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Fabrication and Characterization CdO: In/Si Photovoltaic Solar Cell Prepard By Thermal Evaporation
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Publication Date
Sun Mar 31 2024
Journal Name
Iraqi Geological Journal
Accumulation, Bioavailability, and Health Risk of Heavy Metals in Some Plants Obtained from Abu-Ghraib Land, Baghdad, Iraq
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The study of the distribution of major oxides and heavy metals in some plants collecting and analyzing eighteen plant samples of vegetables including carrot, onion, eggplant, cucumber, and okra obtained from Abu Ghraib land located about 20 km west of Baghdad, Iraq. Eighteen plant samples of vegetables,.Heavy metals can have a severe impact if released into the environment, even in trace quantities. These can enter the food chain from aquatic and agricultural ecosystems and indirectly threaten human health.. Trace elements and oxides of As, Cd, Co, Cr, Cu, Mn, Mo, Ni, Pb, Se, Th, U, V, and Zn were measured in plant samples using an X-Ray Fluorescence Instrument (XRF). TEs analyses of vegetables were performed in the Iraqi German Lab

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Publication Date
Sat Jun 12 2021
Journal Name
Biochemical And Cellular Archives
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Fumonisin B1 is toxic secondary metabolites compound produced by Fusarium spp. on maize and maize products causes health problems to human and animal. Therefore, this research is planned to study the effect of FB1 on the expression of TLR-2 & 4 in liver and kidney cells of mice. Four group of male mice were orally administrated with single dose of FB1 toxin as the following: 0 ppb, 800 ppb, 1200 ppb and 1600 ppb. After two weeks all animals were sacrificed, liver and kidney autopsies were taken and the level of TLR-2 & 4 detected in each four group by immunohistochemistry technique (IHC). According to the IHC examination of groups (1, 2, 3 and 4) strong expression of TLR2 in liver and kidney were (0%, 33.3%, 100%, 100%), respectively. This

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Publication Date
Sun Mar 03 2013
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Modifying Plaque assay and Clearance test as tools in determination of phage typing for E. Coli bacterial interspecies
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Bacteriophage of E. Coli interspecies from sewage samples were isolated , the phage particles were isolated from two different sewage samples . The first sample was collected from sewage sample of Baghdad university and the second sample was isolated from domestic sewage sample , first sample showed phages specialized for three E. Coli interspecies bacteria (first plate ) and two E. Coli interspecies bacteria (second plate ) , meanwhile second sample showed phage specialized for two E. Coli. interspeciesThe study of appearance of E coli phages from first sample showed three types of E. coli phages with different size of inhibition zone ( 1 , 0.7,0.5 )Cm respectively ( first plate ) , meanwhile E. Coli interspecies bacteria showed phages

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Publication Date
Sat Dec 01 2018
Journal Name
Al-khwarizmi Engineering Journal
Experimental and Numerical Investigation for Simulation of Thermophysical Properties for Polypropylene 575 Polymer Melts in Single Screw Extruder
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A numerical model for Polypropylene 575 polymer melts flow along the solid conveying screw of a single screw extruder under constant heat flux using ANSYS-FLUENT 17.2 software has been conducted. The model uses the thermophysical properties such as Viscosity, thermal conductivity, Specific heat and density of polypropylene 575 that measured as a function of temperature, and residence time data for process simulation. The numerical simulation using CFD models for single screw extruder and the polymer extrusion was analysed for parameters such as (thermal conductivity, specific heat, density and viscosity) reveals a high degree of similarity to experimental data measured. The most important outcome of this study is that geometrical, parame

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Publication Date
Mon Mar 08 2021
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Impact germination in the content of the chemical components of Homs and sensory qualities of Biskt plant it,
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This study was conducted to identify the impact of germination in the ratio Almaah of Chemical Constituents of Homs and in the organoleptic properties of the Biskt plant it and compare the results with the treatment control (seeds Almnepth) Adhrt results for a significant increase in the percentage of crude protein with the progress of the process of germination, reaching 24.5% in percentage of crude protein with the progress of the germination process Krbu hydrate college during the germination period, reaching 59.2% in the fourth day

