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Content-based Image Retrieval (CBIR) using Hybrid Technique
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Image retrieval is used in searching for images from images database. In this paper, content – based image retrieval (CBIR) using four feature extraction techniques has been achieved. The four techniques are colored histogram features technique, properties features technique, gray level co- occurrence matrix (GLCM) statistical features technique and hybrid technique. The features are extracted from the data base images and query (test) images in order to find the similarity measure. The similarity-based matching is very important in CBIR, so, three types of similarity measure are used, normalized Mahalanobis distance, Euclidean distance and Manhattan distance. A comparison between them has been implemented. From the results, it is concluded that, for the database images used in this work, the CBIR using hybrid technique is better for image retrieval because it has a higher match performance (100%) for each type of similarity measure so; it is the best one for image retrieval.

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Publication Date
Sun Apr 09 2017
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
An Ecological Study for Irrigational Project (Beat- Zwena River) in Diyala Province
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The current study was conducted on irrigational project called (Beat Zwena River), located in Jadedat- alshat, within the province of Dyala, which is divided from the right side of the Tigris River, the project significant environmental importance was passed in several agricultural areas estimated about 1600 acres, and it is also used for the purposes of irrigation and drinking. One of the major drawback for the current study is the almost lack data about the physiochemical parameter, in addition to measure (chlorophyll a and phyophtin of the River under investigation, in five locations for the period of October 2013 until June 2014. The range of studied properties was: 10.83 -38.75°C and 9.17 -28.5°C for air and water temperature,

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Publication Date
Mon Dec 18 2017
Journal Name
Al-khwarizmi Engineering Journal
Mechanical Properties of MIG Joints for Dissimilar Aluminum Alloys
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The research aims to investigate the effects of GMAW or MIG welding process on the mechanical properties of dissimilar aluminum alloys 2024-T351 and AA 6061- T651. A series of experimental techniques have been conducted to evaluate mechanical properties of the alloys, by carrying out hardness, tensile and bending tests for welded and un-welded specimens.

Metal inert gas (MIG) has been carried out on sheet metal using ER- 4043(AlSi5) as a filler metal and argon as shielded gas. The welded joints were tested by X-ray radiography and Faulty pieces were excluded.

Welding joints without defects are subjected to heat treatment including heating the joints in furnace to 170 °C for half an hour then air cooling to rel

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Publication Date
Sun Jun 21 2020
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Structural and Thermal Unusual Properties in Invar Behavior of Ni-Mn Alloys
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The Invar effect in 3D transition metal such as Ni and Mn, were prepared on a series composition of binary Ni1-xMnx system with x=0.3, 0.5, 0.8 by using powder metallurgy technique. In this work, the characterization of structural and thermal properties have been investigated experimentally by X-ray diffraction, thermal expansion coefficient and vibrating sample magnetometer (VSM) techniques. The results show that anonymously negative thermal expansion coefficient are changeable in the structure. The results were explained due to the instability relation between magnetic spins with lattice distortion on some of ferromagnetic metals.    

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Publication Date
Mon Apr 24 2017
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Influence of the Annealing Temperature on optical Properties of (CuInSe2) Thin Films
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  The Influence of annealing temperature on the optical properties of (CuInSe2) thin films was studied. Thermal evaporation in vacuum technique has been used for films deposited on glass substrates, these films were annealed in vacuum at (100C°, 200C°) for (2 hours). The optical properties were studied in the range (300-900) nm. The obtained results revealed a reduction in energy band gap with annealing temperature . optical parameters such as reflectance, refractive index, extinction coefficient, real and imaginary parts of the dielectric constant, skin depth and optical conductivity are investigated before and after annealing. It was found that all these parameters were affected by annealing temperature.

