three types of similarity measure are used, normalized Mahalanobis distance, Euclidean distance and Manhattan distance. A comparison between them has been implemented. From the results, it is concluded that, for the database images used in this work, the CBIR using hybrid technique is better for image retrieval because it has a higher match performance (100%) for each type of similarity measure so; it is the best one for image retrieval.

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Publication Date
Sun Apr 26 2020
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Synthesis and characterization of silver oxide nanoparticles prepared by chemical bath deposition for NH3 gas sensing applications
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Nano-silver oxide thin films with high sensitivity for NH3 gas were deposited on glass substrates by the chemical bath deposition technique. The preparations were made under different values of pH and deposition time at 70áµ’ C, using silver nitrate AgNO3 and triethanolamine. XRD analysis showed that all thin films were
polycrystalline with several peaks of silver oxides such as Ag2O, AgO and Ag3O4, with an average crystallite size that ranged between 31.7 nm and 45.8 nm, depending on the deposition parameters. Atomic force microscope (AFM) technique illustrated that the films were homogenous with different surface roughness and the
grain size ranged between 55.69 nm and 86.23 nm. The UV-Vis spectrophotometer showed that the op

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Scopus (3)
Scopus Crossref
Publication Date
Thu Jan 31 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Mechanical Properties Enhancement of Conventional Glass Ionomer Cement by Adding Zirconium Oxide Micro and Nanoparticles
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The aim of this work is to enhance the mechanical properties of the glass ionomer cement GIC (dental materials) by adding Zirconium Oxide ZrO2 in both micro and nano particles. GIC were mixed with (3, 5 and 7) wt% of both ZrO2 micro and nanoparticles separately. Compressive strength (CS), biaxial flexural strength (BFS), Vickers Microhardness (VH) and wear rate losses (WR) were investigated. The maximum compression strength was 122.31 MPa with 5 wt. % ZrO2 micro particle, while 3wt% nanoparticles give highest Microhardness and biaxial flexural strength of 88.8 VHN and 35.79 MPa respectively. The minimum wear rate losses were 3.776µg/m with 7 wt. % ZrO2 nanoparticle. GIC-contai

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Crossref (11)
Publication Date
Sun Oct 01 2023
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Gaussian Integer Solutions of the Diophantine Equation x^4+y^4=z^3 for x≠ y
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The investigation of determining solutions for the Diophantine equation  over the Gaussian integer ring for the specific case of  is discussed. The discussion includes various preliminary results later used to build the resolvent theory of the Diophantine equation studied. Our findings show the existence of infinitely many solutions. Since the analytical method used here is based on simple algebraic properties, it can be easily generalized to study the behavior and the conditions for the existence of solutions to other Diophantine equations, allowing a deeper understanding, even when no general solution is known.

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Scopus (1)
Scopus Crossref
Publication Date
Tue Jan 08 2019
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Physics
Some electrical properties of PVA:PEG/MnCl2 thin film composites
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PVA:PEG/MnCl2 composites have been prepared by adding (MnCl2) to the mixture of the poly vinyl alcohol (PVA) and poly ethylene glycol (PEG) with different weight percentages (0, 2, 4, 6, 8 and 10) wt.% by using casting method. The type of charge carriers, concentration (nH) and Hall mobility (μH) have been estimated from Hall measurements and show that the films of all concentration have a negative Hall coefficient. In D.C measurement increase temperature leads to decrease the electrical resistance. The D.C conductivity of the composites increases with the increasing of the concentration of additive particles and temperature. The activation energy decreases for all composites with increasing the concentration of the additive particles.

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Crossref (2)
Publication Date
Sun Apr 30 2023
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Temperature Dependence of AC Conductivity and Complex Dielectric Constant of Cd2Si1-xGexO4 Compound
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In this work, samples of Cd2Si1-xGexO4 prepared by powder technology for (x = 0, 0.3, 0.6) were studied. The effect of (Ge) additives at different ratio of Ge (x=0, 0.3, 0.6) on the behavior of dielectric constant, dielectric loss and a,c conductivity were measured as a function of temperature at a selected frequencies (0.01 – 10) MHz in the temperature range 298 K to 473 K. The dielectric constant and dielectric loss obtained different behavior with the additives of (Ge). The activation energy for the electrical conduction process was studied.