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Publication Date
Sat Jun 03 2023
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Basin analysis of Cretaceous to Tertiary selected wells in Kirkuk and Bai Hassan Oil Fields, Kirkuk, Northern Iraq
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Basin analysis (geohistory) is carried out on the Cretaceous to Tertiary succession in five wells at Kirkuk and Bai Hassan Oil Fields during the Aptian to the Recent. The Foothill Zone exhibited a complex subsidence and uplift history over a period of about 132 Ma. The results from studied wells backstripping provide a record of the subsidence and uplift history in a number of important Meso-Cenozoic depositional successions. They show that there are three distinct episodes separated by unconformity surfaces. The value of compaction varies from large during the Cretaceous period to less clearly during the Paleogene and then almost non-existent during the Neogene. Generally, the subsidence is continuous and gradual during Mesozoic and sud

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Publication Date
Mon Nov 29 2021
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Effect of Anti Mullerian Hormone (AMH) on Hyperthyroidism with and without polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS) in female patients
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Effect Anti-Mullerian Hormone (AMH) on thyroid levels in patients with and
without polycystic ovarian syndrome PCOS was studied, The results showed an
increase in AMH ,T3 ,T4 with increase of age while TSH , BMI decreased with
increase of age comparing to control in hyperthyroidism with PCOS patients.
Otherwise an increase in AMH, TSH, BMI, T3 and T4 with increase of Age
compared to healthy group in hyperthyroidism without PCOS. Effect of ovarian
hormones (AMH) on inventory levels of thyroid and perturbations in terms of
increases and its impact obesity as well as fertility in women was declared in this
research. Serum Anti-Müllerian Hormone (AMH) was assessed using enzyme linked
immunosorbent kit [Elisa] whil

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Publication Date
Wed May 17 2017
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Effects of Temperature on Thermodynamic parameters and Carbon Nanotubes Growth Rate on Aluminum Electrode in Electrochemical deposition Process
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 The optimum process conditions of the electrochemical deposition of carbon nanotubes (CNT) have been established by using developed, cheap and simple system. It has been found that temperature affects on the rate, purity and the yield of CNT obtained in this process. The electrochemical behavior of CNT deposition, kinetic and thermodynamic parameters were also discussed.

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Publication Date
Wed Feb 01 2012
Journal Name
Journal Of Physical Education
Standard degrees for tests results to some physical abilities and defense rebound for tall players in basketball school
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The test considers from important methods and tools when we using the evaluation because it is a basic role in diagnosis & classification & motive & selection &guiding &prediction and the problem was formatted in some questions like ( what is physical variables that tall players needs n the game and effect on the game ? what is the tests that measures these variables also the defense rebound variable and is there a references standard specialized in that ?) , the aims of research represented by knowing to some physical abilities for tall players in basketball school and their tests and putting new tests to measure defense rebound to one player and tow tall players also limiting the standards degrees ( modified un following method ) to resul

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Publication Date
Thu Mar 15 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of Baghdad College Of Dentistry
Waterpipe Smoking Effect on Clinical Periodontal Parameters, Salivary Flow Rate and Salivary pH in Chronic ‎Periodontitis Patient
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Background: Waterpipe tobacco smoking has become common especially among young people, Waterpipe smoking misconcepted as a safer mean of smoking, so in this study we will highlight the effect of Waterpipe smoking ‎on periodontal and oral health.‎ Materials and method. The selected ‎‎‎100 male subjects of 30-40 years, ‎categorized into 4 groups (each group ‎‎25 subject): Waterpipe smoker ‎with ‎healthy periodontium, ‎Waterpipe smoker ‎‎with chronic periodontitis, Non-‎‎smoker ‎with healthy periodontium and Non-smoker ‎with chronic periodontitis. Whole ‎unstimulated ‎saliva was collected. Clinical measurements: plaque ‎index

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