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Publication Date
Wed Mar 18 2020
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Effect of CO2 Laser Irradiation on the Topographic and Optical Properties of CdO Thin Films
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     In this study, cadmium oxide (CdO) was deposited on glass bases by thermal chemical spraying technique at three concentrations (0.05, 0.1, 0.15) M and then was irradiated by CO2 laser with 10.6 μm wave length and 1W power. The results of the atomic force microscope AFM test showed that the surfaces of these CdO thin films were homogenous and that the laser irradiated effect resulted in decreasing the roughness of the surface as well as the heights of the granular peaks, indicating a greater uniformity and homogeneity of the surfaces. The optical properties were studied to determine laser effect. The results of optical tests of these thin films showed that the photoluminescence spectra and absorption s

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Publication Date
Sun Mar 05 2017
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Studying the effective of conductor polymer substrate on the electrical properties of semiconductors
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This research includes depositionof thin film of semiconductor, CdSe by vaccum evaporation on conductor polymers substrate to the poly aniline where, the polymer deposition on the glass substrats by polymerization oxidation tests polymeric films and studied the structural and optical properties through it,s IR and UV-Vis , XRD addition to thin film CdSe, on of the glass substrate and on the substrate of polymer poly-aniline and when XRD tests was observed to improve the properties of synthetic tests as well as the semiconductor Hall effect proved to improve the electrical properties significantly

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Publication Date
Sun Jan 01 2023
Journal Name
Aip Conference Proceedings
Recovery of methyl orange from aqueous solutions by bulk liquid membrane process facilitated with anionic carrier
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Dyes are extensively water-soluble and toxic chemicals. The disposing of wastewater rich with such chemicals has severely impacted surface water quality (rivers and lakes). In the current study, an anionic dye, methyl orange, were extracted from wastewater fluids using bulk liquid membranes supplemented with an anionic carrier (Aliquat 336 (QCI)). Parameters including solvent type (carbon tetrachloride and chloroform), membrane stirring speed (100-250 rpm), mixing speed of both phases (50-100 rpm), The feed pH (2-12) and implemented temperature (35-60 °C) were thoroughly analyzed to determine the effect of such variables on extraction effectiveness. Furthermore, the effect of methyl orange (10-50 ppm) in the feed stage and NaOH (0

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Publication Date
Fri Jan 31 2020
Journal Name
Iraqi Geological Journal
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Shear wave velocity is an important feature in the seismic exploration that could be utilized in reservoir development strategy and characterization. Its vital applications in petrophysics, seismic, and geomechanics to predict rock elastic and inelastic properties are essential elements of good stability and fracturing orientation, identification of matrix mineral and gas-bearing formations. However, the shear wave velocity that is usually obtained from core analysis which is an expensive and time-consuming process and dipole sonic imager tool is not commonly available in all wells. In this study, a statistical method is presented to predict shear wave velocity from wireline log data. The model concentrated to predict shear wave velocity fr

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Publication Date
Mon Jun 01 2020
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Physics
Optical and structural properties of synthesized ZnO nanorods through chemical bath deposition on various substrates
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Chemical bath deposition was used to synthesize ZnO nanorods (NRs) on glass and fluorine_doped tin oxide (FTO) substrates. X-ray diffraction was performed to examine the crystallinity of ZnO nanorod. Results showed that ZnO NRs had a wurtzite crystal structure. Field emission scanning electron microscopy images showed that glass sample had rod-like structure distribution with (50 nm) diameter and average length of approximately (700 nm), whereas the FTO-coated glass sample had 25 nm diameter and average length of approximately 950 nm. The direct optical transition band gaps of the glass and FTO_coated glass samples were( 4 and 4.43 eV), respectively. The structural and optical properties of the synthesized ZnO p

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Publication Date
Wed May 01 2024
Journal Name
Journal Of Physics: Conference Series
Analyze the Structure and Electrical Properties of PbBr<sub>2</sub> Ca<sub>1.9</sub>Sb<sub>0.1</sub>Cu<sub>3</sub>O<sub>8+</sub> <sub>δ</sub> Superconducting Gamma Irradiation
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The purpose of the current work was to evaluate the effect of Radiation of Gamma on the superconducting characteristics of the compound PbBr2Ca1.9Sb0.1Cu3O8+δ utilizing a 137Cs source at doses of 10, 15, and 20MRad. Solid state reaction technology was used to prepare the samples. Before and after irradiation, X-ray diffraction (XRD) and superconductor properties were examined. Results indicated that the tetragonal structure of our chemical corresponds to the Pb-1223 phase with an increase in the ratio c/a as a result of gamma irradiation. (Tc (onset) ) and on set temperature Tc (offset)) were also dropping from 113 to the 85.6 K and 129.5 to 97 K, respectively, for a transition temperatu

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