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Publication Date
Mon Dec 03 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Thermal Properties of Lead-Acid Battery Plastic Lightweight Concrete
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This study investigates the possibility of using waste plastic as one of the components of expired lead-acid batteries to produce lightweight concrete. Different percentages of lead-acid battery plastic were used in the production of lightweight concrete. The replacements were (70, 80 and 100%) by volume of the fine and coarse aggregate. Results demonstrated that a reduction of approximately 23.6% to 35% in the wet density was observed when replacement of 70% to 100% of the natural aggregate by lead-acid battery plastic. Also, the compressive strength decreased slightly with the increase in plastic content at different curing ages of 7, 28, 60, 90, 120 days. The lowest value of compressive strength was (20.7 MPa) for (wa

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Crossref (1)
Publication Date
Wed Jan 01 2020
Journal Name
Cogent Engineering
Influence of recycled concrete aggregate treatment methods on performance of sustainable warm mix asphalt
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his study aimed to investigate the usability of Recycled Concrete Aggregate (RCA) in warm mix asphalt (WMA) as the implementation of sustainable construction technology. Five replacement rates (0%, 25%, 50%, 75%, and 100%) were tested for the coarse fraction of virgin aggregate (VA) with 3 types of RCA: untreated RCA, HL-treated RCA, and HCL-treated RCA. Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) analyses were performed to investigate the surface morphology for both treated and untreated RCA. The optimum asphalt cement content for every substitution rate was determined using Marshall mix design method. Thereafter, asphalt concrete specimens were prepared using the optimum asphalt cement content, followed by the evaluation of their performance prope

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Crossref (14)
Publication Date
Mon Oct 01 2018
Journal Name
The Saudi Dental Journal
Evaluation of some mechanical properties of a new silicone elastomer for maxillofacial prostheses after addition of intrinsic pigments
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Objective: The approximate life span of a silicone maxillofacial prosthesis is as short as1.5–2 years of clinical service, then a new prosthesis should be fabricated. The most common reasonfor re-making the prosthesis is silicone mechanical properties degradation. The aim of this studywas to assess some mechanical properties of VST-30 silicone for maxillofacial prostheses after addi-tion of intrinsic pigments.Methods: Two types of intrinsic pigments (rayon flocking and burnt sienna); each of them wasincorporated into silicone. One hundred and twenty samples were prepared and split into 4 groupsaccording to the conducted tests (tear strength, hardness, surface roughness, and tensile strengthand elongation percentage) with 30 samples for ea

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Scopus (19)
Crossref (18)
Scopus Clarivate Crossref
Publication Date
Sun Jun 04 2017
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
A study of some physical, chemical and biological properties of Slabiaat River waters in Al-Muthanna province, Iraq
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Present study was conducted in order to assess Slabiaat water quality by measuring some physical and chemical factors of river water, the study included a choice of three stations along of Slabiaat River in Samawa city, water samples collected a monthly during the period from September 2013 August 2014. The study involved measuring the Air & water temperatures, pH, Electrical conductivity, Total dissolved solids, Dissolved oxygen, Total hardness, calcium hardness, magnesium, turbidity, and some types of bacteria in River water. The study results showed that the values of air & water temperatures have ranged between (20.1-36.6)?C , (10-21.8) in Slabiaat River, respectively . pH values ranged between (6.6-8.7). Electrical conductivity in

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Scopus (2)
Scopus Crossref
Publication Date
Tue Jan 08 2019
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Physics
The structure and optical properties of organic semiconductor bulk hetrojunction blend (NiPcTs/Alq3) thin films
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The effect of heat treatment on the optical properties of the bulk heterojunction blend nickel (II) phthalocyanine tetrasulfonic acid tetrasodium salt and Tris (8-hydroxyquinolinato) Aluminum (NiPcTs/Alq3) thin films which prepared by spin coating was described in this study. The films coated on a glass substrate with speed of 1500 rpm for 1.5 min and treated with different annealing temperature (373, 423 and 473) K. The samples characterized using UV-Vis, X ray diffraction and Fourier transform Infrared (FTIR) spectra, XRD patterns indicated the presence of amorphous and polycrystalline blend (NiPcTs/Alq3). The results of UV visible shows that the band gap increase with increasing the annealing temperature up to 373 K and decreases with

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